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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Haha, with the wire still attached it looks like a mind of its own. The camera or wire could have seriously injured someone; I would have thought that they would be checking the safety of that quite regularly.
  2. All my Yamahas have had lights on after the bike turns on so you don't run down the battery. I have seen a couple different designs in service manuals on how to prop the tank up so you can start the bike in a semi-disassembled state. Some recommend a 2x4, some a bungee cord or some a separate fuel tank. I just use a water bottle upside down filled with gas; cut the top off and you can keep filling it up when necessary.
  3. This is probably my favorite one in my collection: Here is the only picture of the Coshocton ride last (2010) June that I got. Feel free to crop it or edit plates out etc how you want.: I also love mechanical pictures, so here are a bunch that I have taken in order of my preference:
  4. I haven't gotten to see faster/fastest yet but I thought TT3d was a great movie. I watched it with a friend who doesn't ride and even though he couldn't understand Guy, he still enjoyed the movie.
  5. We could do Gump's idea, or just make this more known for OR people! I don't know the specifics of the site, but I'm sure proxies would work. The free proxies most likely will not work as they are free for a reason. Tor might work, but I don't have it on any windows machines to test
  6. Well' date=' when they strongly recommend to do just that (Source), then I find it it odd that they don't follow up. If it is truly an "epidemic of careless disregard for human life" (end of page 1), then they should treat it as such.
  7. I hear this in many varieties for a number of arguments. Its the attitude of everyone as a collective that is the problem. If "everyone" changed their attitude then it would make a dramatic difference. I don't see nearly as many bad drivers as Scruit, but when I do I usually have the same response as you. When I am driving I have somewhere to go (which I am late to about 90% of the time) so I don't have time to follow a car out of my way and spend and hour or more chasing them. I generally do report the good truck drivers though on those "how am I driving" hotlines. If I can call in for either I do, but my experiences with police and using my cell have been piss poor.
  8. I have a Braun 340. I had a Remington but it was very loud and not very effective. The Braun was a gift from my dad after he had one for a couple years. They both still work great and have the slide-up trimmer which I think is great. I would definitely recommend it
  9. The pent up energy and frustration from not riding all winter spills over as well as a troll or two for entertainment.
  10. I think they go by IP address. I tried 3 different mac addresses on 3 different OS's and the count stayed 63/411. First place has 641 votes...
  11. 5 days left and we're 55th with 406 votes. 1st place has 627 votes, so I guess we'll just have to see what happens
  12. They say its a crap shoot, and I am inclined to agree with 4DAIVI PAI2K5. The forecast for the area says rain as late as Wednesday and as early as next Monday so you would have a small window if it holds off.
  13. Merry Christmas everyone! If the rain holds out, I think it might even turn into a nice day to ride. Yes, the man born of a virgin on the 25th of December, known as "the Son of God" to his 12 disciples and resurrected 3 days after his death. We wish Happy Birthday to "the good shepherd", Mithras; the Persian god imagined 600 years before that one guy who also performed some miracles.
  14. Poor bike Its really not that hard to get started riding; my first time on any motorcycle was a 600 in the rain and I did just fine. I don't understand why there are so many of these 1st ride crashes, especially the ones where people don't even get out of the parking lot with their brand new $9000+ bike. My dad told me that years ago he sold a brand new liter bike to a kid that, on his birthday, just came from the BMV with his temps. The kid unfortunately never even made it home and rear ended a semi on the freeway. No matter how good you get, you have to respect the bike and its/your limits.
  15. Welcome! I congratulate you on thinking immediately about gear. Now would be the time to try and find some because it will probably be the cheapest. i would suggest going to a MC store (Iron Pony?) and trying on the different sizes. You will be amazed how much different fit there is between manufactures and sizes. Once you know what size it will be a lot easier to find what you are looking for
  16. Listen to the video, I didn't read the article at all because it was too short to contain enough info for me. The news report said they did -Edit- Scruit, I don't know what the container actually was, but it probably was steel. You can still xray through metal, in fact aluminum is actually used as a sort of filter in some xray devices. I think the police/bomb squad/emergency crews did what they were supposed to; they got a call and had to do something. The blame to me, lies in people who are alarmed too easily (reminds me of a picture Casper posted within the last few days about stereotyping a terrorist on a train). I see an ammo can and I see a durable waterproof container, which would be perfect to be in a wood environment for long term (what they were designed for after all); others see a bomb.
  17. I don't know how, but 97 now! with 213 votes btw
  18. What kind of modification do you want to see to an AR 15 lower receiver? I am working from a magpul billet model (little larger magwell flare, integral winterized trigger gaurd) and I am finishing up an ambidextrous bolt catch release right now. Anything else for function?
  19. http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-57343935-245/in-sopas-shadow-megaupload-strikes-back-against-universal/ tl;dr SOPA hasn't, and hopefully never will, pass but UMG is acting like it is and treating the DMCA as a way to take down things they just don't like. Megaupload makes a commercial with actors and has personal agreements from every person in the video, but UMG still tries to take it down and succeeds. Until that is, Megaupload files suit and it is restored quietly. Megaupload is continuing through with the suit for at least damages it seems. All I have to say is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnreLlWJasQ
  20. You do get paid for Warcraft, kind of. The gold has a real world value that can be sold as well as the characters. The IRS was even thinking about taxing at one point: http://www.neowin.net/news/irs-to-tax-second-lifeworld-of-warcraft-earnings-3
  21. I got an EXO-1000 a while back on sale for $100 shipped and I love it. I will admit that the wind noise is a little bad, especially with certain combinations of vents open, however, I play music or wear earplugs anyway so I generally don't have an issue with it. I have a smaller head and the small + inflatable cheekpads make a perfect fit every time which I love. It is a little heavier than I would like but it has never made my neck hurt. I certainly wouldn't be able to get a better helmet for the price, and when it comes time to step up I will probably get one that is 2x or 3x the price. With that said, I have heard great things about the Bell Star and how good it is for the value.
  22. What kind of tools do you have and any pictures? You could use a big drill in a drill press, endmill in a mill, maybe even a hacksaw. A common trick for drywall is to break a hacksaw blade on one end for a tip, then just tape up the other end a lot for a handle; it will work in a lot of smaller places and surely within 1-1/4". On the same line of thought, put a blade through the bearing and put the hacksaw together around the bearing (like you would a jeweler's saw).
  23. Poor man's multiplier? Acog+EOtech =/= poor, but I can see what you mean. Maybe the guy read 1/3 co-witness wrong and is trying to do 3x co-witness (BUIS, Acog, EOtech)
  24. THEY knew what could be in it, because they x-rayed. I think they blew the top off because they were called in and it was probably just SOP. I'm sure they x-rayed it, found nothing of importance but then said "but you never know!" The amount of money and resources the people wasted by calling that in is astounding. On a list of things that are important to me or that I would call the cops for, a waterproof container in the woods is pretty low for me.
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