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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Everything in america is about nostalgia. Its like we cant move ahead because of whatever our past was. Its not a viable entity so move on to bigger and better things. Its a car company and I know americas love with the automobile, but its obviously not what americans want so why keep it around. maybe everyone in america should have joined cr. You can see how many nutswingers it has produced for pontiac. Sorry that was my rant for today and I dont feel good.


    I actually agree with this too. Just becasue something has been around for years and years doesn't mean that it's been doing the right thing for years and years.

  2. I change mine ever 3-4k But my buddy's new BMW 135i says every 15k. I've been told by a few people that 5-10k is where you should in reality change you oil and thats its all a sham from the oil makers.



    Any insight would rock because 15k blew my mind and his car is turbo.


    I guess other then the $ what does it hurt to change the oil every 3-5K miles, even it calls for every 10-12K miles? You can't over do a good thing....can you?

  3. Jesus, Sean Avery is a bastard.


    A bastard that has really helped the Rangers out! He's a guy you either love or hate. My G/F can't stand him. I on the other hand like his style of play.

  4. SHe's just covering her own ass and throwing Brandon under the bus.


    I hate to say it but most people in her situation would probably do the same thing if they were facing some serious shit. Think about it she lost her husband and is now finding out she could be responsible for the girl that was hurt. Maybe in her mind she has paid enough with the loss of George maybe she has, maybe she hasn’t. The fucked up thing is that the “system” is flawed. IMO it doesn’t have anything to do with right or wrong or what’s fair or not. It’s what can be proven. Maybe her attorney advised her to roll on this kid. It may be harder to prove he was responsible vs. proving her responsibility. Let’s not think about George, his wife or this Brandon kid… think about the girl that didn’t have a choice in the matter and her family. After all everyone else involved made a choice...

  5. I don't understand the charges at all, involuntary manslaughter is a stretch, but aggrevated vehiclular homicide. What makes it aggrevated? George is the one who died, and he agreed to race. I can understand Brandon getting into trouble, but he didn't intend on killing anyone, so how can he be charged with anything aggrevated? George was there willingly and while yes they were street racing Brandon didn't cause the crash. I hate this whole situation, for those involved, and the many people this effects this is just horrible. Deffinetly a no-win situation for anybody.


    That's a very good point. If this kid was racing, lost control and killed someone (not himself) I can see that. However he agreed to race another willing participant during an illegal act. The other party lost control and killed himself and seriously injured someone else. I just don’t get it... But I guess that’s why they have a trial. All we can do here is speculate, no one knows the details or laws well enough to make an argument. But Like everyone else said, it suck either way.

  6. Two strawberries are sitting in a bathtub, one says "Pass the soap." The other one says, "What do I look like, a type writer?"


    :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny:

    + rep for you sir!!!

  7. How the fuck can you waste an entire powerplay and not even get 1 shot on goal?


    Lets go Jackets? :confused:



    Well I still plan on going to Thursdays game, I sure hope Detroit lets us win one (I don't think the CBJ's have the offence to win it on their own). But oh well at least the Penguins are still doing good in the East, GO PENS!!!

  8. :lol: Wow, I really wasn't expecting a full on investigation with actual ways as to how the corn got there. Haha. So lets play a little CSI….



    They were eating corn while pissing. It all makes sense.

    I've conducted interviews with the 7 people at my office today. I've ruled out 3 because they're women. The 4 men I spoke to claim to have not eaten today and are actually discussing the lunch order. (which doesn't include corn).


    If there is a sink next to there maybe someone was cleaning out their lunch bowl in the sink and corn ended up on the floor from it.

    This isn’t likely as the sink is still 2 urinals down. I went back to the scene of the crime and found no evidence of corn in or around the sink, so unless they were flushing out their lunch bowl I’d say probably not. That and we have a nice clean lunch room closer to the offices. Someone would have to go out of their way to use the back bathroom to clean up…


    Small penis??? Shove an ear of corn down your pants. It will get you noticed.

    This will be tuff to determine , I may have to enlist some undercover help from our office…ummmm “flirt” maybe with her help I can get to the bottom of this…




    (yeah, it’s a slow day today)

  9. sick...we really didnt need to know that!


    I know right... and what's even more disturbing is it's by the urinal, NOT the toilet it’s in front of the urinal. :lol:


    Fuck man, that's a free meal!

    Come on now.... this is a classy thread, don't be bringing it down with nasty talk like that.

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