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Everything posted by what

  1. That said, apparently Ib got his race license earlier this winter. Will make it even more satisfying to pass the bajeezus out of him every chance I get. We still need revenge for when he buzzed @jacobhawkins last year through kink.
  2. Keep in mind, that sort of behavior is more along the lines of sociopathic rather than racist/classist. In fact I can almost guarantee he is a narcissistic sociopath, watching the way he conducts himself. You know, with my many degrees in doctoring and psychology. Sadly, tacit racism might be the preferable of the two when it comes to the leader of the free world. :|
  3. Yep, and bright green leathers. He's easy to spot.
  4. I think he's probably about as racist as any rich New Yorker. Or New Yorker in general. In my experience, people from large cities like NYC tend to see things a little differently than those from smaller cities/rural areas. There's a lot more interaction with different groups of people and a lot more observation as well. This colors their view (forgive the pun) on culture and what they see as good or bad. It differs from city to city too, say in one city the majority of the crime-ridden area is occupied by Chinese, you would avoid that area and you wouldn't necessarily want to associate with people from there. In another city, the majority of the crime-ridden area is Russian, or South American, or whatever, again, you would avoid those people/that area. I think what makes Trump see a group of people as good or bad depends on whether or not he can make money off of them. As soon as the money runs out or they are no longer useful, they no longer matter and could be dead for all he cares. It's a little different from good ol' fashioned southern racism which is mainly just aimed at black people because (insert bullshit reason here), but It's still shitty.
  5. Got Bob in keyhole. Nice. He's not particularly fast but he is one of the smoothest riders out there. His lines are immaculate.
  6. I was hoping you meant the first part of the new bike, as in, they are shipping it to you in parts that you then get to assemble until spring.
  7. Ideally I would get some from a part-out or something. Armourbodies, Hotbodies, Sharkskinz, all good options. I just want to ditch the annoying stock fairing design on the 08 CBR for something easy, preferably with dzus fasteners. I'd also prefer used since I'll be hacking up the front upper to accommodate the headlight and mirrors. A simple coolant change shouldn't have to include 15 minutes of work just to get the fairings out of the way and another 20 to re-attach. Thanks, Obama (and Honda).
  8. Yeah yeah. I'd rather give money to someone I know first if I'm able
  9. Looking to buy some used race fairings for the CBR. Doubt anyone on here has any sitting around but you never know.
  10. I only bought 2 Mid-O passes this year. I hope to run Summit/Pitt/NC if possible.
  11. We were running a very similar pace. Will be a good time if we can all meet up a few times at some tracks this year.
  12. Passing when I want to instead of waiting for the "perfect" moment is going to be my main focus this season. I need to follow people closer and give less safety buffer between my front wheel and their rear wheel. Improving drive out of corners and braking later are #2 priorities (but these are something I'll always be working on). Finding the person in front of me's weak spots, setting up the pass with that information and then executing it successfully is one of my favorite things in life.
  13. Maybe. The suspension settings will be all kinds of jacked up for me though even if I do get to my 260 target by spring. That said, I'm down 15lbs over the last 2.5 weeks so... goals?
  14. And here I am going WOT through kink and wishing I had more >.> stupid fatness. New strategy for you Tim, gain 100lbs. You'll never have to worry about the front end again.
  15. I think the helmet is the same model this year as it was after the re-design in 2016. I don't think you'll find a brand new helmet for 60% off... it's usually the 1-1.5 year old leftovers that get a steep discount. Still will last you 3.5-4 years. Better price to time ratio than paying $800 for a new one.
  16. According to @Casper's fixed quote, this might be the case.
  17. what

    Columbus GoKarts 1/28

    Updated first post with information.
  18. He really wanted to add bear to his recipe book. And much like a bear, I think @Dizzledan only comes out of hibernation for a few days every year to visit Deal's Gap and then return to his slumber.
  19. what

    Columbus GoKarts 1/28

    Not sure we can get a group rate without knowing the # of people attending. They are open Noon-8pm on Sundays. I figure if we do the 3-race package we would be done in 2 hours or so. If we got there at 2pm we would be done by 4 or so, could get to CBC (or wherever) by 4:30 or 5 and then people are free to do whatever they want. Do those times work for everybody?
  20. what

    Columbus GoKarts 1/28

    Yeah it seemed that way. I'll see what's within a 5-10 minute drive. I think CBC is probably pretty close, right?
  21. what

    Columbus GoKarts 1/28

    There could be. I will update the main post with times and any other info as we decide. I don't spend a lot of time on that side of town so I don't know any restaurants over that way.
  22. I guess everybody has their own bear hunting techniques.
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