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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I know one way that people will forget all about what was said. Make a 9 page thread out of it, then quote what was said and put it in your sig! That way everyone will forget what mean and hurtful things were said about you.... Seriously, something should be handled OFF the internet.
  2. i love how the girl was in the ER for 8 hours and this dude never left her side, despite his own injuries that he was not being treated for, and yet she still wont even talk to him....she coulda put some gear on, she made the choice not to....but to completely stop talking to the guy seems a little much....its not like he dropped it on purpose and then went to the ER leaving her bleeding on the side of the road


    X2. I could see being upset but damn, that's a little much.

  3. Magic Hat has some good brews. There's also a West Coast brewer called Anchor out of SanDeago that makes very good stuff. Check out the Kenny Rd Market (4658 Kenny Rd). They sell a bunch of micro brews and have a section where you can mix and match a 6 pack of different beers. That way you don't get stuck with 6 nasty beers if you don't like one.
  4. to stalk bitches you wanted in high school







    Haha, yeah until you find out their knocked up, 300 pounds and have an ex husband. Then you just take pleasure in knowing you didn't go down that path.

  5. I didn't join Facebook to get shitty requests from failure high-school people wanting to play social games all day long.


    /rant. :)




    Probably the best way to put it. I get nothing but request from random H.S. people that I never hung out with nor do I care to know what they are up to now a days. In fact... I really have no clue why I have a facebook account.

  6. I read about this and his apologize and thought maybe he hit the guy with pads on, but after seeing that. Dudes college career would be over (at least in my program). Hockey players fight too, I'll give you that. But they square up and fight like men, they don't sucker punch each other. And when one hits the Ice, its over. that dumbass kept on going after the fact. IMO bye bye fuckin moron. When did playing a sport become more important then being a respectable person?
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