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what last won the day on May 27 2021

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  • Birthday 09/17/1985

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  1. That concrete patch has been causing issues this year. I never went right over it since it's just barely off-line but I saw someone get loose going over it and there was another video I saw where the concrete was the clear cause of the crash (front tucked as soon as the tire touched the patch). Best advice I guess is just to alter your line to stay off the patch. Keyhole was a lot better this year at least. I'll keep spending most of my track-related money elsewhere though until they repave. Really want to get out to Pitt in 2022.
  2. The newer Bell Stars have a very good field of view.
  3. hard to tell how deep into the corner you are from the photo. still on the brakes would make sense.
  4. your belly pan looks scared for its life. front end need to be raised or is that just the way those fairings sit?
  5. Still have these Michelins, $200 takes them. Also have some Q4 rear takeoffs that would be fine for a few miles on the street, probably. $40 for both (2). Michelins: 120/70/17 front 190/55/17 rear 2018 date code, stored inside Q4's 190/55/17 rear 2019 date code, both used this year on the R1
  6. Lots of dipshits out stealing bikes in Columbus right now, quite a few posts in the last few weeks on the local facebook groups about people having their bikes stolen. Park inside if you can.
  7. Had a pretty good Saturday night and Sunday last weekend. Ended up with 4 wins, two 2nds, a third and a 4th (by default, pulled in after 1 lap in a rain race, only 3 other riders finished...). Currently leading the points in the F3 heavyweight class (195lbs+) and very close to 2nd in points in F3 overall. Very unexpected being my first season in Expert. Here was a fun race from Sunday against #1 and #2 in F3. The Grom is putting down the power. I think I may be getting close to the limits of my front tire though, was losing the front fairly consistently throughout the weekend. Slicks and warmers might be next on the never-ending list of race parts... Shameless plug - if anyone needs engine/dyno work done, check out https://turn13motorsports.com/ in Ashley. Jake knows his shit. Legit tuner and engine builder (full service shop). They design/print their own velocity stacks as well, and I've seen some pretty huge results on back-to-back dyno runs from dropping in their stacks vs stock on both GSXR's and CBR's. The video:
  8. Looking for a Mid Ohio cert if anyone has one for sale
  9. I think a few people are going, I won't be making it though. Had a good day at NCM last Saturday palling around with the TDW crew & Hoblick, despite the rain - that track dries out so fast. Didn't hit the lap times I was hoping for but still shaved a bit off of last time at least. I also got to see what happens when a dumdum rams a coach right when his knee is touching the apex marker... ratty SV650 vs a stupid expensive R1. Luckily for the coach his left leg took 100% of the impact. Also luckily for the coach his femur didn't snap in half when the SV rider bent his forks back slamming into the coach's leg. Somehow he managed to keep it up and there was not a scratch on his bike, but there were a few large chunks missing from the left side of his rear tire - looks like tire vs brake caliper as some of the cuts were clean like a blade had sliced out sections. No bone damage, just really bad contusion, glad he didn't get hurt worse, it could have been really really bad considering where it happened (turn 15, the left right after table top)... As for the SV and its rider - the bike is totaled and the rider got banged up a bit but to my knowledge didn't require any medical attention. Takeaway from this - keep your eyes forward and keep yourself/bike under control.
  10. You just made the best worst decision of your financial and social lives.
  11. Brake temps dictate lever feel so it's a moving target over the course of the race.
  12. Morning Race 1: Had a decent day racing Sunday. I had a terrible start and my lines were a mess for the first few laps in the first race of the day, I think I was sleeping when the light went out... I don't know. I got passed by half the grid it felt like and had to make up those places. I ended up 5th. Morning Race 2: This race was pretty hard-fought. One of the fastest guys in the club snuck past me a couple laps in and he really made me work to hang on. Pressure led to a mistake which I capitalized on and got the lead back. The camera overheated or something with 2 laps left and shut itself off so I didn't get the end of the race, there wasn't much action in those two laps anyway so nothing really lost. Ended up in 1st. Afternoon Race 2: The final race of the day would have been a tough one for me to win with me at 100%, but I ended up getting a leg cramp on about lap 3 which slowed me down a lot for about 3 laps. Luckily I had enough of a gap to 3rd prior to the leg cramp that I was able to hang on until the cramp went away and I could pick up the pace again. I ended up 2nd.
  13. Seems it actually happened, I think that's their first for the year.
  14. New triple tree + steering head bearings installed on the grom, no more 5 degree tilt to the front wheel. Old lower triple was indeed bent from that crash. Glad All Balls made bearings for the grom, feels much more solid than stock.
  15. Was a couple weeks ago but - ordered new triple tree and head bearings because the forks are about 5 degrees off-center and nothing seems to fix the issue... thinking bent lower triple clamp and head bearings are shot. here's the cause... wide angle lens makes it look like I've got lots of room, but our elbows were pretty much touching through that left-hander 😅
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