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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Flyers/Pens game about to start. :D


    I'm hoping Vancouver destroys St. Louis tonight. :mad:


    GO PENS!!!!! 4-1.


    Okay, okay. Now on to the "home team"! I'm actually really excited about tonights game.

  2. :lol: If this was a prank that some guy played on his roommate we'd all be laughing. But becasue it's some chick it's all of a sudden "crazy" behavior.

    I thought it was funny. But on that note if my G/F ever pulled that shit I'd probably fuck her up.

  3. It is amazing how people with zero computer skills get jobs where they need to use a computer.


    Props to you for putting up with a job like that. I could never do it.


    It's sad really. My BOSS will call me and ask how to do something in excell or how to sort something in his email or just other random crap. I'm not a computer guy. I use them at work, and at home for Forums the internetz and that's about it. But things are so idiot proof these days you can teach yourself pretty much everything you need to know if you just take the time and think!

  4. That sucks mang! I was in the same boat with my GTP. All I wanted was a low 12 second DD. Hahaha. I was almost there but after rebuilding the trans about 5 times in 3 months I said fuck it! Shit got to be way too much $$$. If I could go back though I wouldn't change a thing. Instead I'll just do it differently next time. I know exactally how ya feel. Do what you want with the car, but don't look at it as a complete waist.














    Oh and I'm thinking G35 for my next ride :cool: Sexy and qiuck!



  5. yo that e55 is bout to get served by my whip when your balls drop and you decide to run my daily driver as well......


    there was a time that I could say that and actally mean it. I raced one down at Edgewater last year and kept side by side with it, I trapped a little higher but our et's were within about .2 seconds (he won, launching FWD FTL)... I miss having a fast car :(

  6. You could say that drinking use to be a hobby of mine. But now that I started boxing, I have really cut back. I've had a beer or 2 when I'm out at a bar with friends. But I haven't really drank or gotten drunk in about 3 1/2 months. Does that count?
  7. Yo debo are we getting the tickets for the game in Detroit on Sat?


    I heard that the Blue Jacket Backers (the Fan Club) bought tickets in Detroit for Saturdays game for fan club members. I think they go on sale today at noon. tickets are like $40-$50. Not a bad deal if you don't mind watching in Detroit.... It's hard to sort out what's a real legit way to get tickets from just what people "heard".... Haha, That's why I'm spreading more way's that I heard to get tickets. :D

  8. They are going to be $20. I really hope Jackets fans show up for this, don't let the Red Wings get in this line. We might have to have some security go down there and kick out every Red Wings fan in the line. Jackets fans only.

    Shaweet, You'll probably have to camp out.

  9. I'm excited! Anyone know if they'll still do the $10.00 tickets before the game (I'm sure they won't be $10.00) but hell even if their $30.00 nose bleed tickets I'd stand in line!
  10. WOW, that's shitty! He should encourage his players to be breaking records, what a dumbass. So D Wades contract is coming up and his coach decides to be a prick bad move. If you're the owner you want your star to be happy.
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