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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. At $349, it's a great deal but I think Vance's might be running a Christmas special this week for $299. I love that gun.
  2. C-bus

    Here it is.....

    They allow aluminum. I don't think it has anything to do with recycling. They say that steel jackets damage the trap.
  3. When people preach isolationism, it is situations such as these the magnutude of which they fail to comprehend. Rogue dictators with powerful weapons can do far more harm than any of us can imagine. What else can S. Korea do besides arm up and posture a bit. North Korea is sure to respond. The question is how will we respond in order to protect our own security.
  4. The trigger is heavy by design but very predictable. I find it to be one of my more accurate guns.
  5. So tips...... buy now while they're cheap. If you want new, get to a dealer before they have to pay tax on their inventory. Look for older, leftover models. For used, lots out there.
  6. I wouldn't criticize that decision with as much experience on and around bikes as you've had. I wouldn't recommend a liter-bike to someone new to riding. If this guy is saying that he has extensive experience on the smaller bike in India, then have at it. I don't have a 1000, but I'm not askeeered of them either.
  7. "Started out" meaning "learned on" ? Or meaning "first one I purchased "?
  8. Buy something smaller, used, and cheap now. If you're ready for the 1000 in August, sell it for what you paid and move up. You know yourself better than anyone.
  9. Will that be fast enough for a first bike?
  10. How the hell did he manage to sneak that gun past the "weapons-free zone" signs?
  11. I leased my minivan from their lot and was satisfied. I called and asked to make an appointment to exercise my purchase option and the sales manager told me to come in and wait in line because he only makes about $100 on a buy-out. I now deal with Toyota West. Do they have any idea of how much business was lost by that move?
  12. You're worth whatever it takes to get you or keep you. Create value and the money will follow.
  13. Sitting next to my yellow lab-pup right now. Just turned a year and has been a fantastic dog.
  14. Most definately your best sub-$800 option. Actually, as I typed the above, I was remembering reading about the Springfield GI being a good choice. I added the extended grip and the combat hammer as well. I'll get to the trigger at some point, but it shoots well as is.
  15. Take the position. It will pay off later in life as you become more marketable. I wouldn't negotiate. They identified you as someone of worth, now prove yourself to be a willing, career-minded individual. Don't be short-sighted by quibbling over dollars. IMO of course.
  16. For $500 you can get a reliable, accurate, Springfield, M&P, or Glock.... or a mediocre 1911. Maybe I'm being a gun snob, but a cheap 1911 would be a questionable choice. A good 1911 will cost $800+. Just my opinion. That being written, I've sold all of my Glocks and XDs, but still have my Colt. Ninja Edit... Ok, so I've been obsessing for nearly a month on that dumb ass statement about the $800 1911. So I've been searching and investigating and have found many prominent manufacturers making sub-$800 1911s... all of which I would stake my life on... Smith and Wesson has several offerings, Taurus, Springfield, Kimber, and even Colts can be had new for less than $800.
  17. Kafka International .... where you're fooked without knowing you're fooked. My favorite author of my youth.
  18. The 642 is my primary CCW due to its comfort, accuracy, and stopping capability with +P ammo. Welcome to the wheelgun club!
  19. C-bus

    My CCW

    It's a Ruger ..... it will shoot every time.
  20. I turn the temp way up so it insulates from the weather. My garage is not heated and it does just fine.
  21. C-bus

    My CCW

    Not girly at all. Nice pick-up.
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