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Everything posted by wagner

  1. really wish OSU would stop getting fun the fuck over, I'm tire of listening to my wife scream at the TV...
  2. I don't know if he lost a seat weld, it was more of a bad desgin on how they had it on the seat, that and he was using a straight carbon fiber seat with no insert. From what I've read the mounting point for the seat should have been wider, to help spread the load, but those are e-chassis guys. There have been some TERRIBLE wrecks this year on the track and what kept people alive vs a KIA in a lot of these was how well built the car was. I can't stress enough guys how important safety gear is. Don't think "it will never happen to me", that is how you end up a cripple or dead. Cars are going way to fast now and its not worth it. If you don't want to cut your car up, then don't build it to go that quick, period.
  3. I've had a few "oh shit" moments in my life, this has not taken the top spot I'm pretty sure the person who I would directly under is a "yes" vote for me, the other two will be close. The vibe I got is they are open to hire someone who has potential, so that plays in my favor. That and they asked lots of questions about my writing and how I would use it for content marketing.
  4. I had the interview today, spent about 45 minutes with each person. I found out the hard way this is NOT an entry level job, I would own the marketing plan for the entire retail segment for one of the products. The reason I say I found out the hard way is that when I presented to one of the interviewers that this was pitched to me by the HR person as an "entry level" job, he got kind of angry. It took me a minute to get the conversation under control after that. If I make the next cut and get the 4th interview I will be meeting with the big Vice President boss. Overall the upside to this position is huge and after talking with the team I'm buying into this.
  5. Thanks, post up when this happens again so I can get some more product :fuckyeah:
  6. Well, they don't have a bitchin ass video and real pictures from published photographer people, so they can go play instagram grab ass with all the teenage girls :fuckyeah:
  7. I have, they are fucking insane. On the flip side, I've also met just as many right wing nut jobs. Both are about as annoying as someone who drives on the freeway in the left lane with their blinker on going 10 mph under the speed limit. Bingo. Higher education has turned into the movie PCU, it is very funny.
  8. Lots of stuff about this just starting to show up. I wonder who could have done this? http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/17/europe/germany-netherlands-soccer-canceled/index.html
  9. But you can keep your doctor :gabe: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/obamacare-enrollees-reeling-high-deductibles-192300944.html
  10. Interview is at 9am on Thursday. I've been trying to get a hold of the HR person to get come additional information, but she seems to have a difficult time returning e-mails or phone calls. Wife and I talked about this for a while the other night, she is 100% on board and will find a way to make it work. If this does not work, it will be back to the grind trying to fine something.
  11. Trust me, he is just a big of a prick off camera as he is on. I had to deal with him at Norwalk a few years ago, just a total fuckstick.
  12. Nope, as real as it gets. That's the 2nd or 3rd big wreck rollover wreck this year on that show. Guy I know out of Texas rolled his killer S-10 during filiming a few weeks ago, and now this. I'm willing to bet the show gets the hook real soon. Putting low 4 second race cars on the street is just not safe not matter how much you pull out of the tune.
  13. Bad deal for sure, he has bruised lungs and crushed his L2 and L3 in his back, along with a broken collarbone. Dude is lucky to be alive after how bad this wreck was. Safety gear saves lives kids... http://www.dragzine.com/news/breaking-justin-big-chief-shearers-crow-destroyed-in-crash/
  14. Equally confusing, why are the French bombing this stuff all of the sudden? Have we not been "bombing" ISIS for a while now? Did the French use a cheat code to unlock the location of these targets?
  15. Well, I'm not a knuckle dragging right wing nut job that lumps all Muslim people into the same boat, so I would not think any of the above would work. The other thing I'm not is a military expert on what is going to 100% work, but I do know to get that solution the idiot that lives in the white house needs to be left out of the process and given some non critical things to do, because whatever he has been ordering is clearly not working. I would think it is going to take boots on the ground from all over the world, the non-asshole Muslims from other countries to help support this and show we are not invading, and finally it is going to take a whole bunch of killing. Will there be non-asshole muslims killed in the process? Sure, but I'm sure there are some smart military types that can mitigate that. The bottom line is this bullshit of just airstrikes and hoping the locals can get the job done is not working clearly. Its a complex mess of a situation that is going to get worse before it gets better. There are more of these fuckers running around the EU and this problem is only going to get worse for them. We should not let a single refugee into this country, period. I don't care how small the percentage is, if you knew one of the 6 grapes you were about to eat was full of poison would you still eat any of them?
  16. And that is why this will never be solved, ever. People don't want to pay the price of doing the job right.
  17. Well, I've got the interview next week and a call with the HR person today to get some additional information, after that we shall see.
  18. You don't have to tell me twice. If I could make strides in my full time job like I do my side projects I would be very happy, but for someone that does not have that e-word in certain areas it really is hard. Lots of good info and insight in this thread, it should be a lesson to others that asking others for help or ideas is never a bad thing. Some of the points brought up in here were things I never thought of fully. Besides, I was just presented with another media opportunity yesterday that this would put me close to, and will be a total game changer for the racers of Ohio :fuckyeah:
  19. Temporary living arrangements with family can be made pretty easy, so I'm not worried about the apt vs house thing up there until a later date. I think I'm going to go through the interview, hear what they have to say, and ask some very pointed questions. If I don't think this opportunity will be worth the risk to get me where I need, I will politely decline. And yes, you are correct, I will jump like a wild cat at a calculated risk in a heartbeat these days.
  20. After our meeting I zoomed in on sales/account management/relationship management. I applied for and looked at those types of jobs both internally and externally but nobody wants to give me a shot because I don't have that type of job on my resume in big bold screaming letters. I just know what I’m doing right now has no real future. It’s a great job if you are happy with pulling a check and punching a time clock. I’m over that, I want a job that pays me for my talent, ability, motivation, and potential. At this point I’m going through the interview no matter what to hear what they have to say and ask some pretty blunt questions. If I don’t like what I hear I can always say no right? I’m really starting to wonder about what the HR person said when she called this “entry level” because I’m interviewing with the Director of Marketing, the Marketing Manager, and the International Marketing Manager. I’ve never seen an entry level job where you interview with that many high level people.
  21. Well, if it does not work out I can always come back to the 614. This is not an easy thing for me at all, I really like it here, but I have goals that I'm not hitting here. People don't understand the struggle of being a type-a/door kicking mindset person and being stuck. It has pushed me to the brink of depression because of this lack of mobility. There wil be plenty of room to visit and even more to do hoodrat things Roger
  22. Yeah, I laughed at pretty much all of these things except the Crucial deal, they got 100% fucked by that guy. They are great people and just end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wiggs is ass cancer for the car people of Ohio, he needs removed.
  23. They don't offer any assistance, but that really won't be an issue. I would love to stay here, but again the job market is really not as good as the media wants you to think. For good jobs the market is VERY tight (this coming directly from my HR friends here in town). Nobody wants to hire someone that that have to spend more than 1 day training, so I keep getting told to pound sand, that's just life. Its not even close to a lock that I will get this, I might get bit by the "well we went with someone who had more xxx" yet again.
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