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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. What ever it is, Mine is faster.
  2. I have no words. Knowing what you have in your garage already.
  3. I'm 250 nekid. I understand the klr is a little soft. Also know that thrashing offroad is not what I initially plan on doing. I got the KLR vs more powerful bikes because I literally just want to tractor around on it. Gravel roads, blm fire roads ect. I do not need a perfectly set up suspension till I feel I'm ready to take bigger leaps on it.
  4. Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Yup picked up a new 2022 KLR650 ABS. Wanted something the exact opposite of the Connie. I found I didn't like getting the Connie out for short trips into town or on hot days ect. Also what to start hitting some dirt, gravel and back country roads. The KLR seem to check all my boxes with a reasonable price tag. I did finance it just because rates were low and to keep my credit healthy. But it will be paid off in a couple years. Like i said ABS "traveler" model, they made lots of improvements to them for 2022 including Fuel Injection. Soon I'll add bags, crash bars and other farkles. But here she is fresh out of the shipping create.
  5. Couple of you are on the right track. Not going to drag this out this should make it easier.
  6. I never claimed to be a nice person.
  7. Since everyone loves this game so much (thanks @NinjaDoc) let's play again. Guess my new bike! Today I picked up a new steed. And NO! the Connie isn't going anywhere. The new ride is like comparing Apples to Onions vs the Connie. It's slower, has less pistons, but the Connie's pistons are smaller. I will say it is brand new and it's my first ever brand new bike and the first time I've ever financed any bike. Let's start there. If noone gets it ill post a picture clue later. If you already know don't ruin it. Only 3 of you low life's know what it is already..lol
  8. Awe Sucks Wally!!! Pst! You're breaking character. Back to the hate dome.
  9. Pandemics are bad for the figure, MmmKay!
  10. Done! Yea that looks much better. Learn something new every day. Thanks
  11. Wow! that was the most ads on a web site I've seen in a long time. Was there a story behind all those pop ups?
  12. I'm headed down next week. Have a blast
  13. The wifeys little Scout, she's a bit of a sleeper. 😆
  14. Think I won the Dyno day. What did I win? 🤔....😄🤣
  15. We stopped in Hilliard for a early dinner to let it pass. Just about done raining here and my food is settling..lol
  16. Here you go made a google maps route, this include most of the best twisty roads I would hit. https://goo.gl/maps/RsBpnWHwsvCMj5au5
  17. You want to add to that route and have some twisty road fun. Take 541 to the other side (west)of Coshocton, then grab 60 north all the way to Killbuck, do a little zigzag over to 520, take 520 to 514, 514 to Danville, 62 to 36, 36 to MTV. You can thank me later.
  18. Think I need more training. I'm just a Rookie by the new software standards.
  19. This is always the correct answer for me on the Connie. 3000 that's is my average rear tire mileage. I never wait till i need them to order a set. Usually have a standby set sitting in the garage. Usually get 2 rears to one front, but that front will be a little iffy at the end of that second rear.
  20. I have found there is no text book suspension settings for me on the connie. I like mine stiff and fast. Fast as in quick responding. When its adjusted like that for me that equals a harsh ride and quick tire consumption. It also equates to best feel of the road and tight handling. I too have encountered the feathering of the tire when loaded down or 2up. Just had to learn to back it off a bit to conserve my equipment. You have to think 700 lb bike + 200-400lb occupants + 40 ish lbs luggage = a lot of forces on a bike that wants to drag hard parts. You want better tire wear your going to give up handling. There is no answer to this. I have ate a tire on a gap trip in 1700 miles before, i have also gotten 2 gap trips out of a tire before. I have just learned to be more conservative when I need to be. this pic is that 1700 mile tire i spoke of..
  21. Not sure im going to make it next week now. Had a little accident helping my dad and i have a splint and a freshly glued laceration on my finger. Playing it by ear right now, hope to still go down but have to see how my healing goes in the next couple days.
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