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Everything posted by FZRMatt

  1. Without going into a big discussion about use of force, their actions were perfectly legal. An officer has the right to use reasonable force to make a legal arrest (which this clearly was). The knee strike is a trained technique and used regularly. It would be reasonable if they would have broken his arm while pulling it behind his back making the arrest. You DO NOT have the right to resist your legal arrest or that of another person. If your arm snaps while being placed behind your back because you are resisting that much, that is on you (already proven in court)!
  2. My first ride was in 1977 on a 5hp Briggs and Stratton mini-bike when I was 5. I learned in the pasture on my grandparents farm in McComb. Then when I turned 6 I got to take my first "road trip". My sister and I took a 100 mile cross country ride on those things. Ok, it was actually only about 4 miles but I was 6 and it felt like 100 miles. I was the shit in my kindergarten class (or at least in my mind)!
  3. I have the Bridgestone BT45. They have about 5,000 miles on them and I am guessing about 2,000 more.
  4. I was just excited to see a post on a topic that I have a little knowledge of. Maybe someday I'll look at all the information before jumping in. Until then, you revive the dead shit and I'll continue to chime in!
  5. +1...Maaco does a good job for what you pay. If you are prepping it yourself, go as cheap as they have. If you want to skip the work yourself, pay for their best job (still cheap) and let them do the work. The prep is the most important part.
  6. Because unlike the firemen, nobody likes the police!
  7. I've been riding religiously for the last couple of weeks. It is usually nice in the evening and freaking cold in the mornings. It was in the upper 30's this morning, but is was still a great ride with proper gear.
  8. I did forget to mention earlier that we (Columbus) are actually discouraged from "stacking" or writing multiple charges. Again, they can not order us not to just as they can not order us to write tickets. Again, we don't have quotas, we are free to write as many tickets as we want.
  9. You are correct, the city does get our money. However, the police department doesn't get anything. It all goes into the general fund which we don't see a dime of. If a cruiser is totaled from a drunk driver or an officer has an accident, the city gets the money and we don't get a new cruiser. The general fund is what the mayor uses for his "pet" projects.
  10. It is funny, usually when an officer does that, he is hitting you with everything he can so that you will fight it and he will get court time (I think that is BULLSHIT!) (writing tickets for that reason, not court time). He wrote you what on paper is about $375 worth of tickets. You of course are going to fight it in court, and he gets court time for showing up. Was it one of our freeway cars by any chance? There are a lot of officers that are "stat" driven. Meaning, they feel that they look like a better officer in other officers eyes. It drives me nuts to hear "I had 4 felony and 15 misdemeanor arrests this week!" WHO GIVES A SHIT! I am a public servant and my job is to help protect the people of my city. Granted, making felony arrests does aid in that, but it isn't everything. I am a cop and proud of it! And the vast majority of officers are good cops also! However, there are a few shit-heads in every department that make us all look bad. It only takes ONE bad cop to make the public forget about all of the sacrifices that ALL of the good cops have made. I am guessing that most of you dont' know that so far this year there have been 58 officers killed in the line of duty (on track to be a record year). Of those, 27 have been murdered (gun fire). However, I bet most of you know that one officer from our department was caught by a news crew watching porn on his personal computer in his marked cruiser (not saying he is a bad cop, actually just the opposite. Only illustrating a point). We shoot ourselves in the foot sometimes. Back to the original post. Quotas are illegal. Sorry for the rant!
  11. The officer that told you this is full of crap. I work for Columbus and only write tickets if absolutely necessary (multi-car accident, OVI,...etc.
  12. Quotas are illegal. I have heard of small town/municipalities that rely on tickets as a source of income "suggesting" that a certain number of tickets be written, but quotas are illegal.
  13. If you haven't done it yet, get advanced task killer (you'll need it to shut all that crap down) and anti virus. Both are free in the app store.
  14. Did you live on the west side of Columbus by any chance? I miss THAT GUY! :ban:
  15. Just out of curiosity, why is that conversation an issue on the radio? It isn't like he said the guy was "punching the clown", "poppin' his pud", or "committing genocide" at the back of the bus. The most it would have been was "masturbating" on the bus, which is a "professional" transmission. And it doesn't sound like he even said that since you didn't find out what he was talking about until you got back to the garage.
  16. A buddy from back home and I are trying to get it together to go this same weekend.
  17. From the way it was explained to me, I would say yes! You have one???
  18. I want to preface this by saying I have never read the law myself. That being said, I was talking to one of the detectives from our Auto Squad and he informed me that the way the way the law is written is basically: as long as a TOW TRUCK picks it up they can come to your house and tow it from your driveway then charge you to get it back. It has never been done as far as he knows, but it could happen. You can't use deadly force to protect property, but you can be damn sure that if someone tries to take my trucks from my driveway they will be getting a West Side Shotgun (Louisville Slugger) to the back of the head!
  19. I like to believe that the vast majority of officers from our department operate above board and wouldn't take someones camera. However, I was really surprised that it worked.
  20. So, we were working Friday night and some knucklehead whipped out his video camera and began filming us (must have thought he was going to get some good police brutality footage). Another officer assisted him out of our scene and asked him what he was doing. The upstanding tax payer informed us that he was exercising his 2nd Commandment right to video the police doing their job. Since we didn't have a copy of the Constitution nor a King James bible to varify his claim, we chose to take him at his word. Then we decided if he had a 2nd Commandment right to video us, then we are surely protected also. So, another officer whipped out his camera and began shooting video of him shooting video of us. Then the upstanding citizen was told if he didn't leave the video of him videoing us would be on youtube in under 10 minutes. Apparently that is enough to scare a drunk hoodrat because he left. If someone has a copy of what is protected under our 2nd Commandment rights, will you please PM me with it. I don’t want to look like a fool again not knowing what is a protected action.
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