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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Welcome from another NEO member. A mechanic, rider and gun nut? I'll think you'll do just fine around here
  2. * Disclaimer: I don't agree with the quote, but I also don't believe what I am arguing below* Motorcycles crashes are at a much higher rate than cars (13.10 vs 72.34 per 100,000 in 2006) and cause injury to others as well as emotional damage etc. for the one in the accident as well as their family/friends. Taking them off the street would alleviate these issues as well as the "distress" others might have from dangerous motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic
  3. It is gone, I read it before but it is no longer the second one down. That is pretty shady. I guess he doesn't have anything to sue over now since there isn't a review
  4. jbot will give you 500% more sexual favors for your work, I'm sure. I have always been curious; what kind of purchase rate do you get for all the photos you take at a track day? I don't think most people buy them, and those that do surely wouldn't buy all of them so I would think its a pretty small percentage (especially with all the photos you end up taking)
  5. I am currently in an SQL course, I would have no problem asking my prof any question you have
  6. I vote for free subdomain even though its in beta stage if we are going with buggy software haha
  7. It is very difficult to prove slander. They have to prove that what you said was false and that it cost them business in some way and with their overall rating not being affected much that looks hard to do from my perspective (I wonder how many of those reviews are legit). I'm no lawyer, but I think he is just trying to scare you (breaking another law doing it though).
  8. wtf? I haven't voted in days, I'm on a different ip that normal, and it had me click the "I agree" thing so my cookies were cleared yet we are still 7/130
  9. So are you paying for two separate apps? Why can't you just have a mobile subdomain using something like this. Yes, its old and I don't necessarily mean to use that, I am just trying to throw out other (hopefully cheaper) alternatives.
  10. Hmm, interested in these but tirerack says $618 before shipping (usually $100 for me). Is he located near you Hoblick?
  11. mobile site > app My phone is old as well, still running S60 V3 and the full site takes a while to load but I don't know how hard it would be to have a mobile version. I can help out if you want it Ben. If we go the app route, I will help out on the android version; I took a class last year for 3.0-3.1 programming. Titles are funny to make fun of, so I don't care there but I don't think we should have the post delete option back. There was enough drama when that was in effect for just moderators, I don't know what would happen if everyone had that ability. I don't know how the chat room thing is going, maybe have an IRC instead?
  12. Better roads in NEO Otherwise nothing in particular, its a forum and works very well as such
  13. I love reading all these. I don't have any specific events that I want to talk about, but I can say that the number of times that I have seen something happen out of time is astounding. I used to just feel deja vu quite often when I saw something happen that I thought I had seen; it could have been as simple as a location of a cup or how something was moved. The longer I live, though, the more vivid the original image gets to the point where I can look around a room while knowing fully that it is not real.
  14. I don't own one, but know 4 separate people who do and routinely shoot theirs. The 3-4' fireball you can see at night is a great novelty. The kick isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, they are generally great condition regardless of style (i.e. I wouldn't bother paying a premium for any special one IMHO) and are overall fun. The bolt is usually hard to close, but I only know 1 out of the 4 who have even had a mis-feed with one so they are extremely reliable. The mis-feed was another friend racking the bolt too fast I think, so not even the rifle's fault.
  15. Do you have a place to shoot it and do you like rifles? $70 (at AIM, $100 at fff) isn't bad at all for a fun little rifle. I think you want it and just want everyone to convince you to spend the whopping $200 for a rile and 1000 rounds
  16. +1 I wouldn't mind picking them up, I just don't feel like ordering them. Maybe that's what I will do and report back Update: I couldn't even find that type of wrench in the store near me, so its possibly internet only.
  17. I'll play devil's advocate: If we have known for this long that the temps would drop (and it was raining all today so there will be ice), why were there that many people driving poorly enough to cause 9 spin outs? I think some people need to learn to drive better and anticipate poor driving conditions.
  18. The high is a B+ with the average being a C? I'll take a C+ any day! "Ohio scored A's for standards and school accountability" Not too shabby Ohio, even though I don't know what "school accountability" actually means. Its still an A+ though!
  19. This wasn't updated when you posted, Casper, but apparently it isn't en excess number of cases. I don't actually see any evidence or numbers in the article. Not that I like the scanners, but the article doesn't really say much beyond "people got cancer and they were close to radiation". I want to see numbers from dosimeters and the like before judgement can be passed whether or not its bad from a radiation standpoint. There is a higher percentage of cancer now because we are living longer. The more times a cell replicates, the more times there is a chance that there will be a major flaw that will not be corrected from the body. If you are comparing to recent history than its usually because now its diagnosed and complied into one type of death where it wasn't fully understood before and was reported as "natural causes" among other things.
  20. The list seems a little outdated. If I remember right, at least Sony Electronics pulled their support after Anon threatened them and I believe Nintendo silently followed suit. Edit: Looks a little more in depth, but the op's list is still mistaken. Source
  21. I did not add them all up, but with the glock having the trigger safety they are at least dead even on the "levers" category. I don't have a glock on hand, so I will change that statement to "In all actuality the glock has the same number of buttons and levers". I think he was referring more to the fact that there is a hammer and therefore it looks more complicated
  22. There is nothing on that list that would make me think otherwise about getting my apparently horrendous sp2022 again. I have hated the way every glock and xdm has felt when manipulating and shooting, yet those are the biggest players (from my standpoint, m&p is probably 3rd popular). The other day someone told me how they liked their g19 more than my sp2022 because it "doesn't have all the buttons and levers" mine has. In all actuality the glock has more buttons and levers, but he has never even shot one before. We all picked what we did because it was what we liked the best for the price we were willing to pay and, unless we are able to shoot every gun out there, we don't know if it was truly the best choice. I think we can all agree at least, this test is crap and shows absolutely nothing. The numbers on the right are tabulated from no numerical basis, every DA/SA trigger failed for some reason, they are mixing sizes, the "best" size seems to be some imaginary one that fits the g19 perfectly and the list goes on. I'm not really sure what this says except that if you want a g19, then this is the decreasing list you should go down to find a similar pistol
  23. I don't normally vote for these random appeals that appear here, but the cause seems extremely selfless. So, voted!
  24. Definitely this. Everyone loves hot tubs and you end up inviting more than you have room for. I haven't done it, but I will probably search craigslist for a few months to get one used. I have even seen free ones on there from time to time. I would budget for a new pump if you bought used at the minimum, but it might only end up being good as a fiberglass tub
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