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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Thoughts on playing Detroit in the first round...?



    -Unlike playing Vancouver or another team out in the far west, at least they won’t have to travel far.

    -Nash plays really well against the Red Wings as do the Jackets as a team. (in the reg. season)

    - The Red Wings have struggled against teams in the 1st round.



    - Since Detroit is so close and if the regular season is any reflection, Jacket fans BETTER show up or the “home” crowd will 60-40 in favor of Detroit.

    - It’s the NHL playoffs and it’s nothing like the reg. season. The Red Wings have experience and know how to take it up to the next level.

    - the Jackets haven’t looked as dominate the last few games.


    I hope the Jackets knock the Wings out! If not they better make it a 7 game decision. As much as this may suck, it’s great to have their 1st playoff match up be against Detroit, GO JACKETS!

  2. Haha that's awesome, at least you know you're not a bitch and if it ever were to happen you would have the balls to do something.

    That's what I thought too, I was ready to fuck someone up.


    well he claims it was the dog that pissed on the floor....but I dunno

    It WAS the dog I swear. :lol:



    ^^ That... is a creapy dog. I'd proably punch that thing wide awake on a sunday afternoon.


    don't ever have kids......that shit happens weekly at my house; only no punches.

    :funny: My kids would be messed up! I can see it now, 4:00 am....


    "Daddy I'm thirsty."

    WTF!!! http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/beat.gif

  3. Naaa, he's my best bud and he's okay, I called him back after I reaized what happened and he came. I apologized and gave him a little canned food when he got back inside. I was wide awake for about 30 minutes after. I turned on the all the lights too for a bit.
  4. I literally punched the piss outta my dog last night at 3:46am. I was asleep and he jumped up on the bed and was just staring at me (He had to go potty). I woke up and saw what I thought was a person in my face, after yelling “Oh SHIT!” I punched him twice as hardas I could. I mean I really thought someone was in my house! He went flying and hit the dresser, then the floor and pissed all over. I felt bad, but it scared the fuck outta me! :lol: BTW he's only a 30 pound cocker spaniel, he's okay but after I let him out he didn't come back to bed :( I let my 90 pound boxer sleep with instead.
  5. Walk up to a girl (or gay if you go that way) and ask her....


    :): "What's the definition of indefinitely"


    :confused:"I don't know...for ever?"


    :D: "No, when my balls are slapping against your ass, I'm in... definitely"




  6. Nice! :lol: Watch Kanye Spazz out about this too.


    "Kanye says 'South Park' put him in check"








    I didn't see that coming. Kanye makes good music, but I can't stand him. A little humilty can do people some good. And Carlos Mencia is a joke too, he took Chapells show and just changed it from Blacks to mexicans, how clever.

  7. +1


    $2500 in cash is a lot of money to not read the contract that you are signing.




    I know it's too late now but a few red flags that jumped out at me are. If they were going on vacation and couldn't sit down with you to go over a formal contract then why would you be concerned about them actually selling the house while they were gone? After all if they were honest sellers in the first place then don’t you think if they knew they had a potential buyer in you they would contact you first once they got back? It just doesn’t add up. They don’t want to sit down with you, because they’re leaving for vacation and don’t have time, but while they’re on vacation they have time to sell the house…? I’d say forget that, look me up when you get back and if we’re still interested go from there. Red flag 2 is wanting cash for a deposit. Why would someone insist on cash? If they were legit business people then why not a check, and if it was because they didn’t trust you then why would they do business/ rent to you in the first place? 3rd flag is the very informal and rushed meeting arrangements to go over something like buying a house? Seriously…Maybe the only thing you get out of this will be a hard lesson learned.


    I would try to work something out with them one on one first. Explain to them your situation and concerns in a calm manner (assuming they’ll listen) about feeling rushed and not being made aware of the fine print. Let them know you see where they’re coming from and why they would want a non refundable deposit but that you let them know the next day and didn’t wait until the house was off the market for 2-3 weeks. If they are decent people maybe you can work something out. If not I would get legal advice instead of CR advice. I deal with contracting people on a somewhat regular basis and we always have to “negotiate in good faith”. I can’t go over a contract in my car. I’m no lawyer but there might be some loop hole, signing a contract from car to car while dealing with lager amounts of cash seems more like a hit man contract rather then a home buying contract, maybe a judge will see it that way too. Good luck though.

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