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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. What is a woman doing around cars!? She don't need to be spinnin no tires, she need to be spinnin a load of my laundry and makin me dinner. Shit if this kind talk and behavior keeps up next thing you know women are goanna want to vote and work in an office environment, and that aint right!








    I'm joking of course, women should be allowed around cars, but only if they’re hot and wearing minimal clothes while washing my car…

  2. If the price doesn't bother you I say go for it. Rear mount turbo’s are defiantly different and make some decent power. I know a guy that has one on his Grand Prix. The car made something like 325whp and was running 12.8's. All he had done was some minor work to the valvetrain (rocker arms) and the turbo. Non inner-cooled too.
  3. goin to my buddys till my girl gets off work, then shes dragging me to her church for some new years church thing....fuck


    I went with a friend a few years ago and some skank broad who was trying to "change her life" and start the new year off with god... She was tounging my balls in the basement of the church/ daycare by 11:45pm. Hahah. I know I'm going to hell, just thought I'd bring someone with me. And even after getting my dick sucked it still was a shitty night.



    Paul, WTF are you doing tonight?

  4. For all the people who didn't make plans? Where are we going tonight? Come on, I know I'm not the only person trying to make last minute plans. Lets ring in the New Year with CR members... Post up your ideas and let celebrate 2010 with 40 rolls!!!! :cool:
  5. I would have told her the key phrase is Children vs Dog. Now get the mutt the fuck out! Leave his ass at home. He'd much rather be sleeping on your couch than tooling around Kroger. :nono:


    X2, people like this swear that it's for the dog, when the reality of it is that the dog probably hates it and the owner is the only one who gets enjoyment out of the situation. If you love your "Child" so much, how about you do right by it and let it walk (It is a dog after all), maybe take it to a dog park instead of fuckin Kroger.

  6. 2 flat screens, a laptop, some gift cards / Christmas cash, my wifes briefcase. They left my htpc, external hardrive, all ny power tools (which was surprising), a credit card, and my passport. They searched through literally everything.


    Fuck man, you got hit hard. The worst part is after everything is gone you have to clean up their mess. :mad: Hopefully you get some sort of info from the cops and can press charges against their ass!!!! Sorry again man.

  7. I think the whole dog thing works wonders! I grew up in a shit neighborhood (Barnette & Livingston). We had a 75lb Huskey who was actually friendly but considering most of the people doing the robbing lived in that area they knew the houses with dogs. Either that or we just didn't have shit worth steeling, which is more then likley the case... But still, dogs = great security.


    Sucks either way :(

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