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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Seriously wtf is this guys deal? Anyone watch the VMA's last night where he ran on stage during the very first award presentation? If not then let me tell you what he did, bitch boy ran on stage while Taylor Swift was accepting her award. Stole the mic from her and declared that Beyonce's video was better and the only reason Taylor Swift won is because she is White. Lmfao this dude is a fucking Racist. He is one person I would love to kick square in the nuts, he makes shitty music and has a huge fucking ego. Someone needs to wire this fuckers mouth shut....again!




    :wtf: I don't believe he ever said a thing about her being white...But whatever, it was a bitch thing to do on his part.

  2. It's ugly as fuck, are you serious!? I mean I know it's a concept car but wow, those wheels and the front end :barf: the interior is cool. Not quite sure how I feel about the side view mirrors/ cameras. But as a whole the car is ugly IMO.
  3. I bought the biggest streets I could find then got lucky and put up a park on 3 of my 4 biggest streets. Apparently that keeps you protected from hazards and demos. Now, I'm looking to just upgrade my buildings so I get more rent money. I think if you get too many streets it's harder to manage. This is kind of fun. I thought about buying streets in the middle of no were. Like in Madagascar or Greenland or hell Wyoming, places where you’re less likely to get fucked with, but there aren’t many streets available there.
  4. I just started this yesterday night. We'll see how it goes. I bought places in a lot of different areas though.


    Yeah I read that owning streets close together would help with the property value, having them spread out, not so good. I bought my street and all of the streets my friends live on/ grew up on then called them and told them about the game :lol: I also put a bid in on Melon Arena (where the Pittsburgh Penguins Play) This is a pretty cool game. I hope they keep it.

  5. I had a 350 Gallon salt water tank with a Lion Fish almost the size of a football, a spotted grouper, box fish, tones of chromis, a powdered blue tang and some other shit. I can't remember... Oh and how could I forget the banded coral shark that I hatched from an egg! :D. I also had a 75 gallon reef tank that was sweet! I loved it. I spent quite a bit of $$$ on all that stuff, then I got into cars and spent more. Now I just have a little 45G corner tank that I have no intrest in. It takes some attention to do it right and I just don't have the time anymore. I know this has nothing to do with the OP, but it's over now so whatever. I'm still buzzin from last night.
  6. The team played great...



    Tressel needs to go


    Wow it's like that?


    I think I'm starting to agree... Tressel was good at first because he brought structure and organization. But now it's starting to show that he may be too, vanilla and bland to win big games. Sometimes you have to play against the odds and make some ballsy calls. It doesn’t matter how well the players played if your coach can’t coach them and use their talent then who cares how good of a player they are?

  7. Well I can think of three things you could do... One would involve some ice cubes and a nine iron. Two would include a buffalo...Live or stuffed, preferably stuffed for safety sake, and three, bring back some of those ice cubes and switch it over to a pitching wedge... :D


    Okay, srsly now, check out... http://www.experiencecolumbus.com/event-calendar.cfm


    Just enter the dates you're free and it will give you a bunch of things to do all around c-bus like special events, sporting events, festivals...etc. I use it a lot to find little things to do. Sometimes you go and it's real artsy (sp) but other times it really cool and a good time. That you look like you know whats going on. G/L!

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