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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    Sig p229

    Im wanting a 9mm also I have the 40. I'm also wanting to try a m&p pro out.
  2. crb

    Sig p229

    Love mine, although it is DA/SA. I was hoping you were selling one lol, although I am supposed to be saving money. Oh kawi will be here and say glock, glock, buy a glock. Did I mention glock FWIW. Chevy will be along and mention S&W M&P More guys will say glock, m&p, glock, m&p, etc
  3. Never tried it, and no I dont think its necessarily a bad reflection on his character. I find it funny, with the way the media spun this kid. He sounds pretty average. I was surprised that alcohol wasn't in his system honestly. I just love the media and family's spin. Actually if he had marijuana in his system you think he wouldn't have attacked zimmerman. I thought weed was supposed to make you mellow. I wouldn't know from personal experience.
  4. Straight talk is $45 unlimited everything a month per phone not too bad since my data plan is $30 by itself.
  5. Such a good kid! Straight A honor roll student!
  6. My question also, as I was grandfathered in with 4g. We are put of contract until next year I believe. If they screw us around I will contemplate straighttalk. We will probably drop smartphpnes anyway but I will leave on principal. I won't go back to ATT after their service went shitty and they dropped me.
  7. Why don't you two love birds troll elsewhere, but since you won't ill ignore uncle punk also. Justin your not going to get under my skin, and congrats you found someone to help you troll.
  8. Other than Michigan union use thugs being bussed to Ohio to vote and acorn signing the Dallas starting line up and the smurfs to vote. Nope I'm just racist, I hate President Obama's white half. He isn't black enoughfor me, and does.t cone from a slave family history.
  9. No just give President Obama more time, he is trying to get re-elected right now. He will work on the dream list if he is "elected" to a second term.
  10. Rep if PB rule doesn't stop me.
  11. Started reading it last night. I must say section with the buyers, consumers, and keepers is spot on and really makes you think. Wife and I definetly used to be buyers, back in thecearly days of our marriage. We became 1/2 consumer and 1/2 keeper later on once we woke up. We are on step 2. Payoff credit card debt and high-interest debt. We have switched our mindset to a networth mindset and have an emergency fund. Although once step 2 is met I want a much bigger emergency fund at least 6 months of bills. So dE a good read.
  12. I dont know that M1's fall under curio and relics. We would be supporting local business since they would probably be sold through them or transfered through one. I've heard mixed reports on their condition.
  13. The administration did block the reimportation of the M1's. Surely you understand that they are simply concerned for our safety. Those assault rifles could fall into the wrong hands. You just have to know that every thug and gang member would want one.
  14. That has been my point all along! While changing baseless laws I want all public nudity laws changed. We were all born naked and should have the freedom to be naked anytime anywhere! Secondly police officers get to carry their personal firearm loaded pm their person I'm all 50 states. Why don't the rest us get thay right? Where is the equality. Thirdly end affirmative action equity is equal NOT equal plus a little. I was denied a job because a minority got a higher score on the exam with his minority bonus points. Where is my equality? Why do minority or women owned companies get preference on government conttacts? How about that equality?
  15. Part of the reason I prefer to not lock the money into a 529.
  16. I know, with inflation it might be a savings for their first car. If things don't change $20k in 19 yrs might buy a nice high mileage junker. I know 20k will probably not even come close to covering college. It may be possible to contribute more per potential child time will tell. Something will be better than nothing in my opinion.
  17. No, it was only a suggestion. Thank you for correcting my spelling error. You are AWESOME!
  18. Mr mod czar could you correct the "serious" for me, please and thank you!
  19. Okay this one can be locked up, it went down hill. I appreciate the advice the adults gave. I'm going to do additional research on my own.
  20. See now I wouldn't have told you to Fuck off if you said it that way. I don't think my political views have any weight on whether or not I can raise a child. You have called me names think way back (racist, troll, and others ). Name calling is not the only form of disrespect you've shown. To be fair you have had my number since day 1. I've left you alone, but you can't seem to put our political difference down for a rational discussion. If you can't grow up and put our differences aside to actually offer advice then butt out. I asked for help because I am not informed about retirement and college funding so I asked for help. Isn't that mature? Knowing your short commings and seeking help? Anyway I will put you back on ignore since you can't put your big boy pants on!
  21. Trying to become more refined! Bless his heart!
  22. crb

    The GHB

    I have the blue tarp, but my GHB is for a longer trip home like 2 weeks.
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