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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I had to tell them to bite it once also. Was traveling to Cambridge for work when I first got my nighthawk 250. Stopped there to get a new helmet. The two sales-kids were just having a grand old time "helping" me with my selection. I don't take mockery well from those with whom I intend to do business. I showed up on my 883 a few months later. Now who's laughing bitches? Ok, well that last part's not true, but I have since taken my business elsewhere.
  2. My wife's friend's uncle Ernie said that there is actually an interpretation of this code requiring all boys between 10 an 14 to exit the bus, sit on his lap, and fish coins out of his pockets. Searching Lexisnexis now.
  3. Most school districts retain a paramilitary force to enforce the different districts' interpretation of the ORC. This elite squad can generally be identified by the orange bandolier and (when raining ) yellow slickers.
  4. I'm rubber and you're glue. What you say bounces off of me and sticks to you....... Pussy.
  5. Yes, please stop in the middle of the road unexpectedly. The dead kid in your rear window Will thank you for not spooking the short bus.
  6. "Divided into four or more lanes" is not a "divided highway". Lines divide up lanes as well as a physical barrier.
  7. When it's that good, it needs to go in twice... double post.
  8. If people would follow the rules, there wouldn't be accidents. Don't be polite...., follow the rules. Don't kindly wave me to make a left in front of you, just go. Don't slow so I can merge, just go and I will yield as directed by the pretty triangle. And don't dead stop in the middle of a four-lane road as a courtesy to a school bus. Follow the rules. Note: I am perfect and do nothing wrong. Ever.
  9. 1) isn't BB an LEO? 2) if you're not required to stop, please don't. Most 4-lanes are 45 MPH or faster. If you stop and I'm not prepared to, you have caused an accident. Please don't be polite and stop when you don't have to.
  10. You sold the bike in 6 days in a shitty economy, during the end of the season, for $30 more than blue book RETAIL, for a 66% profit. I'd say you priced it right. No one would have called at $2500. They are listing for $1500 in Columbus and still aren't selling.
  11. Still a bit general, but I get it. Quality drives revenue these days. If Ford didn't have a million rednecks shouting "I'm a Ford man" because their fa-vor-ite race car driver drives one, they wouldn't have continued to buy the Taurus and pinto. Hell, my Father-in-law has a brand new $40k silverado that he still claims is the best truck in the whole wide eber-neber world even though it's been in the shop more than it hasn't. The fortune 500 company that I work for operates based on "invest in quality and the rest will follow". However, you're right that there are still some cost-cutters out there, even at the sacrifice of quality and safety. The McDonald's case doesn't fit that and I don't believe HD does either. It wasn't until all Harley owners became Doctors and Lawyers that the pipes became too hot. Damn doctors and lawyers....
  12. Please explain. McDonald's spent more money to heat the coffee to a higher temp to satisfy a perceived customer desire.
  13. Remedy that.... quickly! Congratulations. $2k?
  14. Come on Drew, take the Buell and $2k.... you'll make money on it in the spring AND have some cash for da billz.
  15. Took my kids to the theater on labor day. Tickets at $.75 on Mondays at the theater off of bethel. Carriage something... combine with some $.10 MacDowell's twizzie things and your set. They got the big Mac, I got the big Mick.
  16. That was my thought too. This is much like my FZ6. A great all-around ride with low miles and a reasonable price.
  17. I've never met anyone who regrets the internship. My 34 year old cousin is now a major player at a big multinational food company after an unpaid internship. My college roommate is a VP at a national bank while in his mid-30s after interning right out if college. Although I earned a $5/hour stipend for my internship, I don't regret the choice. Congratulations and good luck!
  18. There are some nice bikes moving through the FS threads right now. A great time to buy.
  19. Can we pull over and shoot stuff while on the ride?
  20. Once the smoke clears and the plans are set, there's a good possibility that I'll be in.
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