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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. I assumed carrying meant having it loaded.
  2. A motorcycle is a vehicle. Carrying in/on a vehicle automatically makes it concealed.
  3. Valley was an absolute mess yesterday after the rain. Debris every where, rear tire sliding under any hard acceleration, mud everywhere. If you go the worst spot was Yellow Creek heading East and making the hard left onto Revere was covered in loose gravel, almost bit it really hard....
  4. Oh, it is far from free.
  5. I ended up drinking and staying out much later than I anticipate. Heading out shortly for some cvnp shenanigans
  6. Oil is now changed. Probability just went up
  7. or you could just eat a banana and 3 oz of an avocado, get exactly he same calories (clif underrates their calories by 15 on the chocolate chip bar) nearly identical macro and micro nutrients and actually fiber your body uses rather than just bulk your poop.
  8. 99.9% chance I won't be making it. Oil is still not changed. And I slept like absolute shit last night and I'll be at work until 10 tonight.
  9. drink beer, get cards, best hand wins. drink more beer. ride home crash and die
  10. At least he's not as old as you
  11. Still want to be in depending on if I can get another 50 miles in to get that break in oil change done. It's been a rough week and my mind and body has refused to go to sleep until at least 1 am...
  12. zx3vfr

    GoPro hero 2

    http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/ele/5613956355.html i dunno, 75 OR price.
  13. zx3vfr

    2015 Grom

    Yes because Starbucks doesn't want me brining guns when I come get coffee.
  14. https://www.ridersdiscount.com/bell-powersports-star-spectre-full-face-motorcycle-helmet-260178 black and silver also plain white both size medium please and thank you.
  15. zx3vfr

    2015 Grom

    No I ended up buy a demo gsx s750 that was never even delivered too good of a deal to pass up and I don't have to be a British cycle riding douche
  16. zx3vfr

    Road rage

    More reason to avoid deaths waiting room
  17. zx3vfr

    2015 Grom

    gone for full asking price.
  18. Well I'm 5 years wiser, none the smarter but I just don't understand the appeal... I did ride a r1200c once and I did enjoy that
  19. I was in myrtle beach on vacation in March when it was snowing up here.. I wanted to get my fill. I should have chosen a better choice... Plus a 190 pound 25 year old on a bike that large must've looked redonkulous
  20. Rented a fat boy for a day once. It was enough for me to get my Harley fill for probably the rest of my life.
  21. went out for a quick jaunt, coming down martin to ira and at ira and riverview, sure enough 2 cars into a guard rail... all these bicycle idiots are trying to get the people out of the cars by pulling on them. i park the bike run over and start asking if all those involved are experiencing any neck pain, headache or blurred vision. both drivers say they are ok, so I leave... first rule of an accident, unless the car is on fire, don't move someone until they are checked by a medic, if they're ok theyll get out under their own power. and if they are complaining of neck pain, lay them flat and assign someone to keep them from falling asleep.... god I fucking hate bicyclists.
  22. I'll be in provided I can ride 100 miles on the Suzuki this week to get the 600 mile oil change done.
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