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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Nice work! A Ruger will always go "bang" when it counts.
  2. Not me. I'll engage in debate, but generally just let people make asses of themselves. This is a result of my marital relationship in which I am never right and am relegated to silence and/or blind agreement.
  3. Yep... people working in government are killing their countrymen in Libya. People working in government sent 6 million Jews to slaughter. People working in government disarmed grandmothers during Katrina. The bill of rights are a protection FROM government. Nothing more, nothing less. Mock those who take it seriously ... the liberal mantra.
  4. I follow all rules at all times because rules make us safe. These senseless killings could have been avoided if there had been a "no knives" sign posted on the door.
  5. I forget what it's like to be denied my right to carry. I'm sitting in a hotel room in Atlanta right now feeling naked without something tucked away. I'm certainly not huddled in the corner fearing for my life (RC Buckhead has a pretty good security setup in a nice part of the city), but it's a very weird feeling not having a gun nor access to one. I'd like to read more about constitutional carry before I form an opinion. I waffle between "hell yes" and "but-whatta-bout the......?"
  6. I underestimated the condition that my dog was in. Granted she was only five, but she had developed a kidney disease. Poor girl died alone in her crate (couldn't sleep in the bed with us any more because of uncontrollable incontinence). To this day, I wish that I had been with her at that moment when she needed me.... i.e... at the vet's office. It's a tough call and no matter which one you make, you may always second-guess it.
  7. Nice wife! That would be the icing on the cake in my world.
  8. Welcome! My $.02.... get something smaller on the cheap. Learn to ride and maneuver, then sell it for what you paid. Starting out on a full-on bagger wouldn't be a good learning experience.
  9. ^ bucket-list gun fo sho.
  10. Beware the man with one gun, for he will surely know how to use it.... or something like that. Buy one. Learn how to hold it. Learn how to aim it. Learn how to squeeze the trigger. Practice and enjoy your new passion.
  11. At what point does one say "let's try Meth, that looks like fun"?
  12. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    Could not pay outside the contracted wage scale.
  13. Congratulations! Great news!
  14. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    I work in the private sector. If I don't pay enough or have good enough benefits, people leave. When enough people have left, I increase pay and benefits until I can attract and keep the good ones. The same will happen in the public sector. My wife is a special ed teacher by trade. Her program is mandated. When she left to stay home with the kids, her principal tried to offer pay incentives, flexible schedules, and retention bonuses but was quickly smacked by the union.... hence keeping her pay down. This isn't a "poor me" example. She was leaving regardless. But in my business, demand drives wages. A mandate for special ed should drive those wages up. Instead, these teachers are threatened, spit-upon, and punched for the same pay as miss Lippy the kindergarten teacher. If I am the elected city council, am I going to risk personal liability and re-election by cutting staffing and pay (enough to lose staff)? The kool aide is strong, but the truth is that non-union shops don't stay up all night cowering in the corner, wishing they were union. It ain't that bad out there. My hats off to the police, firefighters, teachers, and COs. I won't let you lose your livelihood as a voter and taxpayer, but you can't hold me hostage when times are tough for all of us. And for the record, do any of you Cleveland /Columbus employees really think your Democratic councils, boards, and commissions are going to cut any wages?
  15. If there is still salt on the roads, will our vaginas melt?
  16. I got a quickie in today. I put on some soft bags and took it for a spin around the downtown area.
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