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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. So the m4 and m4a1 are the auto weapons and the semi auto is the ar?
  2. I was thinking this. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4_carbine I was under the understanding the m4 was a smaller adjustable stock m16 that fires semi and 3 round burst. Also that the M4A1 was the semi and full auto variant of the M4 while the AR15 was the semi auto only version of the m4. I carry an M4A1 at work its semi/full auto although I believe full auto is a dumb idea unless your making a last stand against a mob of zombies and don't mind losing a lot of ammo. But am I mistaken here about which is which? I know a lot of guns nomenclature and parts get interchanged especially while dealing with mil-spec weapons.
  3. M4 as in the full auto version of the AR15 or something else?
  4. This is true. It can be a real pain in the ass to deal with.
  5. http://www.woai.com/news/local/story/Deputy-shoots-gunman-at-San-Antonio-movie-theater/2wFsix5ntU2CDrsHjXx2kQ.cspx Similar to the shooting in Oregon 1 good guy (girl) with a gun stopped a shooter before he could kill several people. For those that said a gun in the Colorado shooting wouldn't have made a difference due to the amount of people running around, this seems to show it more than likely would have saved lives.
  6. Because the chick on the back should be in the kitchen making sammiches! Not dragging her baggage along on a nice bike ride.
  7. And how to get your snake out when you put it too deep in a tight hole.
  8. I see the trun k was a major factor here. We should ban vehicles that have a capacity to carry weapons. If we didn't have those he wouldn't have been able to get the weapons to the school.
  9. Yeah. But its still a free year. I didn't really see anything in it that would prevent you from re-signing up for it next year. But their site kinda sucks if your using your phone.
  10. Jrmmiii where is your proof that less guns actually decreases violence? Your Harvard stats only show to me that violence breeds more violence. Meaning it would seem logical to buy a gun if you live in a violent area to protect yourself from the bad guys. Like its been stated before the bad guys will always have guns I want it to be a fair fight if they choose to use them against me. Why do we as a country have a military? They are very violent when need be they kill lots of people yet no one is calling for us to get rid of them or restrict their power. Could it be that they realize that the military is necessary because there are "evil people" that we need protected from.
  11. If your Law Enforcement Military or first responded and you qualify for the Life of Duty membership the life insurance will pay out $27,000 if you die on duty.
  12. And they did it anyways, they must be above the law! I guess that's why its so easy for them to say stricter laws are needed they don't plan on following them anyhow.
  13. Just signed up pretty awesome deal and free $27,000 life insurance.
  14. More Guns, Less Crime in Virginia 11/27/2012 Virginia Commonwealth University Professor Thomas Baker has crunched the numbers in the state of Virginia, and has determined that gun sales in the state have climbed 73% since 2006, while the number of violent crimes involving guns has declined by more than 27%. For years, we've heard the shrill voices of those who hate your guns. "More guns on the street means more crime!" "More guns equals more murder!" and so on. And yet, clearly that's not the case. So now the gun ban crowd is changing its tune. Andrew Goddard, a gun control advocate in Virginia, told WTOP radio, "It's quite possible that you can sell a whole lot more guns and crime is still going down. But is the crime going down because more people are buying guns, or is the crime going down because the crime is going down?" I don't know anyone who thinks a decline in violent crime can be attributed to a single factor. That's not the point. The point is that, despite Goddard's new assertion, the anti-gunners have been telling us that what's happening in Virginia is impossible. The point is people like Andrew Goddard think that Virginians would be safer with Chicago-style gun control laws, even though that flies in the face of logic and reality. The point is, gun owners and the NRA have been right all along. It's the criminals, not the law-abiding gun owners, who are the issue. More guns, less crime isn't just "quite possible," it's a fact. http://home.nra.org/iphone.aspx/blog/342
  15. So illegally using a firearm part for "dramatic manner" is ok but any other use is bad? I thought guns themselves were bad but its ok for him to have it?
  16. Why do we need to fight guns? We need to be able to fight bad people with guns using good people with guns. The only way a gun ban would work is if every gun on the planet didn't exist then we would have no gun violence just violence with a different tool so less guns solves nothing. Bad people will always find a way to aquire guns taking guns away from good people or not allowing good people to have a gun in certain areas makes those people and places easy targets.
  17. Box store? Is that code for a brothel?
  18. I had a friend that went to MMI and become a well trained mechanic. After a few years him and a buddy left the dealerships they were at and opened their own shop. They were doing really well with steady business. But eventually he got burnt out and decided to enlist in the army. They closed up shop and I asked him why and he said the money was good but turning your hobby into your career kind of takes the fun out of it. I understand that your planning on a higher level than he was at but it may still fit. I'd think your best bet would be try to get ahold of some manufactures of bikes and components. In Ohio your going to be limited to Honda (they don't build bikes here but sometimes test them near Marysville), Showa, or Harley if you travel. I can't think of anyone else off hand. Maybe look into R+D there's a place beside the Honda plant called TRC that does all sorts of testing but most of the engineers there work for Honda. You could get into tires those are always changing but the closest would be Goodyear and they aren't really known for motorcycle tires. You could contact Don Guhl of Guhl motorsports, he is the go to guy for getting the computer on your bike reflashed. They do a lot of performance stuff there and are a small enough shop that you can probably get in and talk to them about your career choice and how to go about it. They are in Pennsylvania somewhere. About a month ago someone started a thread about this same exact topic you may want to dig that up so people don't have to repeat what they said in there.
  19. So if the crime went up per capita after the ban how can you expect it to go better here? We obviously are more violent so less guns won't help.
  20. Let's look at before and after numbers. Yes its from 09 but the stats still there. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1223193/Culture-violence-Gun-crime-goes-89-decade.html
  21. Yeah its crazy how those guns light fires and start shooting people on their own.
  22. Just going to throw it out there. Title 21 of the United States Code allows for seizures of vehicles used in smuggling illegal persons or contraband. It also allows for vehicles that have been constructed or modified with hidden compartments to be seized even without a charge of smuggling issued against the owner/ operator. Factory voids in the vehicle don't count as hidden compartments unless used as such. A lockbox or safe doesn't count as a hidden compartment unless used to convey illegal contraband. There was a guy who bought one of those really fast speeds boats. He got inspected by customs and they discovered a hidden secret compartment built into the boat. The owner of the boat informed them of several other hidden compartments on the boat. Due to the several hidden compartments and the amount of power the boat had compared to its size they were able to prove the boats primary purpose was smuggling. They seized his boat and several others built by the company that built his.
  23. Yeah I was half asleep running on 4 hours of sleep last night. But the Mexican stat is still there.
  24. That's the way its listed, per million in the UK and the others as 100,000.
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