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Everything posted by crb

  1. 10. I'm a liberal 9. I'm atheist 8. I never graduated high school 7. I'm an extreme anti gunner 6. I'm racist 5. Proud KKK member 4. I have a library card 3. I can't drive a stick shift 2. I can't count to 10, but can count backwards from 10. 1. I am BEST FRIENDS and blood brothers with EXARCH All LIES, TOTAL BS, COMPLETELY MADE UP, NOT TRUE, FALSE!
  2. of course its a Sig! Do you have the hogue grips? I've got them on mine and love the grips.
  3. Please fill this form out since I have obviously hurt your liberal feelings so frequently!
  4. Congrats! Can you confirm the delivery address for the 3 pallets of pop rocks? The enema kits were out of stock at the distributor. Seriously tho its cool you found a job within your passion and hobby. Thinking about taking a gun smithing course and getting my instructor certifications to follow my passion.
  5. Make a platform over the boat with some lumber.
  6. For $50 at each end you could probably get a wrecker to load/unload it making it easy on you.
  7. Get a couple guys to pick the bike up and put it in the boat.
  8. $6000 is still a lot in my book for a truck with 179k. It would really depend on the condition.
  9. If you get up near me in NEO I'd take it off your hands.
  10. Right wing Christian conservo tea party scare tacitics!
  11. Until you can provide proof zimmerman tried to detain Martin we have to deal with the facts at hand. Your assuming that zimmerman tried to detain Martin. You know what assuming does right? I don't see why you can't stick to the facts. Oh that's right you have already made up your mind and have an agenda. Video evidence that showed zimmermans story to be 100% accurate wouldn't change your mind because you have an agenda! So where do you get the bigger fire extinguishers like are in businesses? I think the garage warrants a bigger extinguisher.
  12. I'm starting to feel unprepared, since I only have one fire extinguisher. I do keep firearms on every level of the house except the basement (four level split). Now I will have to pickup a couple more next time I go to the hardware store. Each room might be excessive, but each level and the garage seems reasonable. Never really thougt about needing more extinguishers. Rep for scruit.
  13. crb

    Sig p229

    Ebay and the Sig forum I have found good inexpensive used accessories.
  14. I opted to buy the defensive models instead the assault models. I don't know my guns, but if I did I'm thinking skittles blaster and maybe paint each bullet in skittles colors. Although I prefer M&M's but they melt in the barrel. Oh and I 2nd what brandon said.
  15. If trayvon wouldn't have been smashing zimmerman's head in, trayvon wouldn't be dead. End of story. Trayvon made a decision to attack someone who could defend them self. Personally I think Magz is in this 100% over race. If the races were reversed I think his opinion would be different. Race shouldn't have played a role in this at all but the race baiters need to keep people seperated into little groups. The is one race the human race. I like how the media has portrayed the 911 operator's conversation. Don't follow him is way different than we don't need you to do that. One is a director order the other isn't hmm. Magz so would have been okay for zimmerman to have used a knife, key, rock, etc. Also Magz if someone is smashing your head into the concrete and your death is imminent are you just going to lay down and die? Or are you going to fight for your life? Natural instinct is to survive! Flame on! I will go back to playing with my num chucks(spelling?) I know I know I'm
  16. Gotta get that Obama money faster! Hell why pay for rapid refunds you obviously don't need the money since you give it to the government interest free for up to a year. With direct deposit you get your refund back pretty quickly, of course that requires a checking or savings account.
  17. If you can see it you can pretty much hit it.
  18. Turbo tax is just as good as H&R, lol! We used turbo tax once or twice, but it screws per diem up. Having a sister who's an accountant and does them for free Just sayin Yea that would be nice. I/we have done our own, but the easier to pay the lady that does ours. We pay to have our taxes prepared out of convenience, but I wouldn't pay $400!
  19. Posted more neg. rep for jrmiii. " " Ha ha beat you to it !!!
  20. $400 to H&R block? DAMN! Hell I don't do my taxes, but I will subcontract out yours for $250. Hell I will pocket the other $150. We pay just a touch over $100 to have ours done and ours is itemized and more complicated. I think you are a moron. The $400 you give to H&R could buy you some gear! Hell why not throw $400 down the toilet and flush? And loan the government $10k a year LOL! You are dumber than a box of rocks!!!
  21. We would get more back if we got divorced how is that right?
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