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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Great looking dog. Even better looking wife :thumbup:


    I can't believe it took 6 post for that comment!


    Great looking dog! A friend of mine has a mastiff thats now a year old, it was weird everytime I went over the dog was like 10 pounds bigger. He makes my 70 pound boxer look like a puppy. :(

  2. before you go thinking the motor is all wasted check spark on every cylinder those magnum motors are really bad about getting all corroded inside the distributor cap randomly and not starting... pull the cap off and check for corrosion and rotor burn through

    Well wouldn't you know it. I replaced the distributor cap and rotor yesterday and shazam, damn thing starts right up!


    Thanks guys! :thumbup: + rep!

  3. I walked out of a bar on Friday to see a cop arresting someone for something minor (not sure what, the guy didn't appear to be noticeably drunk). While this worthless cop was arresting this guy, I could hear not too far away, yelling, and sounds of a solid fight.


    So I walk down to see what's up, sure enough, at least 6 dudes in an all out brawl. Did the cop ever go over there? Of course not, that would be something a legitimate law enforcement figure would do.


    America, fuck yeah.


    I love when you get started on th CPD becasue it's all funny and true! +rep

  4. You could fuck a transsexual hooker in the ass in front of a CPD officer without getting arrested, if you were so inclined.


    I think this statement needs a few tweaks...

    Only if the transsexual hooker was on private property and the cop didn't see an exchange of money. The only REAL crime in that statement is the hooker part, that fact that it's a tranny who likes to play hide the snake in it's ass is completely irrelevant. Although I will have to agree that when it comes the important stuff…cops IMO are pretty much useless.

  5. x2 sooo then me vs u dig at the track for

    20? on april 24th rental?

    I'll be there. My only pass is reserved for you, if my trans goes....so be it!



    I came in on the tail end of the real racing, I wish I could have been around 2 years earlier.


    I know what ya mean. I found out about CR in 07 and by the time I kew where everyone was it was too late.


    I agree that times have changed, but that doesn't mean that everyone needs to stop racing all together. Where this a will theres a way. I'm not trying to spark a movement or anything, but I would like to see more of the "R" in CR. Track events a great and a win win in my book, and if that helps get people back into it then GREAT.

  6. Has really improved over the last few days with all the old race vidoes. I must say that I like the direction that it's going in. I for one do not have OG status and wasn't around for the good ol days. But I watched all the videos posted by Linn, Sam and Mr. Bravo and it really made me want to race! So to the people who contributed to the videos, I tip my hat as a newer member of CR with much respect and say thank you! Now it's time for the newer members and old to step up their game! :bangbang:
  7. I'm looking forward to it as well! At first, they were just hoping to make it. Now I hear talks of trying to win home ice for the first round and make a run at least to the second! They've had pretty convincing wins as of late too which really goes to show what kind of team they are. It’s just odd for me to think of them as a playoff team. I mean the 1st 8 years Blue Jackets hockey to me was just something to do on a Friday/ Saturday night. Hell I don’t think I saw a winning game at nationwide for a while. And the fans are really getting into it! It’s goanna be GREAT! I’m going to try and get tickets if possible.
  8. Next time get yourself a 24 oz beer glass. Pour in 1 bottle of sam adams cherry wheat. Next pour in a guinness. Then drink and repeat x2. Quickest and tastiest way to go through 6 beers FO SHO!


    Hummm, I like where this thread is going! What would that be called, a red and black?

  9. So since i didnt go anywhere tonight i decided to experiment! So i was at a party b4(duffgtp's) and they had lemonade with beer and vodka it was good. So what i did was had pink lemonade budweiser and tequila yummmmm it taste sooo good!!!! oh yea i hated life cause i didnt do anything so thats what i did try it sometime!!!


    try getting a 32oz glass, about 12oz blue moon, 12oz orange juice, then take a double shot glass, 1/2 with amaretto, 1/2 southern comfort. drop shotglass into tall glass and chug.


    WOW, all 3 of those sound so abscure and nasty that it just may be tasty! I'll have to give it a "shot"...

  10. What about playing pool? You get the advantage of having something to suck at, people can drink and most pool halls won't be so freekin packed tonight and most pool halls have cheap drinks. I know of 2 places...

    Chubbys Off of Hard Rd. They have good cheap food and $2.00 drafts...



    Bankshots in Hilliard...


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