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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. For the love of God, learn to spell, its pretty indicative of that fact that you are still A kid too.







    HOSE= Flexible pipe

    HOUSE=something you live in


    I can't help but not feel pity when you acted like a child right back at them. Hell you're 24, you certainly have the right to take a kid to his parents and rat his ass out. It's your property and they violated that. Home cameras are perfect for this kind of situation. Look into it, because likely these boys will come back.


    You're right everyone makes McSteaks and this is the internet so how dare I misspell something or use improper punctuation. I’m goanna go to my room and pout now. :(

  2. This makes me think of a situation I was in one time when I was 17. Some buddies and I had gone to Buckeye Subs in Worthington for lunch. This older man pulls in behind us. We go inside and get in line, the guy comes in and the people standing in front of my buddies and I say "Hey there Bill! Go stand up there with your team."...........


    That's different though, I've always challenged authority even when I was a kid. I always asked questions when "adults" told me to do something. To me intelligence and respect don't come with age, you need to learn it. So if I was in your position I'd probably do something similar. But if I was the one starting shit and got called out on it, I'd never have the audacity to get an attitude back.

  3. ha, ha! should have checked the wording of that statement. NO...but it would be a bonus to have them get poison ivy rash in the right spot.


    When I get that rash in the right spots it not from poison ivy...

  4. How many different shops do this? I may see if the old man wants to come along for this.


    A Slice of New York

    Adriatico's Pizza

    Antonio's Pizza

    Bellacino's Pizza and Grinders

    Boston's Pizza

    Casa di Pizza

    Catalfino's Pizza & Pub

    Crenos Pizza

    Dodson’s Pizza


    Jet’s Pizza

    Mellow Mushroom

    Papa Joe's Pizza

    Papa John's Pizza

    Papa Murphy's

    Romeo's Pizza

    Sparano's Pizza

    Tammy's Pizza


    They give you a cardboard box and a bunch of plates and you eat all you can :bangbang:

  5. you are 100% incorrect.


    if you run p2p and allow anytype of upload you will get busted. insight/rr are not the one flagginjg we get letters from studios and such. they hire compaies to look for stupid people who share files.


    newsgroups or go home.


    so eather pony up the 12$ a month and download at Good speeds or prentend like i don't know what im talking about. And next time you don't get flagged for abuse you get a subpeona. Do me a favor and stop p2p.


    Didn't you do something like that only a larger scale years ago...? I think I know who you are now. :ninja:

  6. Claymore mine.









    Naaa, I don't want to kill em. That's why I picked up a set of these off ebay...


























































    Only $75.00 shipped. I got a deal cuz I bought 10 of em. They're goanna go outside of the fence on Friday. :lol:

  7. Now is the perfect time to become the creepy dude.


    Start talking to trees. Yell at birds. Make them think you are the craziest person to walk the planet.


    Then after they think you are crazy.


    Enjoy the beautiful weather and clean any firearms you own outside on a table.


    :funny: best idea ever!!!! +rep!


    Or... Act like you are picking up dog poop and eating it. The kids dont have to know its chocolate and peanuts melted into a pile ;)


    You mean that's not a melted snickers bar that I was eating... :barf:

  8. Shitty for sure. Not sure I'd post it up on the internet though :confused: I agree that next time you need to get video. Hell, get him to sucker punch you so you can press charges. Just don't hit him back. Odds are you can get him to make a move pretty easily.


    Not woried about that really. I never beat the kid and I probably held him for a whole 30 seconds, but what ever, I'm pretty sure I scared the hell outta all of them. That kid I got looked scared as hell, I really doubt he would have swung on me. The look on their face when I jumped the fence said it all. I'm just waiting for my house to get egged or something now... :nono:


    But what gets me is that kids would do that in the first place.

  9. dam thats a shitty suitation. if there is anext time jsut call the police stating these kids are trying to cause harm upon your animals(poking with sharp sticks can hurt a dog) an then wait. also take pictures next time they are there so you have proof


    just grab a video camera next time and video tape it as its your witness, then call the cops, show cops the video and once you figure out who they are the police should take care of the rest. Heaven forbid though had they have been bitten trying to provoke the dogs then the parents and the cops would be all over the place.


    The CPD wouldn't do anything if I called them, they’d show up an hour or 2 later. I'm sure that even with video they would really envestagate (sp) :rolleyes: I’d like to think that something could be done, but lets face it, probably not goanna happen.


    Then the dogs hop the fence, they bite the kid(s), then the dog has to be put under, you're the next Michael Vic, and you go to jail. OH, and the parents sue you.


    Yep, that's what gets me. If I tell them to stop but they keep messin around and one sticks his hand in the fence and gets bitten, now I'm the one whoes in trouble.


    Privacy fence will be going up very soon.

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