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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Wow, you'll be busy this weekend with back to back dyno day events!. I'll be there on Saturday, and I'm trying to get a friend to bring his bike out Sunday. He's from California and was impressed by the number of bikes here in Columbus. I told him about your shop and Ohio Riders and he’s thinking about stopping by to meet some people. Should be a good turn out.
  2. I like this article. I can honestly say, I wish I had gone to a Tech school. I didn't because "no college would accept me" if I went to one. Eventually I wound up in the PC field. I worked the PC/Networking field for 12 years. I got the opportunity to work in a growing field. I got to use my knowledge and experience to solve puzzles, build elaborate networks, and do all sorts of challenging things. I enjoyed using computers and got to work with them every day. I even got to do this at a GAMING center for a number of years.


    Now, I deliver auto parts to garages.


    I've *never* been happier or more content.


    I've come to the conclusion that the point of work is so that I can afford to do the things I want. If I can't do the things I want because I'm working 60 hours a week, or I'm too stressed out, then there's no point to the job. What's the point to working your ass off your whole life, trying to impress someone who thinks you're just a cog, and finally end up too old to appreciate all that work?


    And "challenging" work? Why does work have to be challenging? You can find all sorts of challenging things to do when you're not working, AND they'll be more enjoyable to do.


    Do your job

    Get paid

    Have fun

    Die happy


    Apply the KISS principle to life.


    Very well put. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Would you rather make $100,000 plus per year working 50-60 hours a week in a stressful environment or would you rather make $30-40,000 a year working 35-40 hours a week?

  3. I've heard of the 7 hour rule too. After 7 hours it's time to hit it or quit it. 7 Hours is typically 2 or 3 dates that give you enough time to find out if there is an attraction or not. But I guess it's about what you want. If it's just about getting your dick sucked, then tell em whatever they want to hear. Pay for some drinks and let it do what it does. If you want something a little more serious just be yourself. If a girl is jumping your bones the first night...well...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPfmcGP1kLs:nws:
  4. Not that 2 million is a joke, but how far and for how long can you run on that? And is it worth the risk. Now on the other hand if it's a lot more like say 30 million it would be even more tempting, but then if you get caught you're in even bigger shit becasue you know they aren't just going to be like... Oh we lost 30 million... do biggie. Nope they will hunt your ass down for that amount. So I guess in this format NO I would let the bank no of their error and hope they reward me some other way.



    Now like metioned above, if it was some large amount of cash that found it's way to me. HELL's yes I would keep that!

  5. excel usually dumps the auto save when you specifically tell it you dont want to save that file.

    The problem with computers is they do what we tell them to do, not what we want them to do.



    Yeah, that's the best way to put it. I came in this morning at 7:00am and re did the spreadsheet. It's been sent out. I went in and set the "auto save" or what ever, to save the doc. every 3 minutes, lesson learned.

  6. Yes, it'll make a saved backup and you can define in the options settings how often it'll save said copy automatically.


    Well how to I recover it now? I closed the file and didn't save it, can I find it somewhere? Or is this just a lesson learned?

  7. well, since you didn't say what program.... I am unsure if we can help you.


    If it was microsoft, it saves it automatically in "saved documents" or something like that. Open the program and file-open recent. The next time it asks "are you sure you want to quit without saving" say no.


    It's an excell file... So I should checked saved documents

  8. So I've been working on a file for advertisement for about the past 2 hours. Pulling numbers from reports compiling important info so that we can put together a media packet for potential advertisers... I was closing a few windows because I was just about done... and... well I closed the file I had been working on. I thought it was something else and didn't save it. Is there any way to get it back? FML!!! :mad::(
  9. http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/Memoria%20dayl%20weekend%20trip/SL371457.jpg




    I'm pretty sure I've been here. ^^^ Does it have a ghetto "petting zoo" next/ behind it? If it's where I'm thinking it's right at the bottom of a huge hill too...


    Either way, yeah W.V. has some fun roads to ride on, nice hills and turns. Looks like a good time.

  10. It was a great time. We actually stayed in Tony Stewarts suite. Apparently the connection is my friends dad is good friends with Tony Stewart and they go hang out every year starting Friday and just make a weekend of it. I missed a lot of the parting Saturday afternoon/ night, but we went out to this Steak House called Flemings after the race. The NY strip that I got was $68.00. The bill for the 8 of us was over $1,000.00 that’s 8 meals and 3 bottles of wine! I only spent $70.00 all weekend and that includes gas. I was pretty much ballin outta control :lol:
  11. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_1294.jpg











  12. The Transformers were there too. :D







    Now the rest of the piscs..











  13. There were a few Corvettes…











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