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Everything posted by wagner

  1. We don't have to sell, but I'm not in the mood to go back to apartment life really. If push comes to shove I might need that property manager info...
  2. Yeah, we will have to sell the house and that whole deal. I've been looking and trying for almost 2 years to get a better gig in a lot of places, the fact is that if you don't check every box in today's job market, people won't take a chance on you. The job (if I get it) would be a step-up in the sense that it would give me more of those "skills" on paper that will lead to something better down the road. This would give me that hardcore paper experience that HR people want, rather than the non-paper skills I have now.
  3. So, I am on the short list for a new job within my company in a different division. This particular division is one of the more profitable within our healthcare brand, so much so the company is investing in them heavily. This job will be a total career change for me, jumping from the legal/operations/customer facing side, to a marketing role that is more entry level, but has growth potential. I’m just totally hung up on the fact that we would have to relocate to someplace closer to Hudson Ohio where the job is based (north east-ish). Am I being dumb with this thought process and should just jump at the opportunity if offered? I’m looking for some real world feedback from those who have made this jump before and if it was worth it. Its not like I’m moving across the country, but we really like Columbus and I don’t want to make a giant McSteak.
  4. Well, maybe you can get together with this guy: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123415 He's looking for racing, and you're looking for food, sounds like you could help each other out if you ever meet up :gabe:
  5. I've always been a dirt track fan, but after seeing wingless sprints in person these guys are the best of the best. Just unreal how they wheel these cars with no fucks given. Best part is at 1:40ish when the number 24 car gives they guy that wheeled him the middle finger while hauling ass through the turn, fucking savage.
  6. I'm doing an article soon on another ACR car from 2004, would you be able to give me info on the car, or put me in contact with someone who can?
  7. Thank you all for the kind words. This is a crazy, fun, and interesting journey I've started with this photo/video/media stuff. I've got dreams and bigger goals where I want to go with all of this, it will be a fun ride for sure.
  8. Not to bad for the first time trying to use all of this gear and edit in b-roll footage over someone talking.
  9. Thanks to all who donated, we have one heck of a haul to take into the pantry :fuckyeah:
  10. Custom tune makes you go vroom, a canned tune might go click, click boom. Spend the money, go to Brian, get it done right to avoid issues. Let me tell you why, because there might be an underlying issue with the car you are not aware of. Car is running fine, no codes, ect but the problem could be there. You toss a canned tune on there without finding that issue that would show during a dyno pull/log and bad things will happen. How do I know this? When I first got my Trans Am I thought about just throwing a mail order tune on the car for my basic mods. Before I did that I took it to Brian for some base pulls during a dyno day, turns out there was an issue. My "stock" car had been "tuned" by someone and the car was deadly lean, no codes, ran fine, but a mail order tune would have blown that bitch up. TL;DR, Spend the money to do something right the first time, rather then doubling up costs later.
  11. That was in the plan, but it did not happen. On some future features I will be posting these things will be incorporated
  12. If you are able, please bring any donations for the food drive: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123304
  13. Treating people right, top level technical know how and providing outstanding customer service are what keep people coming back to you.
  14. Usually I'm the one taking the pictures or writing an article about a video, so its a bit strange for me to be in front of the camera and have an article done on said video at the same time. This is from Cars and Coffee last weekend, first time doing anything like this with brand new gear that I had tested for about 15 seconds. I've got a long way to go but plan on doing some fun and big stuff with more videos in the future. http://www.mustang6g.com/?p=7791
  15. He is laughed at in the aftermarket industry, I've seen it happen when he is talked about.
  16. Down go the potheads and money grabbers
  17. Thanks to those who donated at cars and coffee and look forward to seeing everybody Friday.
  18. Certain groups of people like to use the word "free" like they understand what it means. Nothing in life is free, blow jobs, horsepower, healthcare, and booze all have a cost. Why do something right when you can push some agenda built turd through the system? Just wait, when Obummercare goes into full swing it is going to get worse. A real, non-socialist system will never happen because it won't be "free" and stupid people can't get passed that.
  19. I will be at Cars and Coffee saturday morning taking donations as well.
  20. Turbo brick splitting some wigs
  21. Welcome, you have what appears to be a running turbo car, that is more than what many can say. Enjoy your stay and don't take anything here serious, because this is the internet and stuff.
  22. A well built rotary makes some serious power and one of my favorite sounding cars at the track. Downside, I see those same engines being rebuilt almost every pass
  23. wagner


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  24. You mean next friday right? I just need people to spread the word so we can get some donations. Like I said, my goal is to fill my car to the point where I have to ask for help taking this stuff in. Think of it this way, instead of blowing $5 on some over priced coffee this week, go to Aldi and score $5 of canned goods. I am willing to bet the person who gets that food will be more happy than that over priced cup of coffee will ever make you. Lots of people like to make a big flap about trying to make positive change on Earth, this is our opportunity to do it.
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