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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Fuck kids these days. At 24 I never thought I'd be saying that but what the hell has happened!? Were we that bad at ages 11-16 years old!? Behind my hose is a field, then about 100 yards or so is a playground for a school. I let my 4 dogs out back tonight and see these kids come up to the fence and start kicking it getting the dogs worked up. So I walk out back and tell them to knock it off. 2 minutes later they're back only this time they're poking sticks through the fence at the dogs (The dogs being smarter then the children just stayed back). Well this shit just pissed me off (my Doberman just died last week so I'm a little sensitive right now)...Don't fuck with my dogs! :mad: So I walk back to the fence and yell at them, they backed up about 15-20 ft and tell me to fuck off... :wtf: So I lost it. I hopped the fence, pick out the oldest looking boy and chase his ass down. Grabbed him by the arm and told him to say it again. The other little bastards just ran of yelling "I'm tellin the cops!" I tried to find out where the kid lived because the only thing I could think to do was drag his ass home and tell his parents. But then I realized the situation I was in... 1. He was 15 years old... I'm 24, I should know better. 2. If I did take drag him home what would really happen? His sorry ass parents would probably just yell at me. So I said screw it let him go and told him not to come around here again. I'm just waiting for the cops to show up at my door for abusing a child, but man WTF is going on. At 15-16 I could never tell a grown person to fuck off especially if I was the one causing shit. Anyway that is all Rant/




    Neighborhood kids mess with my dogs

    I told them to stop, they came back with sticks

    I called their bluff hopped the fence and grabbed one

    I realized It was a loose loose situation and let the fucker go

    Came in the house and made this post because I'm home alone.

  2. haha..

    anyone know if the traffic school thing will transfer over to kentucky's the trooper was saying somethign about it.


    and what does the traffic school cost?


    Google them, I think they run just over $100.


    The points from Kentucky are applied to your Ohio license, as if you received the ticket in Ohio. Taking a course here will remove them. Make sure you show the certificate from the class to your insurance company as well.


    There's a magic class that can remove points from you license!? :confused:

    I need to look them up, I've got 2 tickets that won't "Fall Off" for another 2 years. It might be a good investment.

  3. I have a Doberman, Boxer and Cocker Spaniel... Then one who scares the neighbors the most is the Cocker Spaniel because he freaks out on people who come near the yard. :lol: It's kind of funny really, one time he got out and chased these kids on bikes to their house where they had a family cook out going. I thought for sure he was going to bite someone but when I finally caught up he was laying on his back getting his tummy rubbed, stupid dog. It's all about perception and what sells. The sad part is that most people can't think for themselves so they let others tell them that all Pit Bulls are bad and that anyone who drives fast is a deadly street racer.
  4. So I have absolutly no air, hot or cold coming from my car. It just decided to one day stop working. Anyone here got the hook up on car heating and cooling. It didn't bother me much the past couple months becuase the weather has been mild, but when I left for work this morning and it was 58* out, I was a little chilly and only had the heated seat to warm me. The car is an 01 Pontiac Grand Prix so if anyone could help or knows of good place to get work done, I'd appericate it.
  5. Fuckin looser. Great full to be alive my ass. "Thank god I survived!" "Why was I spared and so many I know killed!?" If I were a family member of one of the dead I'd be pissed, Yeah why were you spared is right if all he was goanna do is feel sorry for himself then OD... At least if he would have died in the crash it would have been "tragic" now it's just stupid!
  6. So I'm getting ready to start a build (and by start I mean start pricing and figure out a good set up) anyway probably looking at an LSX swap (original I know) and I've been doing a little searching do these seem like fair prices?





    I've never done a build of my own before so I really don't know what to expect but I figured you learn to swim by getting in the water so... I'm jumping in.

  7. I don't doubt it. A friend of mine was having some break issues on his Jeep a few months ago and asked me if I could fix them (he definatly is NOT a cra guy). Sure thing, so I go to his place just to look at it so I know what he need to buy and the caliper piston on his passanger side was half falling out and his rotors had the fins exposed. :eek: So yeah, I can believe it.
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