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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Our boy becomes a man.
  2. Bump This is a great bike at a great price.
  3. I'd put in some slab time to ride in such a clinic. I'd even buy lunch for the lead team (value menu, of course).
  4. And it will soon be worth the same.
  5. That orange would look fantastic! Go for it. As for the RW&B, I agree that it is a sharp color scheme, but why would you intentionally paint it to look like the previous year's model?
  6. My post did read like I was directing it at your choice. Sorry about that. My post was meant to be more of a "why the hell aren't people jumping on this?!!!!"
  7. I would venture to say that a large percentage of sportbike riders don't have experience on other types of bikes. They have no idea that your back and wrists don't have to ache after a couple hundred miles. That power and comfort aren't mutually exclusive. There are some that have been around the block and choose them for their strengths and I respect that. My choice allows me to enjoy riding as a hobby and a mode of transportation. This isn't me bashing true sportbikes....., I'm simply stating that many riders don't know what they're missing because they jump too quickly into specialized bikes. Good luck with your sale. This is a great bike!
  8. Day late and a $1.00 short. Floyd Mayweather is the biggest piece of shit in professional sports right now. That is all.
  9. Ass. Ima not gonna sell it now. I'll save my money for a second bike of more leisurely intent. Edit: not-so-much..... I will sell it.
  10. It will wheelie in sixth, going 140. I found .86¢ the other day.
  11. C-bus

    My newest 1911

    1911 technology at 2011 prices. What? JK:D
  12. Thanks for the info. Had I not asked, I would have just sat there with the helmet on and waited.
  13. Thank you. I'll look forward to trying each of these.
  14. You bring up an interesting question .... To our LEO friends...what do you want us to do when we are pulled over? Turn it off and sit still with hands on the grips? Remove helmet? Get off the bike and stand next to the bike?
  15. Page 2..... Frito-Lay stocks fell sharply after news of Bengals pot bust.
  16. I'm struggling with that right now. I make up my mind to go get that cruiser and the I rife the FZ and know I'll miss it. I guess I need two.
  17. I saw one on a showroom floor for $4600. It's the name and color-schemes. A lesson in what not to do with one of the best selling bikes... the SV650.
  18. ER6-Ns are easily found as brand new leftovers and run less than $6k.
  19. If they don't have them in stock, look for a local medical supply store.
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