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Everything posted by what

  1. Yeah, electric karts. Pricing is I think $6 1 time fee per year for a "license" and then somewhere around $15-20 per 10 minute session. I haven't been to this place, this is actually a scouting run for a work department outing. Trying to play the electric and gas kart places against each other to get better pricing for our group
  2. Time/place Sunday, 12/17 2pm http://www.buckeyeraceway.com/ 4050 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43228
  3. this just turned into a proper winter thread.
  4. Cool. As of right now it's just me. If anyone else is 100% in, I'm open to setting a meet time, however if it's all tentatives I will probably just update this thread for when I'll be there not long before I go.
  5. bump thinking of trying the electric karts down by the casino this Sunday.
  6. I'm 6'6. 260 is my loose goal, if I wanted to be muscular/thin I would be around 230/240. I don't care about having rock hard abs and muscle beach arms, so 260 is fine for me. I'm at about 310 right now, gained 15lbs over the last year or so because pizza (and 1000cc power made me feel fast).
  7. Water retention. My weight fluctuates +/-7lbs in some cases depending on how much water it's retaining. On that note, back to the gym starting today. Gotta hit 260 by late June to pick up some bridesmaids at the wedding.
  8. what

    Po ta toes

    https://quartzy.qz.com/1148452/potato2/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark An interesting article.
  9. If the bike lives outside it should have a cover year round, ideally. The sun can age the rubber/plastic on the bike prematurely.
  10. what


    You might have something to race at vintage days once this thing is together.
  11. It would seem that you and your daughter are part of the good that organized religion is doing in the world. Again, I will not dispute the fact that people do wonderful things for one another in the name of their religion or beliefs. I will tell you that I view Christianity as more a book of philosophy than a book of absolute truths. Jesus' philosophy towards people and life are great ways to live one's life. If someone is following Jesus' advice to the letter there is very little harm to be done and a lot of good. The social aspect is where things get screwy, since that's introducing other people into your relationship with your god which can potentially be very damaging. People are the problem, just like with communism. And c'mon buddy, of course we're friends. We just have different opinions and are having an interesting discussion about them.
  12. Christianity helps a lot of people, as do most all religions. For anyone where it has improved their life and the lives of those around them, getting involved in a religion is a really good thing. On the other side of things you have people claiming to be prophets or to be the direct line to god that are using other's beliefs against them and stealing their hard earned livelihood with a smile on their face. The point I've been trying to make is that religion (not specifically christianity, but all religion) gives people an excuse and an avenue to be tremendously evil and do harm against people that are seeking help or trying to help the most vulnerable and desperate. If people practiced their beliefs in private and then lived their lives by them, the world may be in a better place.
  13. I'm plenty versed in religion, enough so that I chose to not be a part of it. As for showing you verses that advocate violence and harm, take a gander at a good portion of the old testament, or any religion based on the the abrahamic god. Look at the polytheistic religions that came before monotheism and the havoc they brought with them. It's tribalism in another form. I'm not going to tell you that there isn't a god, or a bunch of gods, or who knows what, because nobody 'really' knows what happens after they die and where everything all came from. People choose to believe something and put their faith into it if they need to. There's comfort in knowing that there's someone watching over you, even if you're alone. Some people need that comfort and that's fine, so long as they don't start telling other people that their way is the only way or else. Religious folk do good things every day, I'm not disputing that. Humanity does shitty things every day, and a lot of it is in the name of some god or another. That's something that can't be disputed.
  14. Religion is just an extension of the tribal nature of humans. Different language? Kill 'em. Different hair/eye/skin color? Kill 'em. Different leader/philosophy? Kill 'em. The truth is if religion never existed, people would have found other reasons to kill/harm each other, religion just offers a really really good excuse to do so. My spaghetti man is stronger than your linguine man and I'm gonna prove it by killing you and making your women/children our slaves. I will say that I firmly believe that organized religion is the most brilliant form of government ever conceived by man. Yay people.
  15. Yes, this. And I'm going to need to test-ride that FZ sometime, right after I have the money to buy one... congrats on the new bike.
  16. Motoamerica announced that your new bike will be in their LW Twin lineup along with Ducati, Suzuki, Kawisaki, Yamaha and Real American Power, Harley-Davidson.
  17. To each their own I guess, I really like the look of the FZ-10.
  18. Good to know we are invited, otherwise we'd never show up and just complain a lot.
  19. honestly though most of the active membership on this forum are from NEO. Not many of us in Columbus.
  20. Hey I don't care if I plan go kart meetups and nobody shows, more open track for me.
  21. Don't steal my thunder, Nivin! Jacob and I were talking about doing a monthly go kart meetup for the Columbus peeps. I'll make a new thread for that soon.
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