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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I'll give mark some props on his vette being a streetcar. Couple weeks ago he went 9.50's then drove the car from trails back to IPS because he let tommy use his trailer for his tbss. He got some funny looks leaving the track with the chute on it. I thought it was cool to see the car run mid 9's and then drive it back home.


    See that's what I'm talking about! A cra that you can reasonably drive, race then drive home in! 9.50's and then home! That's bad ass.

  2. WOW, 5 pages and only like 5 real responces. Jesus... I didn't know this would become a thread about the definition of a street car... I just wanted to know who had the fastest car? You know the kind that 90% of non "car people" would consider streetable. You know the kind that you drive to the track race and drive home... not the trailered cars. Got to love CR sometimes. :nono:
  3. Well a friend of mine drives this everyday and I guess thats what brought this up...







    Currently ran a best of 10.7 @ 129 with a 1.7 60ft (not that impressive but it was the 1st time out)

    goals are to make 800whp on pump gas

    8 second 1/4 mile pass

    200mph in the standing mile

    all while still being able to drive to work in comfort...

    I don't care who you are... if you can do that shit, you have a bad ass car.

  4. well i bought mine over a year ago. It was 42k and change out the door (Loaded). MS3's are about 21-24k...depending on what you get in it.


    Well if you wnat to race it I'd say the extra $$$ is well worth it for AWD vs FWD.

  5. Well the next question that always comes up is what determines a street car?


    I knew it... IDK, what I'm looking for is a car that gets driven on a regular basis, doesn't have to be a DD but one you wouldn't mind driving all weekend or to the office a few days a week. Street legal for one... oh and runs on pump gas. Other then that... just answer the questions :p

  6. Who has the fastest street car in Columbus... or even Ohio right now? What I'd like to know is...


    A. How often is it driven in a 7 day week?

    B. How much HP does it make? (While on the street, not just the dyno)

    C. Whats The Top Speed? (can be a good est. doesn't have to be exact)

    D. What does it run/ trap in the 1/4 mile?


    I understand some people may not want to dish out deatils on their cars, but what ever info you can provide to back up your claims would be helpfull (Time slips, dyno sheets, video...etc)

  7. Yeah thats what I call customer service lol. I went and played basketball, talked to the gf and calmed down a little. She reassured me that i am not a quitter and to just finish the fucking car lol. So its game back on


    Well if you did give up the guy wouldn't make any $$$ off you. So by hooking you up with a block you can now spend more $$$....But what ever the reason glad your project is back on line.


    You: so you here Im new to this and you want me to start !?!?!


    You: Sink or Swim?


    You: Ouch thats a lot of pressure ...


    Stranger: swim


    You: OK, hmmm ... what do you look like ?


    Stranger: i like bad guys



    Your conversational partner has disconnected.



    Bwhahaha WINNER!!!! Just know that if I could + rep you anymore I would!!!

  9. Mike Laskey for the win!!! Just got an email from him stating he would rather see me finish the build then to call it quits. So he is going to hook me up with a GSR block so I can finish this damn thing.


    WOW!!! That's good shit right there, congratz!!!

  10. Stranger: 17 M Brazil :)

    You: 19 F New York

    You: Wanna fuck?

    Stranger: yes

    Stranger: u?

    You: Sure, my B/F is gone I was looking at porn and found this site

    Stranger: webcam?

    You: I'm actually blind

    You: I was looking at brail porn

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  11. This time I gave it a little thought....

    You: Hello

    Stranger: hello

    You: Hi

    You: Can you help me?

    Stranger: whats up?

    Stranger: i think so

    Stranger: what can i do for u

    You: I'm scared, my mom and dad are mad

    You: they are yeling

    Stranger: yeh,parents yells

    Stranger: i think you cant stop them

    You: its loud and mom said she leaving with my uncle Rob

    Stranger: thats their own things

    You: Do your mom and dad yell

    Stranger: sometimes

    Stranger: but not often

    You: I think its bad cuse sometimes dad hits mom

    Stranger: and as they getting older

    Stranger: they dont yell as much as before

    You: dont tell on me okay im not sopose to tell

    You: how old are you?

    Stranger: 23

    Stranger: u?

    You: 11

    You: Have you heard of CR?

    Stranger: No, whats' that

    You: Oh nothing..

    Stranger: oh,

    Stranger: sorry about the yelling thing ,kid

    You: Its okay. they yell then go to bed. It get loud then to but dad says its beceasue he loves mom

    Stranger: okay then

    You: I just think its diferent becasue my moms crying now and said the police are comming to take dad back. I dont want that.

    You: Oh SHIT SON!!! dad is choking mom. You gota help me!

    Stranger: What! Is this real?

    You: Dude I'm 11 years old, how could I make this shit up. Call the cops!

    Stranger: I don't where you are... you call them.

    You: Dad said I can't leave the room or he would...never mind

    Stranger: Is your mom okay?

    You: I don't know. Now dad is crying and moms just sitting in the bathtub. I think something is wrong casue dad keeps telling her to wake up.

    You: I should go.

    Starnger: Wait, please tell me this is a joke.

    You: You're a sick fucker you know that!!! Why whould I make this shit up?


    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  12. Stranger: hi

    You: Hey...

    Stranger: asl?

    You: What?

    Stranger: age sex location

    You: Old, No Thanks and at work

    Stranger: sex=male or female

    Stranger: no thanks too

    You: I prefer females

    You: What about you?


    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  13. lol....


    I want one of these as a dd... but I want to find one with the stage 3 and goodies that isnt owned by a 18 year old and is stock other than the factory staging


    Good luck with all that. It's like finding a DSM that hasn't been beat to hell.

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