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Everything posted by what

  1. Don't get me wrong, it looks sexy as hell and I'd buy one if I had $20k laying around.
  2. what

    Columbus GoKarts 1/28

    So since we're closing in on the 28th, I'd like to get a fairly accurate number of folks planning on attending. In this thread I count 6. @max power, how many do you think will be joining you in the Bubbybus to Columbus? OR Peeps - 6 (8 if Snot/Hellmutt are not trashed from metal) Bubbys - ? +1's - ?
  3. The 790 is pretty close to the Street Triple power-wise. Should be good fun on the track.
  4. This is true, although your new bike should be track-capable.
  5. All this track talk and the only track I've ever seen you at was for someone else's race. Gotta make it out for the OR day.
  6. Yes, whoever has the biggest chicken strips wins.
  7. @Tonik had all kinds of fun at the track on his FZ.
  8. Wellp, an estranged cousin of mine that I haven't seen in probably 20 years was found dead in his jail cell this morning in Dayton. They won't say how he died.
  9. Lol. Was wondering how long you could resist. Meanwhile, I'm in Los Angeles surrounded by people riding their bikes up to the canyons and I'm stuck in a hotel working.
  10. To expand on this, the CRs/coaches control traffic while on the track. There's no passing like you see in races in novice. The slower group's CR will line them up and slow them down on the right side of the track and the faster group's coach will line their group up and pass on the left. With that said, novice will not feel slow unless you are comfortable riding beyond mach retard on the streets. There's fast on the street and then there's fast on the track. Track slow is still street fast. @jschaf got me started on the track with a track day cert as a birthday gift a couple years back. It's one of the best, if not the best birthday present I've ever gotten. Hopefully we can convert some other poor soul with this raffle
  11. Curious how they are. I'm thinking of swapping out for sport touring tires on the Triump next time I need new tires. Could get a lot of miles out of them I think. Though with how well the Q3+ is holding up on the 1000, I may try that.
  12. I'd have a rough time staring at it for the next month or so >.> Bridgestone stock tires?
  13. Would be cool if this was an annual thing. I would throw some bucks at group-buying a cert or two to donate to get new/interested people out to the track. We'd need some disclaimers though.
  14. You should talk to the management of wherever you did this and ask for your money back. From what I understand, personal trainers don't have to be certified or trained in any way so they don't always know best. I'm only down 2lbs this week with no change of routine or diet. I think I'm at a plateau, should push through it by next week hopefully.
  15. what

    Columbus GoKarts 1/28

    Just let me know how many to expect roughly. If we have enough we may be able to get 10% off gokart pricing. (20+ peeps) I'll also need to know how many might hang around for beer & food at CBC so I can make a large-party reservation if need be.
  16. Besides the stereotypical racist, the left is one of the worst when it comes to perpetuating inequality. It has become their whole platform so if inequality goes away they won't have anyone left to vote for them. Gotta keep those tensions high.
  17. There's a thing called diplomacy which is a very important skill for the president to have. Our current president is sadly very lacking in that skill. Strategically it is a disadvantage to wear your thoughts on your sleeve on the word stage as well. /shrug
  18. Sickness doesn't stand behind partisan lines. Having no filter goes right along with narcissism since nothing one says who is a narcissist can be wrong. Yet another symptom. And don't get me wrong, I hate the hard line liberals just as much as I hate the hard line new-age conservatives. They are all a bunch of idiots that have done nothing but cripple this country and shit all over everything it's supposed to stand for.
  19. It's fairly common for senior leadership/executives to be socio/psychopaths. They are generally intelligent, calculating, and don't have a pesky conscience to get in the way when they want to get shit done.
  20. Sociopathy and narcissism are very very close in definition. His tendency to use people to achieve a goal and leave them holding the dynamite when everything goes wrong and his inability to take responsibility for anything in his life that does not go as he wanted it to (it's always someone else's fault) are pretty clear indicators. He also prefers to only keep people around him that he can easily manipulate or hold some sort of power over. He is also very short tempered and tends to act without thinking too deeply into subjects. But, these are just my observations. Labels don't change anything, he is who he is and we are going to have to deal with it for the next 3 years for better or worse. If he can attach his ego to making the country actually better, he may be more able to effect change than any other president in recent history, although I think that's a pipe dream.
  21. I'm waiting for RD to start selling bikes at 70% discount every holiday season.
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