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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I’m looking for part time or seasonal work. I’m currently working full time as a District Manager at the Columbus Dispatch. I’m available in the evenings Mondays and Tuesdays and also weekends. I’m looking to make about $150.00per week. I have a solid resume and work history and I’m willing to do pretty much anything. I have 3 ½ years management experience, as well as some automotive, retail, sales and stocking.

    Shoot me a PM if you’d like all the details.




  2. Miles on the lease suck! then they cahrge you out the ass for them. I drive 50 miles round trip to work each day, which I don't think is great.. but not horrible either. If I just drove my car to work and back 5 days a week, I'd put 13K miles on it a year. Most lease offers only go up to 15K then you're better off buying the car... Oh well, good luck. time to start planning your next one.
  3. DAMN!!! I don't know how you detail guys do it. I really enjoy washing my car and putting in 6-8 hours "Detailing" it. But I couldn't imagine spending all that time on someone elses car, hell I'd probably give up on my own if it took that much effort! hahah. GREAT JOB! The exhaust tips look brand new.
  4. All above are good ideas.


    Here's a collection of how-to's (including washing/drying and claying) in the Auto Detailing Guide.


    And congrats on the new wheels! :)


    WOW this is a really good artical, I thought I had a good understanding of do's & don'ts when it came to washing a car, but wow, you learn something new everyday, thanks!


    What about the trim and door seals. Do you recommend any products that treat them as well to avoid drying/ fading or cracking?

  5. hay, i found where to post. now what, i have some business to take care of. lets get it on the way.:bangbang:


    i drive a mustang

    im around the north and west side of columbus... i know cr web site.

    i drive it, like i stole it


    damn, it late or early, i have court today, not racing.


    see you on the streets.


    - Rep for quoting an Auto Zone bumper sticker, oh and for the complete lack of effort as well.

  6. I think you're talking about the laser light show that they had on the side of the buildings. I went to that several times as a kid and enjoyed it.


    I think the OP is talking about WaterFire:




    Aaah the laser light show! I went to that all the time as a kid. It was the same thing every time too. They had the "Slpish splash I was taken a Bath" song and then the "Proud to be an American" same old shit every weekend. Probably because it was free is teh only reason we went. Hahaha


    The fire water thing looks.... Well, what the hell is it? They just light things on fire then put them in the water? I don't get it. :confused:

  7. Well I'd have to agree that regular maintnence would be your best route. Next time you need to change your air filter get a CAI. Keep it clean & stock. When you have the money, get somthing else as a toy. Suck to hear about the wedding though, good luck!
  8. Ok, how many people have heard of the village of Jablonow near Zwolen? My guess is that the health care there, and doctors aren't exactly that great. So 84 year old woman who passed out = 84 year old dead woman to them... just my .02
  9. I'm goann go shoot an animal, then make beef jerky out of it! After that I'm goanna go fuck some hot bicth while watching Brave Heart, and when I'm done with that I'm just goanna blow something up... Because it's man day god damn it!!!
  10. So I just picked up a brand new 09 Impreza a few weeks ago. What are some things I should do on a regular basis to keep the paint, trim and interior in good condition? I wash it using a wool mitt so that I cut down on swirl marks from washing. Make sure I wash a section at a time…I feel that I’m cautious when it comes to the weekly washing but what else should I do? It’s my 1st brand new car and I want to make sure that it still looks that way in a few years. Thanks!
  11. All I know is that we are in a recession that no one wanted to admit in the beginning, and so called experts said would be over this year. GM is out of the stock market and officially bankrupt, so get used to the fact that things are fucked and who knows for how long. Thats my opinion. :rolleyes:


    Sorry, I'm not saying that to be an ass or direct it towards anyone, I'm just saying that there are a lot of opinions that are based on random 3rd, 4th, and 5th party info that just seems to be very one sided.

  12. People don't like when things go different. Like Sol740 said, the "Experts" have been doing a GREAT job :rolleyes: . Look just because you've worked somewhere for 30+ years doesn't mean you have 30+ years knowledge. It could just be the first 5 years experience repeated.


    And beside, at least they’re trying to do something. I’m not very political but what would you rather have in this situation? “Hey government, we want you to use the tax payers $$$ to help bail out our failing business… Oh, but we don’t want to do anything different, just give us the money so we can keep doing the same old shit… We’re good for it.”

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