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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Car behind him didnt slow down. Did not look like his fault. That sucks. I found it interesting to watch all the other cars hit the brakes. Getting ran over is my fear on the freeway if I get knocked off.
  2. Its "2 years" but if you get your pre reqs done sooner you can cut ahead of others who dont. Rumors in my facility are saying the columbus hospitals are only hiring RN with bachelor degrees (don't know how true it us). I would check chamberlain out. You can get a bachelors in nursing in 3 years but your going to pay for it but no wait. There are plenty if online CC offering it. Rio grande does and theres more actually a lot in Columbus. +4 million for max's statement.
  3. All of that. Try to take classes at the other locations or online. Other than that classes are not to hard and its dirt cheap.
  4. After 3 RROD I have been more than happy with my ps3 and free online and blu ray. Ya XBL is better than PSN but my shit working is more important for a casual gamer like myself...
  5. Mykill

    BB guns

    I remember when I was a kid and got my Red Ryder BB gun. Lever action and loved it. Had so much fun with that thing. She will have a blast. Easter Bunny did good.
  6. Mykill

    Riding today?

    So how are the roads by Atwood? In high school I remember driving around Dover, Zoar, and even Atwood area and thinking they were good country roads. Wouldnt mind revisiting this summer.
  7. Mykill

    KY ride???

    I love new roads and riding then for the first time. Thanks for the heads up nsaP. Oh ya and Bad you suck. Reschedule.
  8. 27. Started riding basically a year ago this month.
  9. Look on craigslist. Look anywhere you would be willing to drive. Be patient and find the right deal. You'll be fine stepping up and definitely get FI.
  10. jbot blue03636 apch8r mykill (Novice) madcat (novice?) 2wheeler (intermediate) JCMathis (Intermediate) grapesmuggler27 (Novice) Hutch (Novice/Intermediate) SJC1000rr (Advanced) rubbersidedown - Novice Dubguy (Advanced??) Jarvis (Novice?) cbrbrent (Novice) Ducati Guy (Going Fast) Termin8er (Intermediate) pending: Standout-???? tyler524 - needs gauntlet gloves redkow97 - if he doesn't do wera race school in grattan r1crusher - has a fancy track bike, has no more excuses, but still won't commit Good looking turnout. Only need a few more to commit.
  11. Thanks for setting the record straight. Next your going to correct my grammar?
  12. jbot blue03636 apch8r mykill (Novice) madcat (novice?) 2wheeler (intermediate) JCMathis (Intermediate) grapesmuggler27 (Novice) Hutch (Novice/Intermediate) SJC1000rr (Advanced) rubbersidedown - Novice Dubguy w/ Josh...(Advanced??) Jarvis (Novice?) pending: Standout-???? ducati guy - probably in, wants to go fast tyler524 - needs gauntlet gloves redkow97 - if he doesn't do wera race school in grattan r1crusher - has a fancy track bike, has no more excuses, but still won't commit cbrbrent - I'm most likely in
  13. Mykill

    KY ride???

    So I take it your practicing up to lead the ride?
  14. Haha of course! I was going to take him out to your neck of the woods. He is about 2 miles away from me and I think its about the best way to break him in.
  15. We will get you out in some real turns soon.
  16. We broke into smaller groups of like 3-5. My group had 5 but we were the faster riders. We can request to be in the same group and see about a faster pace. Im sure they would accommodate. I am not sure how Mid-O or NESBA runs their novice.
  17. Im probably doing novice again. The first session was basically a walk around the track. the next 2 in the morning were quicker but we were held up by the rain. The last one we got to do we were scooting around pretty good but track still wasn't completely dry. Im hoping the pace this time steps up a bit more.
  18. I'm 6'4" 230 and I'm fine with my CBR at about 4 hours. After that my knees, hips, and back start hurting. It's nothing to bad but achy from being in same position for a long time. I am trolling now for bikes that will fit me better. Looking mainly at vfr and SV's.
  19. Mykill

    Shipping Crate

    That's a good price on the CBR. I have to agree with Ross. Even if you don't rip someone off. Buy a bike there sell it before you leave. Even if you loose money on the sale still cheaper than shipping. I'd be worried about my bike being shipped and it's condition web it arrives.
  20. Mykill

    First rides

    I remember thinking. . . Damn cars are huge! It definitely is fun and creates such a different experience than a car.
  21. http://www.fototime.com/ftweb/bin/ft.dll/pictures?userid={844AFCF1-49CD-4347-94F7-E6FE49A7E847}&AlbumId={49479103-9CEA-43C0-B846-10C766EC6B30}&GroupId={00616EA3-C800-45EE-B791-DED9CEE44DCB}&nt=g
  22. Mykill

    KY ride???

    Jonni's route looks good too with 1504 in it. Maybe not slab back and hit a more good looking roads before heading back up to Columbus. Ill meet wherever in Columbus. Dayton people can pick a convenient spot for the meet up.
  23. Mykill

    KY ride???

    I am fine with whichever way down and up. Kind of difficult to hit good roads down and end up in Cincy. I was told this though... "Except when you get to Mt. Olivete on 62. break off onto 1504 and take it to 62 again just before 19. It doesn't look like a good road on the map (looks thin on the map) But is one of the best roads down there." So I would like to try to hit 1504.
  24. Not pissed at all. I had a good time. It just sucked that the weather was actually nice and we couldn't run. Just wanted to go is all. Im sure there was someone dumb enough. Probably a few.
  25. The thing is we had been riding all day. The weather broke and we had to wait. We all wanted to ride the track as is but were not allowed. It was just that one area and not like we had to go 100 over it.
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