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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. This is how close we were to the track!




    We had a pit pass, but they were closed by the time we realized it, so here are a few pics from afar, The camera crew even had their own spot.




    Kissing the brick.




    Greg Oden was there too.


  2. On our way to the Suite, Our neighbors…


    Was saw a few famous people arrive (Mario Lopez, Greg Oden, Dave Laterman) THEY had the best parking spot. This was at the golf course right behind the suite.



    Arrived to the suite… Now this is how you watch a race!






    Our view. Coming into turn 2 the back stretch and headed into turn 3.





  3. Well I fell into an extra ticket to the Indy 500 Saturday afternoon. Here's what it looked like!....







    I was on my way to Indy at 9:30pm, and was in the racing mood so I decided to have a little fun at the closed track that runs parallel with 70 W in the middle of no were. The GTP has been running strong lately.





    Got to the track Sunday morning...





    We had one of the best parking spots (As was everything else at the race) and saw a GTR...





    Killing time, saw the Pace Cars...





  4. :thumbup:THIS GUY!!!:thumbup:



    I got a call from a friend of mine last night who had an extra ticket to the Indy 500 Sunday. It's one of those deals where he "known’s a friend who works with this guy who knows another guy who just happens to have an extra few tickets in the luxury suites there” Well one guy bailed and so I got the call. I’m probably goanna drive out tonight (After the Penguins win game 3... GO PENS!) and meet them at their hotel. Then drive back either Sunday night or Monday. I’ll take some pictures and post them up when I get back! Whaoo! I’m pretty excited, it should be fun.

  5. "I ordered next-day air (if only there was same day!), and, of course, a size smaller than usual to ensure the closeness of the wolves to my chest hair. When the package arrived, I tore it open, and I SWEAR angels sang. I think it was Freebird. I immediately removed my "No Fat Chicks" shirt, and replaced it with this finery. Lemme tell you: AW YEAH. "


    Bwhahahah!!! :lol: :lol:

  6. Wow...










    There are some funny comments on there, like this one:


    "This item has wolves on it which makes it intrinsically sweet and worth 5 stars by itself, but once I tried it on, that's when the magic happened. After checking to ensure that the shirt would properly cover my girth, I walked from my trailer to Wal-mart with the shirt on and was immediately approached by women. The women knew from the wolves on my shirt that I, like a wolf, am a mysterious loner who knows how to 'howl at the moon' from time to time (if you catch my drift!). The women that approached me wanted to know if I would be their boyfriend and/or give them money for something they called mehth. I told them no, because they didn't have enough teeth, and frankly a man with a wolf-shirt shouldn't settle for the first thing that comes to him.


    I arrived at Wal-mart, mounted my courtesy-scooter (walking is such a drag!) sitting side saddle so that my wolves would show. While I was browsing tube socks, I could hear aroused asthmatic breathing behind me. I turned around to see a slightly sweaty dream in sweatpants and flip-flops standing there. She told me she liked the wolves on my shirt, I told her I wanted to howl at her moon. She offered me a swig from her mountain dew, and I drove my scooter, with her shuffling along side out the door and into the rest of our lives. Thank you wolf shirt. "


    This made me :lol: Very nice! Did you get one?

  7. Subarus have great ease of entry/exit (especially the higher Outbacks/Foresters), are very reliable, easy to work on, and have superb safety in both impact and not crashing in the first place (AWD FTMFW).


    However, you won't find a 25mpg city rating. I love Subies, but I can't honestly call them fuel efficient. :( There are rumors of Toyota and Subaru working together on Direct Injection solutions, but that doesn't help you now. So if mileage is very important, then a Subaru might not be the best choice.


    But if they're flexible, I think a Subaru is the only choice (as evidenced by my two Subies. ;) ).





    In this price range, they are looking used.


    On the Yaris, doesn't fit the price range.


    Sonata, maybe. Not a big Hyundai / Kia fan.


    On the Buick, I suggested an older, larger car or mini van at lower cost, but they prefer something smaller.


    Cobalt, maybe. I have not sat in one. A higher seat is better given Dad's ability to get in and out.


    Dodge Caliber fits the bill except they seem so cheap. I've driven a few.


    On the Subies, I was wondering about the MPG. I like the AWD though.


    Keep'em coming.


    I just bought an 09 Impreza and while it's the base model it still get decent mileage. About 24-26 city 30-32 highway. It doesn’t fall in you 10K range but they have good deals. Defiantly worth taking a look at… I’m glad I did.

  8. I logged on to post this same survey. CR has some good drivers! 18/20 fro me. I missed the fog light one and the tail gate one. Of course tail gating pisses people off, I just didn't think that was the technical answer. Haha
  9. i love how the dumb bitch starts wading through the water thinking she is going to walk across to the other side, not remembering/paying attention to that fact her car just nosedived into a big-ass hole and ends up swimming.


    :lol: I thought the same thing! Aaa, remember your car just disapeared where you're about to walk. Hahah

  10. About how much does a set up like this cost? Using it for HPT is a great idea, but I was thinking about playing MP3's from it and just having a shit load of music... is that possible? Great work too, it looks like a really clean install!
  11. The good part of CR is there is no role. Everyone is allowed to have opinions on everything. The problem is the senior member area is not used enough. If you put something in plane site we cant be mad at people posting about it.


    I do have an issue with all of personal attacks on people and businesses. I have been nice in trying to referee the stuff and let people have it out in the "kitchen"... but if this is going to be the result then we will have no choice but to police things a lot more.


    Bottom line, CUT OUT THE BULLSHIT! I will say it again like I did a few weeks ago. Its a forum... have fun, use common sense, and enjoy your time online. Help the new members, try to make a few meets, and be more like family. Kitchen posting is a lot more fun when you actually know the people. Now that schools almost out (and I will have more than 1 day a week with my kids) I plan on mixing real life fun with posting here. Hopefully I see most of you this weekend at the car show so we can discuss this in person.


    Well said Brian!


    I think it’s the whole keyboard tuff guy shit! I can’t imagine half the people saying the stuff they type to people face to face. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, why type it? So how do we fix that?


    I say we need to get tougher on the infractions, and bans! If you’re going to bash a vendor or stir up unnecessary drama both parties should get a vacation! CR isn’t for you to hash out your personal BS; at least I don’t think so. I know bickering is part of the kitchen but I think most people know when shit has crossed the line from a harmless call out, to personal attacks and at that point someone needs to step in and put the fire out. If not it gives others the impression that if they have beef with another member or vendor that it’s okay to start attacking them on a forum. And then the cycle begins! And if you don’t like it then either stop being an instigator or GTFO! I know Anthony doesn’t want to loose members, but if you’re not the ones causing problems then life should be just fine for you here on CR. But if you are an instigator and have nothing but bullshit to contribute then I say what good are you here?


    As for vendors going after vendors, that’s a lose lose IMO. Vendors that get on here and argue make themselves look stupid. If this is how you handle your business affairs, will you take care of me as a customer the same way, should there be an issue?

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