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Everything posted by crb

  1. Did you miss this? And you still go crap in my serious thread. You are the child!!!
  2. Rational? I really think you should troll elsewhere unless you can add something usefull. If you don't want to add useful info then Justin Fuck off, with all due respect!
  3. Good point I will keep that in mind for next time. I.am sure there will be a next time. FYI Justin you got exactly what you wanted and asked for. I almost posted the negative rep for you, but decided not to search for the thread. Now Justin FUCK OFF, with all due respect!
  4. No I probably would have taken your advice into consideration, but instead you chose to make an sss of yourself. To think I actually unigored you, I guess that was a mistake. You may now proceed to FUCK OFF ASSHOLE!!! GO STALK SOMEONE ELSE. OH AND FUCK OFF! I'm sure me telling you to FUCK OFF gets your rocks off, for that YOUR WELCOME
  5. I believe there is a politcal forum. 2ndly this is a serious question if you don't want to be add actual advice fuck off! All college aren't liberal! Just because I lean libertarian, doesn't mean my future children will as adults. Once again if you don't want to lend actual advice FUCK OFF!
  6. I'm with you equal rights, but why does the government have to make it so? If you stop allowing governmentto decide who can marry then you still have equal rights. Or am I missing something? If government gets out of the business of telling us who cam marry then we are equal. The government allowing gay marriage is government siding with athiest. How is that equal? Why do you want more government power. I'm for true freedom which is the maximium abcense of government control. I'm not one that believes gay marriage will devalue my marriage. I'm not really against gay marriage I am however against how they are going about it. You also don't have the right to force me to teach my future children that gay is normal. If gays want to marry I dont care they can miserable like the rest of us. You refuse to see getting government out of it. Why do you want government to give gays permission to marry? Is that true freedom. Now let's talk equal rights. Is it equal rights when we have hate crime laws? Aren't we all equal? Shouldn't a crime just be a crime? It's obvious we won't agree on the orgin of marriage either. I just don't see why people like government controlling everything.
  7. I changed the damn thing twice. I'm just about ready to run this phone over with the truck, but I'm trying to stick to the budget.
  8. Good question. 14 yrs X $5,000 = $70k though, but that won't leave you much in the way of retirement. Isn't there another IRA where you pay todays tax rate and it grows interest free? Rath maybe?
  9. And.... Go bother exarch the big boys are talking here!
  10. This may be just the idea so I have freedom.
  11. My wifes parents made around 50k with 3 kids so she got no state help! We got big student loans. My parents made like 35k with 4 kids I had a free ride, and screwed it up by choosing a different school. I got approx 10k in student loans. Once the house is paid off, sold, and new house built and paid for, a large nest egg acquired I probably will make less money.
  12. Subsidized student loans are cheap, but unsubsidized are not and usually require a cosigner. I'm not cosigning for student loans again. I will fully fund our retirment also, and hope to have the house paid for within 5 years instead of 27. We should easily be able to do both especially once the house is paid for.
  13. Yep had one for 6 or 7 yrs it eats any ammo you feed it. Good shooter, accurate, reliable, easy to take down. Wife loves it. I didn't buy one because I wanted something different. If you were closer I would let you try hers out. I think it fits your hand better than my ruger, although the ruger is more accurate since it has the heavy barrel. The neo is very accurate our of the box. The integrated rail is nice if you want to mount a red dot.
  14. Wife and I are planning to start a family in 2013. We should be close debt free except our house before my wife quits. I am a planner and think long term. I have been thinking college funds or downpayment for a house if they choose not to go to college . How much should I plan to put in a college fund. My thought is $20k per kid. I know 20k probably won't pay for college completely, but it will be a good starting place. This number assumes its in the budget. My plan is to contribute weekly to the fund. Should I go less and invest it better than a money market account? My wife and I's parents didn't have any kind of college fund for us and we went heavily into debt to attend college. Keeping my fingers crossed, but it will all be paid off in a year. I take that back my student loan probably won't be, but its at 1.2% or some crazy low rate.
  15. Yea I realized it was s race quad not utility after the fact. My brute is a beast I have to watch myself on it. Real easy to put the front end in the air. I accidently jumped it off a small dirt pile one day. Scared the wife, and I about shit myself. I really didn't mean to jump it lol. I landed it very well. I thought about getting a chip for it, but my 10 yr old brother inlaw rides it sometimes. 67 mph top end stock and it here there quick. Does a good job plowing too even better after I added a spreader for weight. I cleared waist deep (@4') with ease. I need to pickup an offroad helmet.
  16. 400 utility would be good for plowing. You probably would have been disappointed with a 250 for plowing. I've got a brute force 750.that I plow with.
  17. crb

    zombie group SHTF

    Thank you! I was starting to think I lost it.
  18. That's the smartest most intelligent post I've seen you make I concur 100%!
  19. +1 I've gotten one decent ride in. My gun dealer tried getting me out last Sunday since we were on vacation, but we had everyone coming over for my bday party. I lost my weekends on this new run.
  20. And......... Hell us Harley guys can ride 5-6 hrs.
  21. Understood, that's all the info I was after. Wife and I are still contemplating going to 1 bigger bike. She has only ridden once or twice so far. I've not done a lot better, but enough. I wish I could get the weather to cooperate on my days off.
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