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Everything posted by what

  1. I mean... the MT10 DOES have a factory touring package...
  2. July 2nd would be good, can just roll it into the holiday week and are past all the crazy rain in June.
  3. Good tribute to Nicky. As a designer I can say that's cleverly put together. Good going Drudi/Rossi. For 69.
  4. Boy, I wouldn't be able to handle having a brand new bike this deep in winter... All that salt and all that temptation to go play.
  5. go to pony, try on a few, see what fits then estimate what you need. The manufacturers usually have a pretty good sizing chart for every part of 1 piece suits. That said, you could do it the old fashioned way and just get out a sewing tape measure and know your exact sizes.
  6. Yeah, I was just hoping there was at least 1 weekend day this year where they didn't have any cars running and could accommodate.
  7. The deal Mike has going on the RST suits is pretty dang good. I'd buy one if I knew what size I'm going to be in the spring.
  8. Get some Rossi green aerostitch?
  9. Those wheels match my new gloves.
  10. Ohhhhh, nice! I think I'm leaning towards B&R honestly. They don't seem to be selling as well as the G&G so could probably find a decent price. Keeping things ambiguous since I had an unfair advantage in this thread.
  11. I call first dibs on a test ride. I will no longer be able to out-pace you in the twisties on the Striple. Congrats you transformer-looking mofo Color = B&R or G&G?
  12. Secret technique - rest the loose end of the board on top of your loose foot. If the lift has foot rests, rest the loose end on the foot rest. Also, down 12lbs in the last 7 days. Alternating 700 and 1000 calories per day drops pounds fast when your maintenance intake is 2800. Gonna stick to this for another week or 2 then sit at around 1200-1500 daily for the rest of winter and spring.
  13. I really think they should run a TT there. If not on 129, then at least the length of the Cherohala. Run the long straight not far outside of Tellico on the west end to the hot dog shop near 129 on the east end.
  14. Sorry to hear this, he seems to have had a big impact on a lot of your lives. Wish I could have met him.
  15. Rider's Discount is having a sale on some really nice RST gloves... @RidersDiscount
  16. April? Wow they are optimistic this year... lol. Also, no full weekend days this year. Kinda lame.
  17. The roads down to DG are a lot more fun than the roads on the way to upstate NY. Once you hit SEO, it's non-stop twisties. Riding 16 through WV is well worth it, not to mention the other great roads down that way.
  18. my leathers, a pair of gauntlet gloves, a pair of cuff-cut gloves as backup, my boots, a backpack, a tank bag and a tail bag.
  19. I plan on bringing yellow & the street triple down.
  20. I've never had the stuff in any form but I know a lot of people enjoy it and I don't see it as harmful.
  21. Ahh, smart. They'll never look there.
  22. Sadly, probably not for long. :| Thanks Obama
  23. The real question is why would he have those things in the first place, and where does he keep them? A jar? The freezer? Under his pillow?
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