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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I've been to a bar here in Columbus that had a sign up saying a $___ fee will be charged to all tabs left open. It was all over the bar... I can't remember where it was at, but it was a flat fee, and not that much, maybe $10-$15 I guess it can be done. Although in your situation, it sounds like someone may be fucking with you. G/L, I hate dealing with the bank.
  2. Hm, the State of Ohio does not allow law enforcement vehicles to be unmarked.


    Did I miss a joke? because I do that from time to time.


    No joke, just reading.... See vvv


    haha I am not sure what state this is for but it was used than sold in an Auction and some dude posted pictures on svtperformance
  3. and why would I want to make up some shit like that?


    unless you've been attacked by one of those dogs your opinion on how I feel about them means dick


    Not quite...


    A guy in my neighbor hood has a Pit and one morning it got out. My G/F went to let our 4 dogs out in the back yard and didn't realize that his dog had jumped the fence and was in our yard. I was still in bed and heard her scream as his pit started attaching our smallest dog. I love my dogs, and would do almost anything for them. I ran out back not knowing what was going on only to see the dog fight. I had to wrestle this Pit off my little terrier and ended up getting bit pretty bad in the process. Our dogs are very socialized and don’t have problems with other dogs, even in out own yard. Long story short, apart from a few stitches to both me and my dog, I don’t feel that the breed is to blame and don’t hold a grudge against ALL pit bulls.


    I ended up talking with the neighbor a few day later only to find out his was a rescue and about a year old. He has since started to take his dog out and socialize him with other dogs and I still see him walk it regularly. He’s even brought him back to apologize to me and show me the progress. I’m not saying I’d let THIS particular dog just run around with my dogs, but how can you blame the entire breed because of 1 dog at 1 point in time?

  4. He said "When I think running from the cops, I think Camaro." Hahaha... Oh how true.



    I thought it was okay. His car was pretty bad ass, but the 1st cop chase was stupid. He lost em right away and we had to listen to the guy in the helicopter over react the rest of the time.

  5. I'm not a newb to the forum, but I will say that this is a great way to actually meet people. I've been to several Dyno days, a track day and a few misc. outings but this may make for a more...formal way of actually getting to know everyone. Some events are driven more by certain clicks on the forum and people who already know everyone, so this should help break that up. I’ll mark my calendar!
  6. Yeah.. the pulley for the turbo...:confused: The sad thing is there really ARE people like that who swear they have real mods and are making mad HP with their Ram Air Induction.


    I worked with this dude who was like that. He had a V8 Thunderbird (4.6L) This motherfuck was dead serious that his 98 Thunderbird with platinum spark plugs and ram air induction could walk my GTP. :nono: I tried and tried to get him to race me for MONTHS because he just wouldn't let it go. Finally he agreeded only becasue I stayed after work for 3 hours until his shift was over. We went from a 45 roll (His call :rolleyes:) He honked it off and I let him get get at least 2 cars on me then floored it and put about 5 on him by the time I was doing 80mph. The next day at work I asked him what happened to his car and he said... ready for this... That his new spark plugs weren't "broken in yet" and couldn't handle the boost... On his N/A Thunderbird! :lol: I was speachless... He quit about a month later.

  7. True... but arent young kids SUPPOSED to do completely retarded things?



    I never beat up a bum, but I did some dumb shit, and eventually realized that it was wrong to be such a dickbag... without the aid of five years in federal prison.


    True, kids will be kids and I too have matured in my years, I use to get into a lot of fights at school... But to jump a SLEEPING or at least vulnerable homeless man for no reason (3 on 1 mind you) and stomp his face in, to the point he needs reconstructive surgery isn't what I would consider just being a stupid kid... That type of behavior turns into other more serious shit. So yeah, I hope the little fuckers get to spend some time in jail at least a solid year and I hope it affects them long term and follows them for the rest of their lives. Because it sure sounds like it’s going to affect the innocent victim for the rest of his…

  8. But at the same time the police officers allow them to be driven on the road without any issues. Heres what I'm getting at.. Our opinions mean nothing in the real world. Its the people that pull you over and give you citations that determine what is and is not a street car. We can argue points all day long but if I can take my car and drive by 300 cops without being warned or given a single ticket then I have a street car.


    Do Eeeet! Do Eeet Now!!!!

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