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Everything posted by FZRMatt

  1. Sorry, my phone automatically corrects what it thinks is a mis-spelled word. I can override it if I am paying attention. Clearly I was not.
  2. Maybe, but I don't know anything about him other than he is a rapper. And I don't listen to rap (often).
  3. Actually, not one is under the age of 18 and they are all either supplying material help to terrorism, or operating recruiting centers in the area. Yes, we have recruiting centers for terrorists in our area.
  4. Knuckle-heads from PBJ by any chance?
  5. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212346301.shtml
  6. I'm not saying that it is the perfect solution or even the right answer, but it is what we have for now. Have you ever seen an 8 year old carry a gun for dad because dad knows the cops will search him but not the kid? I have. Have you ever seen a man with a .32 stuffed in the crack of his ass hoping the cops won't do a thorough pat down? I have. Have you ever seen video footage of a 10 year old being fitted for a practice bomb to get him use to wearing one so he can be "martyred"? I have. These situations are real and take place more often than people will ever know. I realize I am coming across as a dick with this post and I apologize because that is not my intention. One thing most of you need to realize is that 90% of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis are good people and 10% are turds. With officers, we have the inverse, 10% good and 90% turds. And where you see the 99% good people in the airport, we see the 1%, that given the right circumstances would kill every one of us. So yes, I will continue to drink the Kool-Aid and pour a glass down the throat of a turd if given the chance. By the way, thanks for the 8/10. I think Cheech is just jealous!
  7. I can't catch a break! Too many rules to follow when trying to stir the pot. However, the information presented is true.
  8. Just a little perspective. There are 100 people at the top of the Terrorism Watch List. There are 50 states in our country. Of those top 100 people on the list, 9 of them live in the greater Columbus area. 7 of those 9 live in Hilliard! I fly at least 1 time per year with my family. I am more than happy to spend a little extra time in security being searched. I have been searched, my wife has been searched, and each of my children's things have been searched. If they find something on 1 person out of a million the search is worth it (to me). Avoiding the devastation of mass deaths and family tragedy is worth a little invasion of your "privacy". If you are not attempting to sneak bombs or other weapons onto a plane then you will move through without a problem. People bitching about searches being unconstitutional and making a spectacle about their rights are the ones that are going to get people killed. If the airlines would get smart, they would just refuse service to anyone refusing a search. If you don't want to conform to their rules, you don't have to use their product. A business can refuse service to anyone not conforming to their rules. Is this a 10/10? Or at least higher than 4/10?
  9. Thanks for the clarification. I'll try harder next time.
  10. I would guess zero tolerance. But over the limit for someone under 21 is .02 as opposed to .08 for someone over 21. It takes very little to hit the .02 threshold.
  11. Everyone thinks this is a great idea until Osama the Bomber gets on a plane with a bomb because he didn't show his ID and refused the patdown that would have discovered the bomb that he had in his underware. Without showing his ID at the checkpoint, any unknown person can enter a secured area and get on a plane. My wife and I purchase tickets and print boarding passes on our computer at home. Without showing ID at the checkpoint, any person with a lexan knife can enter a restricted area, board a plane, take it over, and crash it into the Statue of Liberty if they wanted. This is a very slippery slope!
  12. I think you got his name wrong. I believe it is actually Fucking billy badass Retard. Most people only know him by the name Fucking Retard.
  13. Anyone else feel like this is an AA meeting? Hi, my name is Matt and I ride an FZR.
  14. The 7 day thing has changed since April of last year. When it went into effect, it was zero tolerance. If it wasn't renewed by the expiration date the fee was charged.
  15. I don't know the answer to the first question, but for the second question the answer is yes. I was charged the late fee when I renewed late. According to the BMV there is no give on the late fee anymore. My tags expired 12/09 and when I renewed 4/10 I had the $20 fee. One thing you need to remember is that if you put tags on a vehicle that they are not registered to, it's an arrestable offense if you are stopped.
  16. It's funny, but for some reason people with bullets in them usually don't like to answer questions. There is usually a lot of going on.
  17. No, but that is a great idea. Maybe the next time I get a chance to taser someone I will try that (if I can get my boots off quick enough). Then I will report back!
  18. I am probably the last person that you want to tase you.
  19. Sorry bro, per my unofficial department training, I am showing up after the fact to document what everyone already knows happened. That way the city doesn't get sued.
  20. I don't have time to read all 8 pages of this post so this may have already been covered, but, didn't someone post a week or so ago that Verizon just did away with the "new every 2" plan because they were losing to much money?
  21. I am not affraid to say that it was the longest 5 seconds of my life! If there is one word that I can share that will go a long way, it would be COMPLY!
  22. As someone who has been tased, I will say that you don't have any control over what comes out of your mouth (if anything). That being said, that dude has some manning up to do before he gets any street cred back! Funny shit!!
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