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Everything posted by FZRMatt

  1. Young people (college age) tend to do a large amount of drugs. Most sport bike riders are young. We can eliminate the drug problem in the United States if we stop all sport bikes, search, then arrest the riders. Just sayin'
  2. I always sit through 2 full cycles then run it on the third. One thing you need to keep on mind is that you know the light is malfunctioning but the cars with the green don’t. You are better off being inconvenienced and alive than justified and dead. The cars with the green light still has the right of way. Also, make sure to report the light to the city to get it fixed.
  3. Does anyone know of a contractor in the Columbus area that does foundation work? It is looking like we may need a wall replaced in the basement and I want someone that does GREAT work!
  4. I was wrong, the ride home was great. For once I was properly dressed for the cold weather. I also had a chance to try out the Scala Rider and listened to music on my phone the whole way home.
  5. I rode in this evening and it was great! However, the ride home at 4:30 AM is going to be cold!
  6. I don't know about the problem, but I was at Ohio Motorcycle in Hilliard yesterday and I was told a valve adjustment on my '94 FZR would be about $360.
  7. If the state is like the city of Columbus, you have to have a certain number of people hit the same pot hole and destroy their wheels/tires/car to be able to make a claim. If not, they don't pay for a thing.
  8. It was a clean shoot because the bad guy was armed and charged the victim. It's all in the articulation of the events. Break into my house unarmed and there will be a 911 call saying that there is an unidentified person laying in my front yard that looks like he was beat half to death with a baseball bat. Of course all of my property will be back in my house like it had never been touched before said call is placed.
  9. In my opinion, breaking into my house with me home is an offense of violence against me and my family. If you only wanted our stuff, you would wait until we weren't home before breaking in. And, they brought a gun! Like someone posted before, they weren't there to make him a continental breakfast. They brought the gun to kill him if necessary.
  10. He claimed to be one of them. Then he gave up a lot of information like starting points, paths traveled, real names, etc...in attempt to avoid jail. Didn't work so well for him. Never underestimate the power of pissed off citizens.
  11. Sorry, thought you were asking why they cheered. That was simple, she was a BITCH! They made the threat because we had several students die from alcohol related accidents over the course of my 4 years there and were pissed that the students were treating it as a joke.
  12. Our school took the juniors and seniors to the stadium and did the same thing in. We had one girl who played the part of the dead person laying on the hood after being partially ejected through the windshield. When they uncovered the car, the stadium erupted with cheers. The next day at school, the threatened to cancel prom over the P.A.
  13. I will, thanks. Part of me really likes to read about this type of stuff. However, another part of my gets pissed that people print this stuff. The reason being, law abiding citizens read this type of thing and say "look how screwed up this system is". But the turds read this and say "look at how we can exploit their security". I get that there will not be a fix until it is exposed, but unit it is fixed, we (as a people) are exposed which puts innocent people potentially in peril.
  14. Apparently, I fat fingered the phone and hit the F instead of the R and it changed it to another word that I didn't mean to type. I must have noticed that it changed to what ever it changed it to, and hit the backspace (automatically changes it back to whatever I typed). But I didn't check to see that I spelled it wrong to begin with.
  15. Since 9/11, the only place that I have ever had to show ID is security. Prior to 9/11 I always made it a habbit to try and get on a plane without showing ID (made it every time in Detroit and Atlanta most times). Now, once through security we have only had to show our boarding passes at the gate, with no ID (because you are already in a secure area and have been checked). Also, before I became an officer, I was in sales and flew more than I ever care to again. As far as checked bags, we check nothing! A family of 5 flying is expensive enough and we are not adding to the cost by checking bags when one suitcase each meets the size requirements and will hold clothes for the trip.
  16. Chevy, this is a reply to your message. For some reason I'm not able to quote all messages. I was under the impression that he was attempting to get through security without showing ID.
  17. This whole thread goes back to one thing, and that is yes, you should have to show ID to get onto a plane. The whole issue was that a man refused to show the TSA his ID. The security check point is the ONLY place that you show your ID when you get on a plane. You can print your boarding passes online, no ID required. You go to security and show your ID and boarding pass to show that the same person on the boarding pass is the person trying to get on the plane. You then proceed to your terminal where you board the plane by showing only your boarding pass and no ID. So, your photo ID is the only way they have of proving you are who you say you are (and yes, I get that they can be faked). I guess if you don't like that, we can always implant a chip in each and every child at birth. That way, there will be no question who is getting on.
  18. Again, I'm not saying it is the answer. But, I would say it is a deterrent. I just saw a picture of a sign on the home page saying something to the effect of: bad guys, if you have the intention of robbing us, know that employees and or patrons may be armed. This is the same thing. That sign doesn't do a thing to actively prevent bad guys from robbing the place. However, it does make them think "holy shit, I may get caught or dead if I try this."
  19. If you think that we won't be attacked in our own country again, you are fooling yourselves!
  20. Is it possible to be a RICH and famous fapper?
  21. Sorry John, for some reason it won't let me reply to you. Taggers have a lot of people pisses off right now. I assume you saw that Clintonville applied some pressure and helped get "Seed" from "PBJ" sentenced to 18 months.
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