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Everything posted by mgbgt89

  1. My friends dad gave me a glass of pappy van winkle 15 year... Its 107 proof, and was delicious. No burn at all, just a warming feeling down in the belly. Almost had a texture of butterscotch pudding, smoothest I've ever had. I don't think its cheap though.
  2. http://hondatech.info/ Great site for hondas, bikes and cars both.
  3. mgbgt89

    Get Drunk HERE!

    NYE plans fell through, Looks like i'm getting drunk here instead.
  4. My favorite was this one "If this were my child, I'd be upset that I raised a dumb kid, not that the police did their job."
  5. Me too. I really hate shaving. Especially when its cold. The only thing i shave now is my mexi-stache. Just let the other stuff grow in all its thin stubbly glory. It wouldn't look so shitty if i trimmed it. Razors are too expensive... I'm jealous of my buddies that had more facial hair than i do now when they were in 8th grade, and got to quit shaving by 10th grade. Then again, one of them has a receding hairline at 23.....
  6. A 16 year old kid, from behind, wearing a ski mask apparently could look like your average bad guy. Hell, i'm sure there are plenty of 16 year old kids running around with real guns. Good job on the cop. It's not like he shot the kid... Whiny mom needs to get over it. And i'm not one to take the side of the police most of the time.
  7. Oh, didn't realize amex sold prepaid cards like that... figured you had to move money from somewhere to get them.
  8. Your story kinda made me laugh. I miss high school, getting stoned and getting into jams like that. Reminds me of one time me and my girlfriend got really stoned and went to red lobster and ordered so much shit. Check comes, and we had to scrape together all the loose cash and change we had, and put like 4 dollars on a debit card to get out of there. I think i avoided an overdraft by like 15 cents. The manager kept coming to us instead of our waitress asking if there was ANYTHING else he could get us, "YEAH BOSS, keep the cheesy biscuits coming." We spent like 15 minutes sitting there at the table trying to figure out how we were going to pay for all that food.... Oh yeah, now i remember why i don't smoke anymore.
  9. Good thing you did, Since AMEX would probably just charge whoever bought it for you the extra 29 bucks, Plus some other BS charge i'm sure.
  10. I just use hand signals, then again my bike is old enough to not need them in some states. Ohio isn't one of those, but i've never been hassled here. Only time I've been hassled was in indiana, where i don't need them legally, go figure. An old rusty slow bike pretty much flies under most cops radar.
  11. Aircraft stripper is awesome stuff, but it will take EVERYTHING off. Acetone will take some elbow grease, but is much less violent with the factory paint. It might lighten the black a little bit, depending on how good that factory paint is. Brake fluid might work too, but that's probably more likely to damage the factory paint than acetone.
  12. Not to derail the thread, But my back is much less sore after a few hours on my bike than an hour in my old broken down pickup truck bench seat. I haven't spent a whole lot of time on sport bikes, but what I've had it was mostly arms and legs that were sore, never my back. Only back pains I've had were on laid back cruisers, since road bumps seem to be transmitted directly into your spine.
  13. I used to work a second shift job that started at like 3pm or so during the week. Saturdays, we had to come in an hour earlier. Twice i simply forgot it was Saturday and rolled in leisurely at 2:45, confused to why everyone was working 15 minutes before the shift started. Never got any shit for it though, a lot of people didn't bother to come in on Saturday.
  14. Try acetone. Someone painted the lips (rattle can) on my wheels and it took that off without hurting the factory baked on paint. YMMV...
  15. Who's MJ? I was expecting a Michael Jordan look alike.... All i see is singing white girl.
  16. When I went in July, It was cold as fuck up high on the BRP. 129 is probably still ride-able now, But i'm willing to bet the BRP is already snowed in.
  17. My 350F is the most reliable thing I've ever owned. It'll start acting up for weeks (slight misfire) before it won't start. Quick points gap and its good to go. There is nearly nothing to go wrong on it. It's about as simple as you can get. I've worked on lawnmowers that were more advanced.
  18. I've had total clutch failure in my truck 3 times. Twice i blew the slave cylinder, once i blew the line. Never had a slow failure. Never owned a bike with a hydro clutch, but ridden plenty. They do feel a lot nicer and are easier to get used to. Not sure what you mean about it failing all at once, a failure is where it leaks, its not going to spring 3 leaks at once. If you replaced the whole system it wouldn't be cheap i'm sure.
  19. What about a line popping? Master or slave going bad? I'll stick with my simple old cable. Less shit to go wrong, cheaper to fix when it does.
  20. Find a socket that fits inside the swingarm and use a bigger socket on the outside as a press. Run some all thread through those and crank down on it drawing them together. Heat will probably help too. NVM, use a grade 8 bolt instead. Allthread will probably break.
  21. Buddy of mine bought crappy levers for his 954. They were so far off from stock his brake light switch was always on. I think he had to glue a piece of plastic to the lever to get them to actuate the switch properly.
  22. I had mine break about an hour from home once. Luckily it was all state highways out in rural indiana, only about 7 stoplights the whole time. Most i either caught green or could slow down and roll through. Stopped at one, had to push it to a run, hopped on and slammed it into gear.
  23. That switch is just a starter interlock, doesn't have anything to do with shifting.
  24. mgbgt89

    out of gas

    Suckers.. My bike i can pull the tank off in 30 seconds with no tools. Way easier to just walk the gas tank to the nearest station and not the whole bike.
  25. My most recent ex-girlfriend always got pissed off at me, when a previous ex-girlfriend would show up on there, it happened frequently. I think they do that shit on purpose.
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