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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Looks nice! Gonna keep it, or fix & sell for profit?
  2. Josh1234

    Tuesday 8/23

    My car club used to do a "Halloweekend" at C.P. every year fun times.
  3. Josh1234

    Tuesday 8/23

    That sounds fun, I'd be in. Best time for Cedar Point, too! MMMmmm... Early October... I HATE summer heat
  4. If he ever wants to come to cleveland, he's welcome at my home
  5. Josh1234

    Tuesday 8/23

    Next time ya'll ride north instead of south, let me know Or maybe when I get a bike that's a little more highway friendly
  6. Josh1234

    Tuesday 8/23

    Might be a little out of reach for me I'll be thinking about you guys while I work on my bike tomorrow, though... You'll be my motivation
  7. Josh1234

    Tuesday 8/23

    street address of that BB? I want to find out how far I am from it
  8. The OP said he was "a nooby in tech matter." Why would you point him at a link that has a non-running bike in it? From the ad: "will start wont stay running dont really kno anything about bike"
  9. I used to buy/resell apple laptops on Craigslist, and I got 1 spam for every 4 or 5 interested buyers.
  10. +1 for Dobies; See sig! Require no training, sound off like a mothafucka, and can love you in return As for ADT, I have a friend who does installs for them (I met him on my car club's forums, actually) and I'll pass along his contact info if you have questions.
  11. Turns out the guy that lives across the hall from me in my Condo is a location manager for the film
  12. Buell Blast > Ninja 250. /thread (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
  13. Probably the wife of the rider GRAVITY: It's not just a good idea... It's also the law!
  14. Thanks guys... If I do end up listening to music while I ride, I'll make sure to keep it one-headphone only... Both to stay legal AND hear the ambient noise around me.
  15. Just curious how many of you use headphones while you ride... Is it safe? How well can you hear the music?
  16. He means pics of the bike, of course! Welcome aboard
  17. Wow! Quickest tag EVAR! I didn't know that the tag was a re-use So many good tag location near the Codd, too... Rock Hall, Goodtime III, William G. Mather, etc Nice quick work, Agent!
  18. Less than 2K is a good deal, anything more than 2K is too much
  19. Nonononono, we had our bikes on the anti-gravity setting
  20. Can't argue with that, the new 250's caught MY eye, too, when I was looking Well, if she decides she wants to save money and buy a bike that's drop-resistant, you know where to look Barring that, the bikes Casper linked to on CL are good deals, because normally the 08+'s are upwards of $3,000+... he found some in the 2's, so that looks like your best bet. Good luck, and enjoy
  21. OK, took a couple of pictures in case you guys need a hint, but I doubt you will. Sorry about the fence, and my apologies to the guys own south... You'll have to ride up north to get this one
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