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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Oh... I see the biggest flaw that you all are talking about. You couldn't drive with it becasue you can't see in and you can't see out, it's the same tint both ways. :thumbdown I guess I'll just have to wait and play The F&F on my windshield later.
  2. why?


    Are you kidding!? I don't see the point in the movie as tint I'll give you that, but in other videos he has it go all white. Imagin being able to have your windows go limo tint black. You get pulled over, just shut thoes bitches off and you're good to go. A red car with blacked out windows, a white car with white or black windows. The color combos alone would be sweet as hell.

  3. Someone sent me an offer of $1,000,700 for a street I own. I rejected it and countered with $1,007,000. ($6,300 more then their first offer). They rejected it and offered me $1,300,000.... That's right, $299,300 more then their original offer and $293,000 more then my counter... Hahah :confused: SOLD!!!!
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