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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. This is what I'm interested in " What I do at home on a keyboard is just pure fun and those who choose to judge me on what they see on their screen well so be it. " (from above). Let me back track a little I have stayed away from the drama since back in the lbts shit. I've been open minded. Before I saw the screen image from your site talking about us (OR) and what not I was even thinking about checking with you about your prices. Even though Ryan has been great to me I was going to give you a chance for my business. I don't look for the cheapest price if its close, I'll pay a few extra bucks to help Ryan (hoblick) out over the big competition because I'm all about supporting new Ohio businesses even though I live 1800 miles from there. I was going to do the same with you maybe purchase every other purchase from you guys. But now I'm not. All my business is going to Hoblick now. I'm rebuilding an 01 rc51. I know the parts I can get from the 2 of you are not much $ as far as a business is concerned but the $ spent from one customer to a business is significant. I'm sure Hoblick appreciates that you've convinced me to stay away from you and your business. Now back to my quote of you from above ^^^^. Are you saying you talk about your disdain for us on your site, behind our backs for fun and its not true? Are you puffing your chest in front of your boys since your the prez yet your really our friend? Just saying you dislike us for fun? What's really happening here? By the way casper is not our leader he is our friend. The very first night I met him he and his family took myself my wife and some other riders into their house to hide out from a storm. They never met me before that meet and greet yet they said its raining and you've got a long ride come to our house. They could have just said it sucks to be you but they didn't. He has asked you to leave this site but you continue to poke the bear. Why can't you leave us alone. If you don't like us why don't you leave us alone? Unless your just trying to take advantage of us and profit from us.
  2. This^^^^^^ and 555and 78 for starters. How long have you lived in SE Ohio?
  3. ^^^^^that should cover any run in you may have with them.
  4. INA 287 gives them the authority to pull anyone over for an immigration inspection. Title 21 authority gives them the authority to enforce drug violations that they come across while performing their regular duties. They have customs authority to board any vessel in waters that connect to the sea border and check documents including checking the keel number. Then they can use any open view observation while checking the keel # as probable cause to search further. As far as pulling you over for speeding its a grey area. Yes they can pull you over for it but it depends on the state on how its handled from there. Most of the time if your polite they will tell you to slow down and be safe. If you run that's a felony. If your a jerk and they want to issue a ticket several states will take them testifying as enough for you to be issued a ticket. So they would call a local to issue the ticket based off of their observation. I don't know if Ohio is one of the states that allow that though.
  5. Probably the kind where you bend over and grab your ankles a lot.
  6. A game warden/wildlife officer most likely doesn't have a radar to determine your speed and you'd have to be going well above the speed limit for him to justify the stop. It would mostly be a reckless OP violation. A park ranger often has the radar and has the authority to pull people over on any road that connects to a state park. Some federal agencies have the authority to issue traffic citations (depending on the state) but rarely do they carry the paperwork and will call a local LEO.
  7. Shop dog. You can order the parts and he does mobile services. Great guy answers all your questions good prices and great customer service.
  8. I bet the scooter guys don't.
  9. I haven't seen any post from him (OP) in here for a bit. I think he came in took a shit on our chest and left without calling back, expecting us to freak out. But little does he know we love shit like this. It's how we entertain ourselves.
  10. This guy should be a door to door vespa salesman. You've almost got me convinced to buy one then I remember how I think of people I see riding them.
  11. http://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2013-subaru-brz-sports-car-first-drive-review Wait until they come out with the sti version of this. Unlike the wrx its more practical as a sports car because it doesn't have the rally car design that'll never leave pavement.
  12. I love it that people call sport bikes crotch rockets cuz that makes me a crotch rocketeir. Drunk chicks think I'm some kinda astronaut when I say that. If a sportbike is a a crotch rocket does that make a cruiser an ass slug?
  13. While were at it why isn't there a section about the riding style of standing on the pegs and flapping your arms? That's been asked for hasn't it? Can we get a trike section? If we get that we need a can am reverse trike section too. Let's get a I don't own a bike section too. And an I Hate All Bikers Section. This way the whole world is happy!
  14. Maybe also try getting a little off the side of the bike when you turn. The bike will turn more but lean less = more clearance. Add that to proper foot position and you won't need to change the bike.
  15. But if it is totalled for some reason that is unknown at this time that turns out to be a safety issue later do you really want to risk your well being putting it back on the road? Don't let your attachment to it hurt you later.
  16. Throw a Honda badge on it that'll confuse the shit outta everyone.
  17. What year is the warrior? What do you want for it? What's wrong with it?
  18. You mean it hasn't rattled off on its own? Lol j/k
  19. cOoTeR

    Norwalk, OH

    I thought the same thing ^^^^ but figured he would catch it by now unless someone else is selling it for him. Kinda like the drug king pins do. You know he's Mexican which is almost Italian mob level nowadays.
  20. cOoTeR

    Norwalk, OH

    The ice cream is where its at. The Baiders lose money on every ice cream sale but they continue to do it. Good people that track has come a long way.
  21. cOoTeR

    Norwalk, OH

    You gotta go to sandusky for anything worth while and I don't recall anything special.
  22. cOoTeR


    I use a crossbreed to carry my H+K p2000 off duty. It is awesome. I forget about the gun being there a lot. I have the regular leather and it didn't mention any oil.
  23. Could he need to bleed the injectors? I've had to do this on old diesels but I don't know if the new ones need it after running outta fuel.
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