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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Obviously its not that big of a deal to you or you would have decided that you would stop breaking the law two tickets ago. If you did something to deserve each one then why fight it? You made the bed you lay in it. Just my opinion.


    X2, I went through a tough spot when I was 18-19 years old, and was 2 points away from loosing my license but I never tried to argue it. I just took ownership of my actions (even though a few were really stupid 71 in a 65... Come on now). Now I only have 1 ticket on my record that will fall off in August then I’m clean. If you want to drive like a wild man, be prepared to pay the price!

  2. Oh and to respond to your notion that Pens fans are just as bad if not worse than Wings fans. I wont disagree. :)


    And Mario didnt really have an option 'not' to step in. He was part owner after they couldnt pay him what he was owed from his years of playing on the team. So had he not stepped in the franchise couldve gone bankrupt and moved to Kansas City. But thats all in the past and now they're playing game 7 :D


    Pens fans aren't bad, at least from me experience. I've been to the last 2 home games when Pittsburgh played Columbus. 1st was like 3 years ago when the Pens got embarrassed thanks to Danny Saborin. My G/F and I couldn't get tickets together so we had to sit at the opposite end of the aisle 1 row apart. Anyway, she was there to cheer on the Pens and 3 guys in BJ's shirts kept yelling at her, "Sit the fuck down Crosby Sucks!". I kind of let it go, then 1 Yelled out, "Hey bitch sit your dumbass down, they're loosing". I then step over a few rows and had some words with them...It stopped after that. This last game we went to despite having the Crowd be 50/50 Pens and BJ fans, people were still giving me shit on the way to the Car.

    But hey, you know what as a fan, what else can you do but cheer on your team and razz the others. So to me shit talking is just part of the experience. If you watch every team play I’m sure you’ll find a few of their Fans set bad examples for the team they’re cheering for too.


    And fair weather fans!? Every team has them. How is it that Columbus had a bunch of empty seats last year and could fill them up this year? It's called winning! No one wants to go cheer on a team that looses. If it took Sidney Crosby to get people excited about the Penguins again, then so be it! He’s not only good for Pittsburgh; he’s good for other teams as well.

  3. As much as I loathe both teams I think my hatred for the detroit red wings and their armada of fair weather 'oh I became a fan in '97 like everyone else' fans runs much deeper than my simple dislike of Sidney Crosby and his boyish good looks as well as Evengi Malkin and his "i may make 6 million dollars but cant afford a good dentist" smile.


    In conclusion I refuse to speak any sort of chant that might show my support of the igloo team and give this simple expression of my feelings...





    Haha, I just saw this ^^. He's been doing nothin but playin hockey for the past 2 year, I don't think he's had time. :lol: But yeah, he is an ugly Russian.

  4. a rule of thumb to remember about cr. 99.8% of members on here date super models. the other .2% are the super models.

    That and apparently the topic of Meg Fox's thumb has NEVER been brought up :rolleyes:



    Love the new Sig BTW! :thumbup:

  5. Go Pens! I just wanna see Hossa's reaction when the Pens win it all!




    I'd love it when he misses out two years in a row.


    Again, FUCK DETROIT.


    YES. I told my G/F I wouldn't care if somehow the Cup got lost on it's way to the arean, as long I could see Hossa's face after the Wings loose.

  6. That's actually not a bad idea, a lot of companies do similar things. Bring people in from the outside that don't know a lot about the industry but know business. Sometimes when you’re really close to a situation you get stuck looking at it in the same way over and over. Bring someone in who has an open mind and point of view and you may be able to turn things around. Beside, you don’t here about AT&T going bankrupt so he must know something.
  7. Know your audience I guess. Some forums are strictly technical and car related and they don’t want a bunch of off topic BS. Others are a lot looser, does it make it right or wrong, no but it is what it is so why complain about it? No different then the people who were bitching about have NWS stuff posted.
  8. If you drink that much on a work night you deserve a hangover. I have no sympathy for you now. If you didn't have to work the next day then maybe... but you still suck. :D


    :lol: Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Like I said it seemed like a good idea at the time. The first 3 beers were good then another and another and when I started doing the shots I realized my life was goanna suck today. But oh well I'll get over it.

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