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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Both cars are bad ass but they are different in approach. The CTS is like a pretty girl that is prim and proper, but the second you lay the wood to her she is a dirty slut that can suck the skank off Tara Reid and fuck like she is paid to do it. The Hellcat is the loud chick doing shots at the bar, flashing her tits and will be open to ass play later. Can't go wrong with either, just depends on how you want to get the job done.
  2. I agree 100%, sort of like those who want to beat me with their bible, or tell gay's they are not human. I also was 100% joking about the bacon comment, its an inside joke between her and us. We asked her if she would be our DD to Baconfest this year. I also told her the next time the door to door jesus salespeople showed up she should troll them hard with questions like "if I convert to your system can I get white girl wated and eat ham?"
  3. Now this bothers me http://news.yahoo.com/mosque-members-on-san-bernardino-shooter---he-was-living-the-american-dream-170234658.html?nf=1 I saw an interview with these guys and these stupid sister fucking rednecks are calling them saying some pretty igonrant things. Not every muslim is a terrorist, sort of like every gun owner is not a right wing nut job. One of my wife's good friends is from the middle east and I feel bad for how some bigots speak to her, the only bad thing she's ever done to america in her life is not eat bacon.
  4. Brian Willams was there, so its true.
  5. It is 100% relevant, because if your the person training you was worth a damn, they would have got though what to do if you actually have to use your weapon, why you should NEVER use your weapon on unless you are in direct danger, and how to deal with LEO after the fact if you have to use or draw your weapon. If you're getting your ass beat in the kroger parking lot, guess what I'm not pulling my gun to help you buddy. I'll call 911, I'll tell the dude to back off, but I'm not the law and I'm not going to jail because someone else is an asshole. So now you want to turn it on me huh? I too was very young and more stupid than most. Had a knife pulled on me in college at a party, that was fun. Had to defend myself in a bar fight after I was sucker punched with my backed turned as I was walking away from the conflict. So yeah, been there, done that not impressed. I've had work place violence too working the door at a bar, never had anything to defend myself but a stick or my mind, and I"m still here.
  6. Do you have a permit to carry, or had the training from a certified person in the state of ohio, or any place for that matter?
  7. If you don't know how to use your gun or have solid training, you will. So yes, you would have your own gun used on you if you don't know what the hell you are doing. And, how do you know a mass shooting was not stopped or prevented with a firearm, if the person was able to stop it? And yes, one has been stopped: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/03/us/mohammed-drawing-contest-shooting/
  8. Nothing wrong with that at all, at least you realize the odds are rare.
  9. Its all about situational awareness and being just a little ready IF something were to happen. Right now there are 14 families wishing somebody would have been doing what you can't imagine. Also, our country is pretty safe, there are places that I try to avoid because in my mind they are not safe. Great example about knowing your situation and where you are going right here https://www.yahoo.com/travel/more-tourists-missing-in-mexico-1312883306373174.html
  10. Maybe, but that's why I look both ways when I cross to prevent that, sort of like why people carry a weapon to prevent a possible issue. Soooo, yeah... You don't have to carry anything, sort of like you don't have to be ready if your car has a flat tire. Its all about choices. When I go to Orlando in a month, guess what? Won't have a gun with me and I'm okay with that. I will find other ways to prevent issues and keep my wits about me. Its that easy my friend
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/california-massacre-shooter-pledged-allegiance-isis-cnn-154413583.html
  12. Oh here we go again... Its not that I don't feel safe, I prefer to feel ready if something were to happen. I can function as a normal adult without one, some people can't.
  13. The last thing people should be worried about are the refugee all stars, the threat is already here if people have not noticed yet. In the wake of the Paris attacks I changed my outlook on public safety, because its clear the idiot in charge and his band of friends are not worried enough. I carry a firearm or some other form of protection while in public at all times now. I have never been one to look for trouble and will be the first one to walk away from a confilct to lower its tense nature, but if trouble comes looking for me, I'll have an answer for it.
  14. Anything can be made to turn and go fast if you got cash or credit.
  15. I don't think they will get a deposit back on that rental SUV
  16. Its the Kalifornia, they expect a ribbon for trying :lolguy: Still no word on what was going on at the airport, or the 3rd shooter, or the guy they took in.
  17. Well, would you look at that... http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/03/us/san-bernardino-shooting/index.html
  18. Just saw a cell phone video of the shoot out, pretty intense, and shows how stupid the gen. pop of this country is. This kid is taking video of the chase as it rolls by you start hearing the fire fight, and the dumbass kid taking the video never takes cover as this firefight rages 100 or so yards down the road. Also read a breakdown of the chase and how it ended. Throwing pipe bombs at the cops, their "dub style" wheels caused a flat when they hit some bumpy road, one of them tried to exit the SUV while the other provided cover and that plan did not end well :lolguy: Have not heard any new details about what has been found at their home.
  19. tried that, nobody cared, this seems to get more clicks
  20. A silly concept from the PC world of college campus types. They don't want to face the real world, so the came up with this great idea. Google it, pure comedy gold follows.
  21. No, you did not mention giving me a safe space, free things, or banning the color number 9. Clearly you are full of race hate and want to violate me. I'm calling the internet police now, hater.
  22. Don't like my thoughts on him, super, that's what makes america great. I might be wrong, it happens a lot, but I'm never going to back down from the fact he is the idiot in charge. I'm sorry if that offends people, but its kind of true. You can keep blowing holes in what I posted, maybe that will help spur some more facts to be brought up, that's why I posted this. But it won't hide the fact that there is something way wrong with this deal. Have a blessed day
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