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Everything posted by crb

  1. I think they bought his used, and he has had it several years.
  2. Brother in law has a polaris 50cc atv, not sure on exact model. It has held up very well.
  3. I just realized I way behind, I haven't kept up with computers for years. When this desktop goes sounds like will have to do a lot of reading and research to get up to speed.
  4. I have a crossbreed, and galco thumb break I use to cc
  5. So kids should never be allowed to touch a gun? You title says "keep your guns out of your kids hands". I agree keep them locked up, but I don't agree with keep them out of your kids hands. I agree with keep them out of kids hands without strict supervision. You guys give kids no credit, NO I don't leave guns out. We told my nephew when he was like 2 or 3 that thr stove was hot, he asked if it would burn him. Did we still watch him and remind him? Yes. But kids cam learn at a young age, or my nephew is super bright which i dont believe. We never leave him unattended either and we don't expect him to be responsibile. I was amazed at how well he remembered things like the stove is hot. Lucky for me all my firearms were lost in a tragic boating accident so I don't have worry.
  6. Sure you can. I taught my nephew not to touch guns at 3. He was very very curious about them and I had to make it very clear. We also drilled it in him not to touch the stove so he didn't get burned. Talking With Your Child About Gun Safety There is no particular age to talk with your child about gun safety. A good time to introduce the subject is the first time he or she shows an interest in firearms, even toy pistols or rifles. Talking openly and honestly about gun safety with your child is usually more effective than just ordering him or her to "Stay out of the gun closet," and leaving it at that. Such statements may just stimulate a child's natural curiosity to investigate further. As with any safety lesson, explaining the rules and answering a child's questions help remove the mystery surrounding guns. Any rules set for your own child should also apply to friends who visit the home. This will help keep your child from being pressured into showing a gun to a friend. http://www.nrahq.org/safety/eddie/infoparents.asp Teaching Grades Pre-K - 1st Depending on the comprehension level of children, some terms may need to be explained. For example, children may not understand what is meant by the phrase, "leave the area." The teacher is encouraged to discuss the concept of "area." It is the room, the house, the playground, the street corner. If the children are not familiar with guns, it may be necessary to explain or show graphically what a gun is. Children may have seen people using guns on television. The teacher is asked to explain that guns on television are toys. People on television shows pretend to be shot and die. It's not real. In real life, in all cases, children must follow the above safety practices when they encounter a firearm. They must understand the potential harm that may occur if these safety practices are not followed. Guns are not toys. http://www.nrahq.org/safety/eddie/whyteach.asp As a matter of fact I just ordered a copy to go over with my nephew.
  7. Keeping guns out of the hands of kids is not the answer. Keeping guns out of their hands without you present and under strict supervision is the answer. I get what you meant by the title, but still. I have taken my nephew shooting once so far. He knows not to touch a gun if he happens to see one. I taught him that early on too. When my nephew starting coming around all the guns got put up where he can't get them. All are behind lock and key!
  8. I have used 10.424 gig on unlimited with 25 days in a 31 day cycle. Wife has used 1.116 in the same 25 days.
  9. crb

    Hit n run

    Damn. Biker should have had pepper spray and a tazer.
  10. crb

    Ammo Deals.

    Just ordered 880 rnds of 762x54r from aim surplus 69.95 per 440 on sale today. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=A76254B&name=Bulgarian++7.62x54R+147grn+FMJ+440rd+Can&groupid=560
  11. should be able to make arrangements with the credit union to have the title available and meet at the credit union would be my opinion.
  12. Wife saw this article yesterday and said her mind immediately went to the walking dead tv show. It's honestly a little disturbing. Will cue k round count and weapon readiness when I get home.
  13. Glad I missed that. I like the spider hole guy.
  14. Some of them Hell yea!
  15. Depends on the model for instance the 250 isn't the same as 229 or a 226. The real metal sigs are the bomb. The Sig pro series (2022 and a couple others) are okay but not on the same level of a 229 or 226. My 225(p6) may become my carry gun it shoots damn nice.
  16. Nope found it in my gallery on my phone, photo info shows 12/16/11 sorry. I've had it for a while, but did have to uploaded it to photobucket. I'm not arguing with you. Seeing how the truth hurts your feelings I gave you a form to fill out to fix the situation. I could give a shit less about you, I get tired of reading your liberal douchbaggery(not a word and I don't care)! Your a liberal troll! End of story. I posted it for laughs, but since your so butthurt you don't find it funny. Actually it was more do others anyway I knew you wouldn't get it. Liberals....... Oh and I didn't threaten, I followed through. You can't drop your liberal trolling to have a decent conversation. I have NO USE for you! You have refused to put aside that we will never see eye to eye on politics, be side you believe in liberalism and I am for liberty and freedom. I will not change my stance. President Obama could offer me 1 million dollars sto vote for him, and I would turn it down! Sorry I am morals, values, and standards unlike most liberals. Now go back to being the "victim" You the "victim" now that's irony right there!
  17. Welcome aboard the crazy train! Next stop looneyville! Woo woo! Your "maid" beat you to it.
  18. Na I'm swapping my Ccw for pepper spray and a tazer.
  19. I have the itch to ride, but won't be home till Monday. Maybe I will try to ride early while its cooler then spend the warmer part of the day in the pool. Of course it will probably take to long finishing opening the pool and I won't get to ride before kids show up. Thank you to all the VETS, past, present, and fallen.
  20. Welcome aboard the crazy train! Next stop looneyville! Woo woo!
  21. It's been a long time since I got my ass whooped! I'm probably way past due. I got my skittles, Arizona tea, and hoodie.
  22. Atfer skool m.eeet u. At. Da. Paly.grund! R.I.g.h.t ofter d.a bell. G.eee.e
  23. Are yoi.cal.li.ng. mE. A..lia...r? Ca..u.s.e ten .iss.fihtin. w.or.d.z!
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