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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Why was this news anyway? Is it cuse peoples has kids that they tryin’ to feed for this special and you mean to tell me that we canit feed our kids? Because yall didn't order enough chicken yall knew yall was goann has this special almost 2 months ago.


    You know what it's not race thing its an intelligence thing, you can apply this same text to some old red neck dude and the humor would still be there.

  2. Slow day at work. It's not close to perfect, but you get the idea:


    (Also, i bumped up the diameter of the wheel and brakes a bit for fun)







    WOW! Good work, glad someone can do this carp.

  3. Pacemakers?


    Haha, looks like it. I use to go up there every Friday night for test & Tune and bracket racing. Good times.


    Oh and welcome new guy. I had a 95 Avenger and loved that damn car. It was slow as shit but never gave me any problems, my dumbass traded it in like 2 months before it was pain off :slap: GL with the build, if you haven't already starts a build thread, I'd like to follow this.

  4. Okay, so I want to take this G8....





    And see what it would look like with these sets of wheels in metallic gray....







  5. This is something I was talking with a couple people about. Why do all Hondas get classified as a ricer? Even the relatively clean ones.


    I'll admit. My car isn't the 'fastest' or whatever and I could give a shit less. And I got a big ass can cause I got an awesome deal on it and my other one rusted off. Yet. I've tried to keep it clean and just overall as a good car.


    Then driving to Kroger I have 3 guys call me a ricer. On top of some negative rep some guy gave me back on here calling me a 'ricer fag'.


    So how in the fuck do people define ricer? And why do even the 'normal' honda drivers get defined as it. I don't rev (I'm usually the guy yelling at the people reving the POS cars), I don't drive like a dbag all over the parking lot. I take my time and I go around and meet people, try to have fun. Then to have some faggots who think they're bad ass in whatever the fuck they drive call me a ricer for no reason. That shit pisses me off.




    It’s called stereotyping, it’s the same reason we see a full size van with 40 ladders on the roof parked in front of a burrito stand and think, Well a Mexican must own that. Sure it’s not right, well I guess it is about 75 % of the time otherwise it wouldn’t be stereotyping. It has nothing to do with the definition of rice.

  6. Im not called a ricer and I drive a hawnduh....Its probably because im 6'4" and 400 pounds but' date=' that is beside the point.I've never met you but i like to fuck with people and im not usually serious,unless you are FUBAR.[/quote']



    You're 6'4" and 400 lbs and you drive a honda!? :eek: To have to lube up to fit in the car!? :p




    Surprisingly, I have never yet had anyone call me a ricer while driving my Si other than friends playing around with me.


    Is your Si bright yellow with a fart can? I rest my case.


    This is a topic I have often wondered about myself. The word ricer has been unfairly passed around for years. Unfortunately alot of it falls directly from what we would hope would be the more appreciative /understanding car guy. There are plenty of domestic owners today who started out being a "ricer". As they have grown to enjoy other venues of vehicles they started making fun of the exact thing they themselves once did. Its the nutswinger who has jumped on the ......well nuts.... of these guys that have helped drive the term to what it is today. Mostly young kids whos first car didnt happen to be a honda or such. The older guy with a need to have someone from his nutsack allows the young swinger to ride his opinions, valid or not, instead of simply telling their newly found skin polishers to get an opinion of their own. The young swingfucks then feeling some sense of false commrodery(sp?) begin throwing the word ricer at everyone, most of the time appearing as a jackass. Yet noone trys to teach them how to appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into maintaining a car. I have seen just as many domestic guys throw dumbshit on their cars as foreign. There are alot of guys that take alot of pride and put in the effort to try and have a clean ride. Its actually harder to have a nice foreign car than a domestic. You actually have to work at trying to get a honda respected. Stop and think of the aftermarket parts that are available for each. Hell your almost predisposed of creating a steaming heap. I know for a fact that some of the big "ricer" callers on here actually do like what some of the foreign owners have done yet just wont man up and admit it. Its like highschool, no balls except in groups. As for me, I appreciate the time that guys put into their cars. There are some cars that have body kits I really like and others I think are fugly. Theres alot of stupid stuff I see added to them I will never understand. And perhaps these guys are ricers. But for me its unfair to lump every foreign car owner into the term ricer. As long as you can clearly explain what a mod does and it has an actual function than so be it.


    So then there is the ricer as a person. Now this is where you can almost certainly determine if someone is a ricer. The way a person carries him/herself will ultimatly classify you as a ricer or not. If your fortunate enough to penetrate a group of domestics out at a meet and get them to socially feel its okay to talk to you being a foreigner, they way you handle yourself is key to wether or not ricer fag becomes your new nickname. First mistake is not knowing what or why certain things are on the car for. You have to be able to defend a 12'' tall rear wing on a fwd car or from the get go your done. Thus dont have one on there to begin with. See how that works. Secondly dont for a second assume your car is anything than what it is and try to defend it til the sun comes up. Its a car the same as the domestic guys, most guys can tell when your full of shit so dont try to justify the turd sticker as giving an extra 10hp. It wont fly. Remember you are under the gun when it comes to being accepted. Every action is under the microscope. Its probably not fair but hey thats the way it is. If you act like a tool dont get mad when your called a tool. Alot of "ricers" are younger guys with no real role models when it comes to appreciating cars. like everyone they want to fit in and at the time it may seem cool to rev the engine. This is where it takes a community to try and teach them whats cool and whats not. Its to easy to just make fun of them. Try to help them out by making them feel accepted. They will see how everyone is acting soon enough. They will realize the difference between right and wrong. Last, if you are a foreigner, stop pussying out and making excuses or playing the ham. Dont try to be the class clown because everyone is making fun of you. If you like your car and you have taken the time to do it right, dont say "well this is all I can afford until I buy my ??????? pos nutswinging domestic". Be proud of what you have. Not everyone is going to like it, so what. Realize you will from time to time unfairly be called a ricer. If it bugs you than prove them wrong. Sorry for my early morning rant. It probably makes no sense.



    ^^^ Jesue christ, I hope you feel better soon. Someones got a little too much time... :D (Oh and I didn't bother reading it)

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