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Everything posted by crb

  1. I said you boycotting them is no stupider than them doing it. Pay attention and keep up. They have the right to not do business with firearm owners or business. You have the right not to do business with them. If they are stupid so are you! Where does everyone get that I think my rights trump the property owners rights? I'm simply arguing that a sign should be posted as OC is legal. People will assume its okay to open carry on your property if no sign is posted. Would you like to pull into a business and be asked to leave a business because you are on a motorcycle? If there was a sign you would know not to visit that business while riding a motorcycle. I suppose nobody sees the point still
  2. Nope I don't hide from my opinion.
  3. No I said you didn't quote it so I couldn't post it word for word. You s Wanted it aired out publicly I complied with your request. Oh and negative rep for disagreeing with someone is childish, but negative rep because you got negative rep over s disagreement is cool? What is rep for then?
  4. Sorry you didn't quote my pm, so I can't posted it word for word. I basically said that if you kicked me our out of your business for open carrying without posting a sign I would run an ad in the local newspaper, especially if it was a small business that did so. You have a right to set the rules on your property, that I will give you. You have a responsibility in my opinion to communicate said rules. Do you have a sign that reads not responsible for damage, accidents, or injuries? Most car washes have a similar sign. So you want to be anti open carry, but don't want to appear anti open carry. How interesting. I wish I knew where your car wash was, so I could visit your establishment! No sign means I can carry until asked to leave. Sure glad I don't work for you!
  5. Maybe he read your posts here saying "screw my boss" ?
  6. Are we back on the zimmerman martin ordeal? Why......................................................................................
  7. Supposed to be whores not whites, but my phone apparently doesn't like whores!
  8. No perceived shield. It's a legal option I choose to do at times. Honestly it just depends on how I dress. Conceal carrying doesn't protect t me with a shield either. Oh by common criminal I mean the average criminal.
  9. I do have a permit, but it isn't needed to open carry since technically carrying in the car is concealed. I do have a permit though.
  10. I disagree the owners need the attention they're the attention whites. I mean they name the business, have their names on all those documents its all about the business owner!
  11. I think all business owners are attention whores!
  12. So the welfare class can pay nothing only suck the life out of us rich people? I don't consider myself rich but apparently the libs do.
  13. I don't need to own a business to know that if you don't want your customers to use their right on your property then you should post a sign to notify them. If you don't want them to use their 1st amendment right you should post it. How are you customers supposed to know that you don't want them open carrying per their constitutional right.
  14. Yep, although occasionaly I have a kid on my right side. I usually carry a backup in my left pocket. I usually have a knife or two on me also in case I need to open a box!
  15. Can we ask the "poor" to pay something in taxes? or are the "evil" rich people the only ones we can tax? FAIR TAX or FLAT TAX NOW!!!
  16. I just don't understand your point. You don't want open carry, but you refuse to notify customers with a sign. That makes no sense! Why can't you make your wishes known? Instead you wish to broad side a customer and ask them to leave when they don't even know that you don't want people to open carry. This is bad business!!!
  17. That's fine if a business wants to post NO OC, but post it don't broad side me and ask me to leave. Anounce it to the world that you do not want open carried firearms there. Secondly are you going to allow off duty officers to open carry? How will you know if they are off duty officers?
  18. I open carry in a quality retention holster thumbreak or blackhawk.
  19. But they also post it. If you don't want OC post it. If you plan to ask OC'ers to leave you should be up front and post it. So you would rather make a scene asking an OCer to leave? Asking a customer to leave for any reason could upset all customers.
  20. If I could opt out today, they can keep everything I have paid in so far!
  21. And by doing so you wouldn't receive my business any longer, and I would spread the word to 10 people I know closely. Those 10 people would spread it around to 10 more each. If you don't want OC then post it! Do you have it posted? If not why not? Are you afraid it would deter OC advocates from getting their car washed at your facility when we have other choices?
  22. My head? I know! Actually socialism and communism aren't quite the same, but damn close enough! There also multiple variations of each also.
  23. So true! give me give me give me!
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