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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I rode today and it was GREAT out. I got home about 30 mins after the sun set, and even then, it wasn't really too cold... I knew it would be in another hour, but the weather was terrific today.
  2. I didn't actually wear mine, I just brought it "in case." I wasn't cold on the ride, just the slab down.
  3. I'll be taking 271s to 8 south, so I might meet up with you guys on the way.
  4. I also bought it because I wanted an intel mac, and especially one in the unibody shell.
  5. You're playing the "what-if" game. "What if they didn't have $600..." Then buy a cheaper computer.
  6. http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/12177448979/scary
  7. Good mommy-instincts to sacrifice yourself and keep the kiddie safe.
  8. To JUSTIFY the selling price for mine? No, I was bidding so that the demand would be greater and the supply less. Thus increasing the price of the item I sell. "Now, people want to profit." Do people sell things on eBay WITHOUT the intention of making profit? I was under the impression that since the start of eBay, it has ALWAYS been about profit for the seller. Also, I'd like to point out that selling something on here vs eBay/Craigslist are different... on here is a community of like-minded people, many of whom have met in person and are friends. I don't try and profit monetarily from friends.... Maybe that's one of the difference between friendship and business for me. What's the difference to you between greed and wanting an income? I was running a business (a small one, sure, but I was doing it to make money) and you might call it greed, but I think that every business has "income generation" as one of its goals. So it's tactics like the one I used that have made all the good deals disappear from eBay? That's a huge generalization and I'm not sure where to start picking it apart. It's all about supply and demand... I hardly had enough capital to corner the market on Apple laptops, and while my actions may (or may not) have had some impact on pricing, in the larger scheme of things, I hardly affected very many laptops & prices... If I were rich, and really out to make money, I'd buy every single apple laptop on eBay and then re-list them all, with unchanged items for $50 more than I paid... But c'mon... I bought ONE laptop... And I didn't re-sell it, either, I kept it.... I think that's the free market determining the value of an item... not greed.
  9. The BMV receipt says $50, but I'm not sure how much standard plates are... I mean, if standard are $25, for example, then it's only an extra $25.
  10. That suuuuuuucks. But it sounds like a good story, so... How'd you break your tailbone?
  11. Welcome aboard! My brake reservoir says DOT4 on it, so you can get that at any auto shop... I've always wanted to ride an EX-500 I'm sure there are FAQs on the 'net, too, about what kind of fluids and whatnot, or you can always check ex-500.com.
  12. This means I'm out the money if I try and flip the bike in the spring for profit
  13. Maybe not in the fall, but there's always the spring... Don't give up.... If it doesn't sell in early spring, I'll volunteer to help write up an ad, take some pictures, etc... A LOT comes down to presentation & being a good salesman... We can get it sold.
  14. Okay, you admitted you don't e-bay, so this is a very fair question... I didn't do it to be a troll... here's why I did it: Because at the time, I had a small business-type thing going on where I was buying, fixing up & reselling apple laptops. If three people wanted that laptop, and it ends up selling for $600 instead of $500, then it means the "worth" (AKA the most you can get for an item) is higher. The other two people don't get to buy a cheaper laptop, so they have to spend more to get one. If I'm selling laptops... then I want then to be worth as much as possible. It doesn't "screw with the market forces" on eBay so much as direct them in the way I want them to go. Some more details about the auction: It was a new seller with zero feedback. The selling town was listed as "Shadytown" or Shadyville Ohio, or something or other. That may have scared off some bidders. Having NO feedback and selling your first item for $600 is also a little risky for the buyer... I took that risk, and this time, it paid off. As for me "having no intention to buy" it, well, I knew there was a chance I might win, and I was fully prepared to pay for it, buy it, and use it. And I did. And I still use it. It was actually a great deal, as I wanted a new unibody macbook w/ an intel processor. Now I have one. It was sort of a win/win situation for me... Either prices are higher making my wares worth more, or I get the macbook I want without having to justify actually voluntarily spending the money. Yes, that is deranged logic, but sometimes that's how I shop When you use double-quotes, it should be to repeat what someone actually said, or at least to paraphrase what they said. What you have done is mis-quote me. I did not drive up the price "just for fun." I was an English major, and I'm vaguely offended & mildly amused that you'd pervert punctuation in an attempt to use it against me. Now that I've addressed your question, are there any others? (nothing personal, but your question really is invalid, based on the fact that you've misquoted me). I'm fine to defend myself to the bashers... It's business, not fun, to bid up the prices... And it's smart business. It's not like profit margins on eBay are very wide, after all (at least as they related to me & mine).
  15. Josh1234


    yay for hangfires and firearm safety
  16. My car plates are J-zero-five-H-U-A J05HUA. Yep... Dork! I USED TO have ST34LTH, because the kind of car it is is a Stealth, plus the whole leet thing and being a 3-4 for E-A IS stealthly... but that wouldn't fit with the navy insignia Hence, J05HUA
  17. Yep, with the veteran tag, because I have Navy pride. For those that don't know, the Yamaha YZF600R is called a "Thundercat" in European markets, instead of the letter/number designation. And mine is a 2004 Yes, I'm a dork for doing stuff like this... the Vet tag is really to maybe get me out of ticket one day, the tag itself is just to be fun Fun side note... I couldn't order zero-four-c-a-t because zero-four isn't a vanity plate... it's out there somewhere. I had to order the letter "o" then a four. Just can't tell the difference Those that like vanity plates because they're fun... rep it up
  18. I ended up with a macbook by accident that way... I bid $600 intending to drive the price up and accidentally won it I went through with it, though, and it's still workin' well to this day, and if I sold it, it'd still fetch me the $600 back likely. Just withdraw your bid and you'll be OK... someone will snipe it at the last second anyway.
  19. Nice! "Turtleneck, baby, gotta stay warm."
  20. I think it's posible to ride in a straight line without leaning... I think whether or not you straddle it determines if you ride or drive it
  21. Josh1234

    Sheep Pr0n.

    that video made me think "Oh, c'mon, we've ALL been there"
  22. I might need new tires for this winter...
  23. necro thread It's too cold to stunt!
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