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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I've gotten all 3 of mind done at different places...

    Evolved - No complaints really. I would have gone back there for the second one but the guy that did my first left so I went to Inspired by Ink since a good friend of mine suggested it.

    Inspired by Ink- It was a clean shop and they did a great job. Only problem is that I had the idea of what I wanted and the guy doing the tattoo had his. He kept wanting to change shit and make it really crazy and off the wall sort of cartoonish. I liked some of his ideas, but... I knew what I wanted and since it was going on me I wanted it to be done my way. I ended up having to go back like 4-5 times before it was right for me. But in the end I'm happy with it and i turned out great!

    Body Language- Again, no complaints. they did a great job and were really cool to work with. They had lots of books of all their work. Will probably stick with them if I get anymore.

  2. I say we take a vote on where we have it that way even if it's not close to everyone it's close to the majority. We can go with the top 2 locations and just rotate between those two. Keep parking in mind, but I doubt that the locations will complain especially if we buy something. Here's whats been suggested so far. Someone make a poll and lets get a damn spot picked out.


    1. Panera Bread


    875 Bethel Rd

    (614) 457-6800


    2. Panera Bread


    3625 Fishinger Blvd

    (614) 876-9900


    3. Panera Bread


    782 N State St (Maxtown)

    (614) 797-9200


    4. Panera Bread


    6887 E Broad St

    (614) 864-3500


    5. Cup O' Joe Lennox

    Campus / Lenox

    1791 Olentangy River Rd

    (614) 291-1563


    6. Crimson Cup Coffeehouse


    4541 N High St


    7. CSCC Bookstore (Not 100% sure if this is the correct address)


    283 Cleveland Ave

    (614) 287-2427


    8. Lil Donut Factory


    4543 Scioto Darby Rd

    (614) 876-9869


    9. Block's Bagels


    6115 Mcnaughten Ctr

    (614) 863-0470

  3. Hondas are for gehs and another thing, yer a geh!


    (is that mean enough?) (.....coming from a "newb") :bangbang:


    Shits lame, newbs dont welcome newbs!!! and oh shit vtak! There that was a little more normal.



    But seriously, those are some pretty nice little honduh's you got there. You should sign up for the track day and come run that thing. Maybe even make a trip out here to c-bus and go to the meets on the weekends. See ya around.


    It's not the same... You guys don't reall mean it, you're just saying that... :(

  4. I'm sorry but I want to spin yolanda on my penis for an hour or two
    Okay... moving on. :lol:

    I was a member and true story, up until about 8 years ago I still got all the FREE coupons they sent out on your B-day. I remember they would send you a free Baskin Robins ice cream card and a bunch of other carp! But I too never won the Free pizza Friday. I love reminiscing about shit like this. :lol:

  5. First off, let me start by saying welcome and nice work on the cars, I agree if you put some work into it and it makes power you get my respect. Idon't think I'll ever own “The Fastest” car so why talk like I do.?


    we'll do it soon enough budddddy.. You should gimme a call. We need to chill.



    I really do appreciate all the warm welcomes. I don't get that much often. thanks.


    CR FTW!



    And a side note. I know a few guys from columbus . I know a guy named shanten I think drives a red volkswagen golf pretty fast car. And I also know of A taller blonde haired guy drove a red fd with a ls1. Ive hung with them a few times. Pretty rad dudes.



    NINJA EDIT!!!!! I believe the guy is ls-oned on here




    But Secondly (and no offence) Holey Fuck!!! :eek: how and the hell did you manage to get 3 pages deep without anyone flaming you!? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a new guy, especially one with a Honda (again no offence) make it 3 pages without someone commenting on “rice” or “weeeeeeee”. Then on page 3 you say CR is a friendly place! Then I see 2 other newbie’s welcome you and no one flames them….WOW...GO CR!

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