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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. I found a pictured of jbot as a child!
  2. I pretty sure this has been discussed a couple times here. I have an ebay set and it works for holding the bike up. I bumped the bike while it was up once and it fell right over and bent a stand. I fixed the stand and it still works like it should, but I don't trust it holding up the bike unless I am being very careful. I do the same test with better stands (vortex, pitbull etc.) and it never happens
  3. He was in a coma for 2 weeks, tore his MCL and ACL, bank injury, had surgery on his neck and was even going into a doctors appointment the next day after I picked the bike up. He was extremely lucky. It will be interesting for sure, I just hope nothing has been damaged inside the engine and the cylinders/heads are flawless (never even had its 2nd oil change).
  4. I got some time to work on it tonight. It took forever to get the engine out because of all the torqued and seized bolts from the crash and the sprocket/chain being rusted tight. The front end and front of the frame: Front end form a different angle: This portion of the frame came off while I was trying to move the rest of the bike around: Small nick on the top right of the radiator: Airbox is toast: Even the cylinder head cover is ruined. I will need to try and find bolts for that somewhere: The internals look good so far even with all the damage to the airbox and cylinder head cover: I have never seen a wheel that actually snapped in half like this before. Nothing salvageable here: Forks are bent. I am talking to someone about some cheap OEM ones right now, but if that falls through I think I might give MPH Ohio a call and see how much it would cost to straighten them. Only 1 is really bad, the other one is bent a little. How it all sits right now: I think I will get some time to work on it over the weekend and get the subframe and swingarm off the rest of the frame as well and disassemble the engine so I can get a motor mount welded. After that, I play the waiting game. The new (used) frame will be shipped out Tuesday and we will just have to see about the rest of the parts.
  5. I did this with a '94 zx6 a year back, it was pretty easy. The hardest part was getting the shift forks out of the crankcase for some reason. I only took maybe 2 pictures then, don't forget to take a bunch!
  6. Can anyone tell me why he chose to have the suppressor sticking out past the window? Looks pretty easy to spot if you just looked straight up from nosebleed seats underneath him.
  7. Concept 1, with the dog from the bottom left and the rest from the red/orange logo
  8. The onion was good at one point. They started getting really big and got a show on spike, I believe, and its just been down hill from there. The quality of articles just seems like they don't put the time into it they used to anymore. Something Awful is still pretty good though
  9. The only time I ever hear the name of this place, is when someone decides to rob it or kill themselves there
  10. Wow, I hope everyone was alright and no one was in that van. There were a lot of people that seemed like they were just plain not paying attention to traffic patterns and leaving enough following room; all to common on the roads these days.
  11. PM me and you can try out actually shooting my SP2022 if you want. I was not able to find a place to rent one for shooting, but I handled it plenty of times before I bought it
  12. I have never had a problem going to airgas. You take them your used tanks, they give you new full ones; no testing needed. You can sometimes even upgrade tank size, for a small fee, if they are too small for what you want to do.
  13. I would say to shy away from praxair. My school used to use them but jumped ship as soon as their contract was up. I don't know is the issues they had were applicable to independent persons, but I know the dept. was not happy with them. If they are going to treat a big money account enough to make them switch, I can't imagine their customer service is very good.
  14. :welcome: Nice bike too! I had a 2007 r6r as well, great bike.
  15. 1) Buy project bike 2) ??? 3) Profit Sounds like you have the plan down pretty well. If you can make money without doing anything to it, you might as well sell it and invest the money back into another project. You can always buy my gsxr as a project!
  16. I'm heading to Nelson's on 4-28 and 6-9. Who else is attending those days?
  17. Thanks! I might need it too, this is certainly the biggest project I have taken on to date. I got my '03 600rr together in 2.5 weeks even with crankcase damage, but there are significantly more parts that need to be replaced/fixed/straightened/welded. I also have less walking around money at this time, so completion will take longer just so I can scrape together funds. Shameless name stealing; it had a good ring so I had to copy. Imitation is the highest form of flattery or something like that, right? Where did you see it? It was actually listed 2 separate times for vastly different price amounts, one with and one without pictures. I think you can guess which end of the spectrum I got it for
  18. This, also what mods are on it besides a disconnected power commander and flush mounts. I agree with the cause of the problems that have already been stated here
  19. That is highly unattractive. I guess the laws of probability state that a figure like that would become natural for someone at some point, but its pretty unbelievable as well.
  20. Project Broken Arrow: A 2010 Honda CBR600rr Rebuild http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMPltkNOvgM I thought this would be a fitting title for a number a reasons, primarily due to the state I received the bike in. The first 3 pictures are from the CL ad for the bike. You can see how the frame is snapped if you draw a line coincident to the shift rod. There wasn’t much info to go off of from the ad except for “I was in a accident with this bike, from the front of the exhaust pipes back to the rear tire is in good parts condition.” I decided to take a risk and drive out to Buffalo and take a look at/purchase it. I have seen the aftermath of plenty of wrecks, but was baffled how the frame could be snapped, while so much of the bike in the back was still in good condition. I asked him how it happened and what the “accident” was, to which he told me an all too familiar story of an 18 year old girl who pulled out without looking. I have already sourced a cheap, straight frame so hopefully that will pan out and I can get this up on one leg by the end of the month. I am still undecided with the theme, but the strongest contender is track oriented with possible street conversion. That way I can sell off two other bikes and get some money to put into this one. As it stands, I am broke as hell and can’t afford any nice track goodies, but hopefully I can move a bike soon and can find some nice winter deals on some things. Modifications will pretty much be cost based. The first two I would like to do are new rearsets and a new rear shock (Penske, Ohlins, Race Tech, whatever I can find). The stock front forks for ’10 are fine for me initially (a shim and re-spring would be nice) but if I find 1000rr forks cheaper when I buy then that is the route I will take. Any comments/questions are welcome and I will get good pictures up when I can.
  21. This might have been discussed here before but its pertinent; the Cleveland Police logo looks like a silhouette of a pig. Source
  22. Yes, its a repost. And yes, I can read minds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaOVNqA7lBA
  23. I'm glad that colleges can be a place of higher learning and differing opinions with debates based on factual evidence instead of hear-say arguments.
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