Every time I ride I am a "Poser", I am too fat, too slow, too old, and too short but I do it any way regardless where, when, what, or who (could have left that out) I ride....Both street and track offers an excitement for any motorcycle enthusiast, just ones choice....I personally prefer the street even though there are more uncontrollable dangers, but no one has ever accused me of being right in the head either! Congrats on the new to you track-bike, one of the guys I ride with just picked up a new 2009 ZX6R and is in absolute heaven with the bike,he was riding a 2007 Buell XB12S so that kind of explains itself. By my understanding the 2009 up ZX6R is an all around great bike in stock form, so add some tricks and tweaks and I would imagine it could be an all out beast on the track with the right rider (not me). Good luck with your track only adventures, I think you will miss riding on the street, at least I know I definitely would without question....again that is just me though!